Enneagram (nine personality types)

THE test of the enneagram classifies us into nine personality types (or enneatypes) corresponding to nine fundamental motivations, themselves linked to nine fundamental avoidances. According to its promoters, and unlike other psychological systems, the enneagram does not describe behaviors. On the contrary, it is interested in the underlying motivations that will cause behaviors in individuals. Each enneatype is driven by an avoidance compulsion. In this framework, we seek at all costs, and often unconsciously, to avoid a particular thing.

Even as children, we develop protective mechanisms to adapt to our environment. We repeat the strategy we consider best, until we practically no longer use it, to the detriment of other alternatives. This becomes our way of understanding the world, our personality. Once we reach adulthood, we have difficulty breaking out of this pattern, which limits our development. Becoming aware of our dominant facet allows us to become aware of our strengths and weaknesses, while opening up the field of possibilities.

The Enneagram test consists of 36 questions and takes approximately five minutes to complete.

1.I am a perfectionist.
2.My relationships with others represent my life.
3.I put work first.
4.I dream of being in love.
5.I have trouble showing emotions.
6.The fear of being taken advantage of keeps me from being more confident.
7.I always have to have new experiences.
8.I naturally emerge as a leader.
9.When other people are arguing, I leave the room.
10.I strive for efficiency.
11.I have a hard time saying no.
12.I like to stand out.
13.I like to feel ambiguous emotions.
14.I spend hours alone with my hobbies.
15.I listen to other people's opinions before making a decision.
16.I can have a conversation with anyone about anything.
17.I like a conversation where no one agrees.
18.I keep my thoughts to myself, to avoid trouble.
19.I often have to redo other people's work.
20.I really enjoy helping others achieve their goals.
21.It's good to wake up with a full day of activities planned.
22.I cry easily
23.I spend most of my time trying to figure things out.
24.I comply.
25.I am uninhibited.
26.I want people to tell me the truth, not to spare my feelings.
27.I am very open and flexible.
28.I keep my affairs in order.
29.I put family first.
30.Money is important to my happiness.
31.I join the rebels against the establishment.
32.I like brain challenges.
33.I am loyal.
34.I always try to break the tension with a good joke.
35.I prefer it when leaders are decisive.
36.I avoid confrontation.

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1 thought on “Ennéagramme (neuf types de personnalité)”

  1. Good morning,
    Thank you for the results, I am excited to take personality tests!
    Thank you and good luck!
    Anisa Manescu

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