Free test to determine your Big Five psychological type – OCEAN

Big Five

THE personality test Big Five ci-dessous vous donne une indication de votre type psychologique OCEAN. Il vous positionne parmi 32 grands types de personnalité et vous permet de voir comment vous fonctionnez, ainsi qu'à comprendre et assumer vos choix et préférences. Ce free personality test dure une dizaine de minutes et comporte 48 questions. On utilise le système de notation anglo-saxon SLOAN pour décrire les résultats du test des Big Five :

Social or Reserved (Extroversion dimension)
Limbic or Calm (Neuroticism dimension)
Organized ou Unstructured (dimension Conscienciosité)
Accommodating or Egocentric (Agreeableness dimension)
Non-curious or Inquisitive (Openness dimension)

The test allows you to obtain your five-letter SLOAN code and you can then access the file corresponding to your type. TO TAKE THE TEST CLICK HERE.

25 thoughts on “Test gratuit pour déterminer son type psychologique Big Five – OCEAN”

  1. But I don't understand, I did the test and the result is this:
    Congratulations! You have completed the Big Five test. Your personality profile is: SIAOL

    in the list I don't find SIAOL. Am I an unknown in your definitions of personality then?
    If you have the definition of SIAOL, do not hesitate to send it to my e-mail address.

    1. Hello Miss Barbara:
      You have the definition of each letter of your result: SIAOL (S » social, ..etc)
      1) Social or Reserved (Extraversion dimension)
      2) Limbic or Calm (Neuroticism dimension)
      3) Organized or Unstructured (Conscientiousness dimension)
      4) Accommodating or Egocentric (Agreeableness dimension)
      5) Non-curious or Inquisitive (Openness dimension),

    1. hello, maybe you are ENTP but close to ENFP, for example I go from one to the other, I am always at 49%T and 51%F it depends sometimes (I have done the test several times) so it is nothing serious, maybe in the answers you put in this test they corresponded more to someone who makes decisions with his heart

  2. Everything you say is completely false. I find it really bad!!!! The MBTI test is much better and reads me like an open book

    1. Michel Forever

      The big five is the current scientific reference, the profession although pleasant with its results is not as founded in science

  3. Try SLOAI 😉 The letters are sometimes out of order, I have a friend to whom it happened

  4. Holy cow, there is not a single positive characteristic for RLUAI. Do you want us to shoot ourselves or what?

  5. Interesting.
    I am an Advocate (INFJ) and here RLOAI.
    Thanks for the review. I guess take it with a grain of salt. But still.

    1. Good morning
      The link to take the color test no longer works. I loved your test and wanted to give it to a friend. How can I do it?

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