Take the test: MBTI - Big Five (OCEAN)
Features :
- likes to plan and anticipate
- easily moved to tears or frustrated
- susceptible
- doesn't like the unexpected
- easy to access
- clean, tidy
- nervous, anxious, prone to panic
- may be attracted to religion
- gregarious, likes crowds
- open
- punctual
- perfectionist
- realistic
- narcissistic
- riding the rules
- has little interest in science
- has interest in others
- generous, helpful
- worker
- has little appreciation for theoretical discussions and science fiction
- likes to lead
- traditional
- guided by his emotions
- go all the way
- prefers group activities over solitary ones
- fears making mistakes
Possible careers:
- baby-sitter
- kindergarten teacher
- wedding planner
- childcare worker
- receptionist
- nurse
- secretary
- sports coach
- social worker
- customer service
- director
- public relations
- sports doctor
- Minister of Youth
- office worker
- special educator
- Lifeguard
- athlete
- pediatrician
- dance teacher
- career counselor
- beautician
- stylist
- physiotherapist
Recommended reading for financial independence:
Source: http://similarminds.com/
There is a translation error, it is "not interested in science". We are dealing with a personality with a low openness rate (in the Big 5), so who does not take pleasure in intellectual activities.
Corrected thanks!