The Big Five Psychological Types – OCEAN

test personnalitéTHE personality test Big Five est basé sur les cinq traits de la personnalité empiriquement mis en évidence par Goldberg (1990). On le dénomme aussi modèle OCEAN, chaque lettre désignant un des traits psychologiques :

Openness to experience

Openness to experience distinguishes imaginative and creative people from down-to-earth and conventional people. A person "open" is intellectually curious and appreciates art. She is in touch with her feelings and often has unconventional beliefs. Conversely, a person who is not "open" has rather narrow, common, and realistic interests. They prefer the simple, direct, and obvious to the complex, ambiguous, and subtle. Openness leads to suspicion of the arts and sciences, viewing these activities as abstruse or of no practical use. They prefer familiarity to novelty; they are conservative and hostile to change. Openness has a strong correlation with creativity. An "open" person gives the impression of being intelligent, because they are curious and cultured. However, this dimension is independent of the IQ. A person with a high IQ may have low openness, their expertise being focused on a particular area. Thinking Styles " open " And " farm " Each have their advantages in a certain context: the intellectual aspect of the open person may be beneficial to a teacher, but research has shown that closed thinking corresponds to better professional performance in the police, sales and a number of services.


Conscientiousness describes how well an individual controls, regulates, and directs his or her impulses. Impulses are not inherently bad: occasionally, time constraints demand an immediate decision, and following our first impulse can be an effective response. Casual, impulsive individuals may be perceived as colorful and lively. However, they are criticized for lacking ambition, being unreliable, and failing to respect boundaries. On the contrary, the benefits of a strong conscientious character are clear. Conscientious individuals avoid trouble and achieve great success by identifying and planning their goals and sticking to their course of action. They are also viewed positively by others as intelligent and dependable. On the negative side, they may be compulsive perfectionists and workaholics. Highly conscientious individuals are sometimes viewed as dull and boring.


Extroversion is characterized by intense interactions with the outside world. Extroverts enjoy being with people, are full of energy, and often experience positive emotions. Action-oriented, they tend to be enthusiastic and strongly approve of exciting projects. In groups, they like to talk, assert themselves, and attract attention. Introverts lack the exuberance, energy, and activity level of extroverts. They are rather quiet, self-effacing, and less dependent on social life. Their lack of social engagement should not be interpreted as shyness or depression; the introvert simply needs less stimulation than the extrovert and more time to recharge his batteries.


Agreeableness is reflected in the desire for cooperation and social harmony. Agreeable people value cohesion with others and are considerate, friendly, helpful, generous, and willing to compromise to reconcile their interests with those of others. Agreeable people also have an optimistic view of human nature. They believe that people are fundamentally honest, trustworthy, and "good." Non-agreeable people put their own self-interest before cohesion with others. They are generally vain, unconcerned with the welfare of others, and therefore unwilling to make an effort for them. Sometimes their skepticism about the motives of others makes them suspicious, unfriendly, and uncooperative. Agreeableness is clearly an advantage in becoming and remaining popular. Agreeable people are more easily liked than unagreeable people. On the other hand, agreeableness is not favorable in situations that require tough or absolutely objective decisions. Unpleasant people can make excellent scientists, critics, or soldiers.


Neuroticism, often contrasted with its opposite, emotional stability, refers to a disposition toward negative emotions. People with descriptions that indicate high neuroticism easily experience negative feelings such as anxiety, anger, and depression. These people are emotionally reactive: they become upset by events that do not affect most people, or at least much less. They are more likely to experience ordinary situations as threatening, and minor frustrations as insurmountable. Their negative reactions last longer, to the point that they are often in a bad mood. Their emotions can interfere with their ability to reason, make decisions, and cope with stressful situations. In contrast, low neuroticism refers to calm, emotionally stable people who do not experience persistent negative moods. Few negative feelings do not mean frequent positive emotions; this is a characteristic of extraversion.

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These five dimensions constitute the lowest common denominator to fully describe a person's character, because the traits they designate are independent.

A personality test that gives a whole picture from five factors

Any perceived aspect of a personality is either synonymous/antonymous with one of the 'Big Five', or is actually linked to one or more of these five traits. Consequently, we know a person if we are able to gauge them on each of these five aspects from the personality test. We have an approximate idea of them, without major gaps, a complete but vague image: on any aspect of their professional and personal life, on their relationships with money, work, family, sex, we can form some more or less certain idea because more or less strong probabilities have been measured.

The Big Five personality test and the MBTI have of many analogies, although the first is an empirical model, while the second is a theoretical model.


3 thoughts on “Les types psychologiques Big Five – OCEAN”

  1. Hello, I can't get the test results, it always bothers me.

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