Take the test: MBTI - Big Five (OCEAN)
ISTPs are very good at understanding how things work. They usually have strong powers of reasoning, although they are not interested in theories or concepts unless they can see a practical application to them.
ISTPs have an adventurous spirit. They are drawn to motorcycles, airplanes, skydiving, surfing, etc. They love action and are fiercely independent. Their sense of adventure and desire for action makes ISTPs get bored quite quickly.
ISTPs are loyal to their causes and beliefs, and strongly believe that people should be treated fairly and justly. While they do not abide by the rules of the "system", they do follow their own rules and guidelines. They will not take part in anything that violates their personal laws. ISTPs are extremely loyal and faithful to their "brothers".
ISTPs need time alone to sort things out in their minds. They absorb facts from the outside world and sort them out when they are alone.
ISTPs are practical people. They like to get things done. They are not the type to sit behind a desk all day and plan for the long term. Adaptable and spontaneous, they respond to what comes. They usually have strong technical skills and can be effective technical leaders. They focus on details and practical things.
ISTPs avoid making judgments based on personal values. They believe that decisions should be made impartially, based on facts. They are not naturally attuned to how they affect others. They do not pay attention to their own feelings. Not only do they distrust them, they even try to ignore them because they have difficulty distinguishing between emotional reactions and value judgments. This can be a problem for many ISTPs.
A stressed ISTP may explode with anger or become overwhelmed with emotions that they feel compelled to share with people.
ISTPs are happiest when they are focused on concrete tasks that require detailed analysis and technical skills.
ISTPs are optimistic, good-natured, loyal to their peers, simple in their desires, generous and trusting.
ISTPs are good at many different types of tasks. Their introverted and thinking preferences give them the ability to focus and work on very broad problems. However, to be happy, ISTPs need a great deal of autonomy. Their natural interest lies in applying their excellent reasoning skills to practical matters.
Possible careers |
Police and detectives |
Forensic doctors |
Computer programmers, system analysts |
Engineers |
Carpenters |
Mechanics |
Drivers, motorcyclists |
Athletes |
Entrepreneurs |
ISTPs are generally good at most things that interest them. They are bright, interesting, and exciting. They live almost entirely in the moment and do not commit themselves beyond the immediate future. They like to live day by day. If a relationship they are interested in meets their needs, ISTPs will do their part to keep the relationship strong and healthy.
- Listening
- Self-confident
- Generally upbeat and fun
- Realistic, with practicality
- Does not fear conflict or criticism
- Bounce back quickly when a relationship ends
- Able to punish, even if he is not interested in doing so
- Respect others' needs for space and privacy
Weak points
- Difficulty with long-term commitments
- Difficulty expressing feelings and emotions
- Not listening to what others feel
- Tendency to be too reserved
- Needs a lot of personal space, doesn't like to be invaded
Romantic relationships
ISTPs can be very intense and exciting people. Their preference for Sensing and Perceiving makes them sensual, which often makes them attractive to the opposite sex. ISTPs live entirely in the moment, so they love new sensations and experiences. They hate routine, strict schedules, and orders. They are fiercely independent and need to maintain their own space within a relationship. ISTPs make commitments on a day-to-day basis. Even if they say "yes," it usually means "I'll do it for now." They don't like to make lifelong commitments, but they can be very involved in long-term relationships.
Sexually, ISTPs approach intimacy as a physical act rather than an expression of love and affection. They are sensual beings who experience sex with their five senses. They bring spontaneity, creativity, and enthusiasm into the bedroom and enjoy experiencing new things. Since aesthetic beauty is important to them, they appreciate artifice, such as lingerie, perfume, decor, etc.
ISTPs tend to hold back their views. They enjoy listening to others' opinions, but they don't express their opinions. They avoid answering questions by asking more questions. This can become frustrating for others. ISTPs' decision-making process is entirely internal, so they don't really feel the need to share their ideas with others. When they are interacting with others, they are in "information gathering" mode, so they tend to ask questions rather than share their views. ISTPs don't feel the need to fully expose themselves to others.
When it comes to intimate relationships, ISTPs become even more protective. Most ISTPs are afraid of having to face their deepest feelings. ISTPs are usually very vulnerable when it comes to their feelings. They build a protective wall around their hearts.
Even though they don't expose their emotions, ISTPs often have intense feelings for people. They may feel overwhelming love for their partner, but express it poorly or infrequently. Unlike many other personality types, ISTPs can feel very in love with their partner one day and completely disinterested the next. Their approach to living in the moment is difficult for others to understand. For most ISTPs, committing to a long-term intimate relationship means stepping outside of their comfort zone. However, those who do so will find that they can enjoy the benefits of a strong, committed relationship while still living their lives in the present.
The ISTP's natural partner is theESTJ, or to a lesser extent theENTJ.
As parents
ISTPs are laid-back, flexible, and like to take things as they come. Their aversion to any form of control extends to their children as well. They give them plenty of leeway and space for their individual development. However, when discipline is necessary, the ISTP will be able to punish without much difficulty.
ISTP parents are likely to maintain a distance from their children. They do not feel a strong need to pass on their values to their children, or to influence their decisions in life. They rely on their spouse to create a structured environment for their children. ISTPs are relatively unaffected by the day-to-day events of family life.
ISTPs enjoy spending time with their children doing outdoor activities, such as fishing, boating, hunting, etc. It is during these private moments that ISTPs have the opportunity to get to know their children's perspectives.
As friends
ISTPs have an enthusiastic, almost childlike approach to life that makes them endearing. They are laid-back and open-minded. These attributes make them valuable friends and confidants. Their friends share their love of physical and/or outdoor activities, such as skiing, swimming, etc. They generally have no interest or patience with people who do not share their interests. They have a hard time understanding intuitives and are not likely to spend time with them unless they have a common interest or hobby. They enjoy spending time with extroverts, for their enthusiasm and talkative nature, but they eventually grow tired of them.
Financial independence
Very factual, action-oriented and anchored in the present moment, financial independence is not the primary concern of ISTPs. However, their highly independent nature could push them towards it if they need more time for themselves and their activities. Rational, they can also have the composure necessary to invest in the stock market, even if all this virtual money is a little too abstract for their taste. An approach based on dividends, with regular and very concrete cash inflows could suit them very well.
If this is your case, I recommend you read these articles:
- Everything you need to know to become an early retiree
- Tutorial
- The various dividend growth strategies
I have also selected for you here some reference books on financial independence, the stock market and dividends. You can also exchange with other members on the forum. Finally, if you want to keep up to date on the topic of financial independence, sign up for free at the dividendes.ch newsletter (with E-Book "The magic number as a bonus).
Kind Big Five - OCEAN the closest: RCUEN, RLUEN
Source : http://www.personalitypage.com
This is fabulously right! Crazy! And it feels good to see yourself in the mirror again…Thank you!
Now to the others!
Too true!!! Great test… Just that I am very intuitive too Lol 😉
I know who I am now. No more hiding my nature, no more pretending to be an idiot. I'm an ISTP and I'm going to wreak havoc. Like her. For her.
Go ahead Margaux! You're going to tear it up, show the others who you are! Team ISTP in force!
It is to see oneself in a mirror, my dear friends, to understand myself.
Oii Zachary go ahead, fight!!!!
wow, that's impressive... the way of describing the personality is fabulous, we really feel concerned...
I don't know if it's intended to please readers but I feel that it's very positive...
or maybe it's just because nature gives us everything we need to succeed, it's just that we have to do things right to succeed...
I don't know if I was clear 😉 anyway thanks to the webmaster... great site
thank you to you
I am Mecanicieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🙂
Indeed, the professions are perhaps not all fair, personally I like economics and that we do not express our opinions, I do not agree, I love being right and debating on economics or politics and I am extremely shy towards people I do not know.
Great Hicham
There are one or two points that don't suit me, like the jobs.
but I feel good in it.
Thank you to everyone who thought of writing these pages.
100% me…Great analysis
Not bad at all overall, but the contradictions are obvious and reveal errors that are too often repeated.
Best alleged partner: ESTJ and ENTJ
I quote: "They enjoy spending time with extroverts, for the enthusiasm and their talkative nature, but they eventually get bored."
It's an understatement...
The ISTP is the complete opposite of these two types. The ESTJ is known for his intolerance, his demands, his obsession with planning and his lack of empathy. This is the worst type for the ISTP who will be drawn to it like a night bug to a light bulb. Only to end up burned.
And then gender is never taken into account. A male ISTP does not have an ideal partner similar to the female ISTP.
(… financial independence is not the primary concern of ISTPs…)
Sometimes yes, not for wealth but precisely to be free.
In fact, a beautiful and credible analysis.
I just took the test hey well that's exactly me I'm an electronics technician.
Merci pour cet article détaillé sur l’ISTP ! J’apprécie particulièrement la façon dont vous associez les traits de personnalité aux aptitudes mécaniques. Cela m’a aidé à mieux comprendre le profil ISTP dans le contexte des carrières techniques. Hâte de lire plus sur d’autres types de personnalité !
Merci pour cet article fascinant sur l’ISTP ! J’apprécie la façon dont vous avez exploré les traits caractéristiques des mécaniciens. Cela m’a aidé à mieux comprendre cette personnalité. Hâte de lire plus de contenu sur les types de personnalité !
J’ai trouvé cet article sur les ISTP fascinant, surtout en ce qui concerne leur approche pragmatique et technique en tant que mécaniciens. Cela résonne tellement avec certaines de mes propres expériences ! Merci pour ces insights !