INTJ – The Scientist

Take the test: MBTI - Big Five (OCEAN)

Portrait of an INTJ

The INTJ lives in a world of ideas and strategic planning. He values intelligence, knowledge, and competence. He usually has high standards, which he constantly strives to meet. To a lesser extent, he has similar expectations of others.

INTJs focus their energy on observing the world and generating ideas and opportunities. Their minds are constantly gathering information and associating it. They are very quick to grasp new ideas in general. Their primary interest is not in understanding a concept, but rather in applying it in a useful way. Unlike the INTP, they don't follow an idea as far as possible. They like to draw conclusions from it and put them into action, which meets their need to organize.

A scientist's soul

INTJs' systemic and organizational approach, combined with their natural insight, makes them excellent scientists. INTJ scientists put their ideas into a form that is useful to others. It is not easy for INTJs to express their internal images, ideas, and abstractions. They are highly individualized and difficult to translate into a form that is understandable to others. However, INTJs are trained to translate their ideas into a plan or system that is easily explained. They generally do not see the need for a direct transaction, and will also have difficulty expressing their ideas. However, their extreme respect for knowledge and intelligence will motivate them to explain them to those who deserve it.

Natural leaders

INTJs are natural leaders, though they usually choose to stay in the background until they see a real need to take the lead. When in leadership roles, they are very effective, as they are able to objectively see the reality of a situation, and are adaptable enough to change things that aren't working well. They are the ultimate strategists: they are constantly reviewing available ideas and concepts and weighing them against the current strategy, in order to plan for every possible contingency.

INTJs spend a lot of time on their own ideas and may have little interest in the thoughts or feelings of others.

INTJs are quick to express judgments. They often have highly developed intuitions, and are convinced that they are right. Unless they supplement their intuitive understanding by expressing their views, they can often find themselves misunderstood. In these cases, INTJs tend to blame misunderstandings on the other party's limitations, rather than their own difficulty expressing themselves. This tendency can lead them to dismiss others too quickly and become arrogant and elitist.

Organization and planning

INTJs are ambitious and long-term thinkers. Many end up in engineering or scientific research. Some also find challenges in the corporate world, in fields that involve organization and strategic planning. They dislike disorder and inefficiency, and anything that is confusing or unclear. They value clarity and efficiency, and will put enormous amounts of energy and time into consolidating their information into structured models.

Not very demonstrative

INTJs may have a hard time making themselves understood by others, who may view them as reserved. This is because INTJs are not overly demonstrative and are unlikely to give praise or positive support. This does not mean that they do not have affection or consideration for others, they simply do not feel the need to express it. Others may falsely perceive INTJs as rigid and set in their ways. Nothing could be further from the truth, because INTJs are committed to always finding the best strategy to implement their ideas. INTJs are generally quite open to hearing another way of doing something.

Under stress, INTJs can become obsessed with mindless repetitive sensory activities, such as drinking too much. They also tend to become absorbed in details they would normally ignore.

INTJs need to express themselves enough, in order to avoid misunderstandings. If they do not develop their communication skills properly, they can become abrupt with people and isolate themselves.

Accomplishing great things

INTJs have a tremendous capacity to accomplish great things. They see things in perspective and are driven to synthesize their concepts into solid action plans. Their reasoning abilities give them the means to accomplish their plans. INTJs are almost always very capable people, and will have no problem achieving their career or educational goals. They have the capacity to make great strides in these areas. On a personal level, the INTJ who practices tolerance and makes an effort to communicate his ideas effectively has everything in his power to lead a rich and rewarding life.

Career of an INTJ

More than any other personality type, INTJs are brilliant at grasping complex theories, applying them to problems, or shaping long-term strategies. INTJs are happy and successful in careers that foster an environment in which they have a lot of autonomy.

Possible careers
   Professors and teachers
   Doctors / Dentists
   Business Strategists and Organization
   Administrators / Managers
   Military leaders
   Programmers or systems analysts


INTJs are constantly trying to improve the overall quality of their lives and relationships. They take their commitments seriously, but are open to changes if they see a potential improvement in their daily lives. INTJs can sometimes be a bit insensitive to the emotional needs of others. However, they always strive to do their best and improve. If they apply these core goals to their personal relationships, they are likely to enjoy healthy and happy relationships with their family and friends.

Strengths of an INTJ

  • Not disturbed by conflict or criticism
  • Confident
  • Takes relationships and commitments seriously
  • Intelligent and capable
  • Able to end a relationship that is going badly
  • Seeking to “optimize” relationships
  • Listening

Weaknesses of an INTJ

  • Not always in harmony with the feelings of others
  • May tend to respond to conflict with logic and reason, rather than emotional support
  • Difficulty expressing feelings
  • Tendency to believe he is always right
  • Tendency not to accept criticism
  • His constant quest for improvement can challenge his relationships

Romantic relationships

INTJs are constantly scanning their environment for new ideas to build plans around. Sometimes what they see and understand intuitively is more pure and "perfect" than the reality of an intimate relationship. INTJs may have a problem reconciling reality with their imagination.

INTJs are not particularly in tune with their feelings or those of others. They also tend to believe that they are always right. While their self-confidence is attractive, their lack of sensitivity to others can be a problem. They should be more attentive to the effect their words have on others. In conflict situations, INTJs should pay attention to their partner's emotional needs, rather than treating the conflict as if it were an interesting idea to analyze.

Sexual Intimacy in an INTJ

INTJs seek to perfect their sexual intimacy, both in creativity and intensity. They may often think of sex and approach it more from a cerebral perspective than as an opportunity to express love and affection. INTJs who have learned the importance of these expressions to the health of their relationship are likely to be more affectionate, however.

INTJs are intelligent people who are intensely passionate about what they undertake. In terms of relationships, their greatest flaw is that they think about things rather than do them and their difficulty in reconciling reality with their inner visions. INTJs nevertheless have every chance of experiencing healthy and positive relationships, because they do not hesitate to end those that do not work.

The INTJ's natural partner is theENFP or theENTP.

As parents

The main goal of INTJs is to raise their children to be intelligent, self-reliant, and independent. They want their children to think for themselves and make their own decisions, so they are likely to give them room to grow.

INTJs are not the type to show much support or love to their children. Since their own need for affection is relatively low, they may have a hard time feeling this need from their children, which can create a distance between them. To address this, INTJs should consciously take care of the emotional needs of others.

As friends

INTJs are generally difficult to get to know and approach well. Although INTJs are generally very serious, they can also be wild and fun-loving. They can also exhibit a sarcastic wit. INTJs especially enjoy spending time with other intuitive thinkers who enjoy speculating on ideas.

Many INTJs believe that they are always right. Some people may have a hard time accepting what they see as a "superiority attitude" or "snobbery." This doesn't mean that INTJs are snobbish, it's just that some people with strong Feeling preferences may perceive them that way. And some people simply have no interest in the theoretical activities of INTJs.

Dominant function: Ni - Introverted iNtuition

They are visionaries par excellence, seers and dreamers. They are embarked on explorations of the inner world and the possibilities of inner transformation.

The Introverted iNtuition type is not interested in what is, but in what could be, not with the outer possibilities, but with the inner ones. He may have a special love of books, because books allow his mind to wander while he is comfortably curled up at home. One intuition triggers another and he ends up exhausted without ever having moved.

He is not comfortable in social events and the larger the group, the more awkward he is. The INTJ blossoms and comes alive when there is just one other person to talk to; he is unnerved by crowds and is especially bad when he has to make small talk. He does not make a good first impression because all the action takes place indoors and he needs a special atmosphere to bring it out.

Calm and solitude

The INTJ likes quiet and solitude, not in the way society thinks of sickly introverts, but simply because he needs peace and quiet to embark on his inner journeys. It is not enough for him to just have an idea, he must develop it and see if it can mature into a deeper version of the original concept, or if a new source of intuition will open up to him.

Time is of the utmost importance to him. He would rather eat chips in a council estate than go to fancy restaurants and have a grand house as long as the former means time for his own interests and the latter requires a full-time job doing what someone else wants him to do.

They are the most poorly adapted of all types to the real physical world. The Achilles heel of Introverted iNtuitives is Extraverted Sensing. While it may be neglected or repressed by INTJs, it may seek attention and receive its due through devious channels. The INTJ may then become prone to obsessions, compulsions or deprivation of food, alcohol, sex or any other external element that appeals to the senses.

Financial Independence for an INTJ

Logical, independent, demanding, original, goal-oriented, determined and thinking in the long term, the INTJ has all the qualities necessary not only to invest in the stock market, but also to embark on the long road to financial independence.

Jacob Lund Fisker, author of Early Retirement Extreme, describes himself as an INTJ. Introverted, abstract, logical and without a soul. Here is what Jakob tells us:

"I have no problem being alone for long periods of time. In fact, I always wonder why solitary confinement in prison is considered a punishment. I think it's harder to cope with eating in the cafeteria or a surprise birthday party (...). I've lived in a dorm with 18 other people. I've lived in a big house and a big apartment. I know from experience that extra space doesn't mean extra happiness, just extra expense (...). I have no problem entertaining myself for long periods of time (...). Even after I quit my job, I don't have enough time to do all the things I want to do."

Andy Dufresne, a fictional character who escapes from Shawshank, is also an INTJ. In many ways his quest is similar to that of financial independence.

Dimensions of an INTJ's MBTI

Voyons ce qu'apportent les quatres dimensions INTJ du MBTI regarding investment and financial independence:

  • I – Introversion, preferred to extroversion: INTJs are generally discreet and reserved. They can go on long inner journeys, without the need to resort to the artifices of consumer society. They do not get bored when they have "nothing" to do, quite the contrary, they need time for themselves and lose energy during their social relationships. The world of work is most of the time unfavorable to INTJs because of the multiple interactions it creates. An INTJ therefore prefers to spend time managing his investments and planning how he will withdraw from the professional world. Introversion brings the autonomy necessary for the future INTJ rentier.
  • N – iNtuition, preferred to sensation: INTJs are more abstract than concrete. They focus their attention on future possibilities rather than immediate realities. This characteristic allows them to make long-term plans, while freeing themselves from the daily hassles of their work. This orientation on the future helps them to invest patiently in the stock market, without expecting immediate results.
  • T – Thinking, preferred to feeling: when INTJs make a decision, they give greater importance to logic than to passionate considerations. INTJs are therefore less likely to be guided by their feelings, very bad advisors when it comes to investing in the stock market. They know how to take risks in a calculated manner. Moreover, not relying on social considerations makes INTJs particularly independent-minded, a fundamental criterion for a future rentier.
  • J – Judgment, preferred to perception: INTJs plan their activities and tend to predict the probabilities of a future situation. When they make a decision and set a goal, it becomes a moral obligation for them to achieve the goal. INTJs do not give up, they go all the way to the end. This is what allows them not to deviate from the long and difficult path to financial independence.

Future rentiers

INTJs and INTPs are vastly overrepresented among the community of investors seeking financial independence. Almost half are INTJs (while they only represent 2% in the population) and almost a quarter are INTPs (3% in the population). These two types therefore represent 3/4 of (future) rentiers, while they are only 5% in the population. Something to think about...

Are they the only ones who have the skills to succeed in this particular quest or is it rather their extraordinary personality that pushes them to free themselves from work and consumer society? Certainly a bit of both... In any case, if you are an INTJ, you are predestined to financial independence. I really advise you to read these articles:

I have also selected for you here some reference books on financial independence, the stock market and dividends. You can also exchange with other members on the forum. Finally, if you want to keep up to date on the topic of financial independence, sign up for free at the newsletter (with E-Book "The magic number as a bonus).

 Kind Big Five - OCEAN the closest: RCOEIRLOEI

Source :

40 thoughts on “INTJ – Le scientifique”

  1. I am a 13 year old teenager and people think I am abnormal because I am independent and very serious, my friends think I get too angry and a bit funny. Boys think I am great, I have talents in science and French, my teacher tells me I am a new genius. I am too reserved.
    I am an intj.

    1. blank

      For French skills, you will have to come back to it, my dear Dana…
      It's quite incredible to see the amount of mistakes a 13-year-old is capable of distilling into 3 lines.

      1. blank

        Mike, I don't know how old you are, but remember that you are talking to a teenager, who is by definition uncomfortable in her own skin, so I urge you to be more tactful.

      2. blank

        On spelling, the blame is shared. Today's school is useless, presumptuous and even harmful to the intellectual development of children/teenagers. It deliberately lowers the general level so that the catastrophe is minimized, or even transformed into its opposite (88 % of baccalaureate passes in 2016!!!!). But it also cuts off the heads that stick out. In short, the school is guilty, but the students also have their share of responsibility, because nothing prevents them from educating themselves on their own. I come from a very disadvantaged background, I grew up in the northern districts of Marseille and my parents watched TV all day, which did not prevent me from wanting to get out of it, to read, to draw, to listen to classical music... in short, to do everything I liked, even if my environment, my school, my society had decided otherwise well before I was born. It is a question of thinking a little about all this before calling yourself a "victim". Everyone is responsible for themselves. Currently, I am 39 years old, I am an occasional night watchman, I earn between 0 and 500 € per month and I am doing a thesis in anthropology in one of the most prestigious schools in Paris. So what? No one has ever come to complain to me or make my path easier. The French need to rediscover a sense of responsibility, work and the path of creativity and initiative. Enough of mediocrity!!!
        Long live INTJs!

  2. blank

    INTJ with this test, INTP with other versions of the MBTI. Well, you see, I am a painter and a woman. Which shows that the clichés about one and the other are just… clichés.

    The funniest thing is that, as women and/or artists, the people we talk to address us as if we were brainless people incapable of intellectual rigor.

  3. blank

    This test is the fairest I know, yet I have taken many. Maybe I am a caricature of my profile… Still, most of the time, I do not fit into categories in such a pronounced way. Everything is there, from my interest in philosophy, then in business management to my interest in the stock market.

  4. blank

    Painter, realistic designer, musicologist, composer, singing teacher, web programmer, teacher of mathematics and microeconomics, certified hypnotherapist… the list is relatively long regarding my remunerative activities… not to mention my non-remunerative activities (Piano, Foreign Languages, Hip Hop…)…

    My 24-year-old mind was showing through my chaotic organization, some time ago, a frequent psychological wandering. At that precise moment the results indicated alternately INTP and INFP.
    Now my world is much better controlled, and this test proves it: INTJ…(or even INFJ)
    It's not my favorite type, but this test is a mirror of my evolution, but also a testimony that nothing is determined or fixed.

    Best regards.


    1. blank

      Your income generating activities and your passions are interesting, I suddenly feel less alone in this world since I have more or less the same abundance of interests as you that I don't find in other people (piano, opera, classical music, web development, psychology, painting, drawing, literature, biology, chemistry, marketing, management, etc.)

      This open-mindedness and curiosity is both a blessing and a curse: almost everything interests me, but I only have one life to become an expert in a field. If I had eternity to learn everything, I would already be more at peace with my constant desire for discovery and professional change of direction...

      1. blank

        Same and never anyone to share my interests either. The desert… I also like opera, and I sing contralto, I draw (portrait), I garden, I write a thesis, I work in a luxury boutique, I read a lot. In short, absolute solitude. This world is an exile.

  5. blank

    As a grounded INTJ, I'm afraid that if I describe exactly what I think about my surroundings and the world in general, people will think I'm crazy or that I will hurt my loved ones by the scope of my words which are certainly reasonable but "hard" on society.
    So I feel bad because I compromise a lot, show a lot of tolerance. ….. I'm playing a comedy ^^
    Sad personality.

  6. blank

    Apart from a few points, I'm right in the middle of it aha, besides I've always dreamed of becoming an astrophysicist and I have a knack for math, physics and all sciences in general.

    1. blank

      I think that Astrophysics is the most "versatile" Science... It would satisfy any Scientific mind... Do not be afraid to go back to the BASICS in Math, Physics, Chemistry and Biology... Go back to the Secondary School courses, year by year... Assimilate at your own pace, and you will be able to realize your dream 🙂
      You must know this as an INTJ: "nothing is impossible" 😉

      1. blank

        oops, sorry! I misread… I read “difficulties” and not “facilities”… I can only wish you good luck then 😉

  7. blank

    Yes, that's exactly me... from the beginning to the end of this article. Very bad at socializing and misunderstood by my peers, a certain tendency to lock myself in my bubble and dream of parallel worlds where billions of other solutions to the various questions I ask myself would shine, multiple interests (reading, writing, drawing, biology, astrophysics, music, history, computers, etc.), a certain tendency to believe that my reason is unshakeable...

    But I am proud to be an INTJ, the rarest personality, and to be a young woman!

    1. blank

      "A certain tendency to believe that my reason is unshakeable" is surely one of the characteristics of INTJs ^^. I "suspect" my brother of being one and he is a bit like that but it does not go without these qualities and his intelligence as well as a certain rigor that certain intellectual types can have difficulty having; I know what I say I am INTP and my mind tends to go in all directions like a bouncing ball charged with energy. I think that the INTJ can be very structuring for other close types looking for similar things. Have a good day ^^ !!

  8. blank

    Hello, I took the test. It came out that I was an INTJ. I was very surprised because I am not at all interested in math. Besides, I am bad at math and science. The world of finance, not for me. On the other hand, I like languages and literature. My friends read my emotions like an open book. I am a very expressive person. I love speaking in public. My question: what happened? I have a hard time recognizing myself in this description.

    1. blank

      Sometimes the introversion and thinking traits are present but not very pronounced. It may also be that you have managed to develop skills to overcome your introversion and thinking mode.
      It is possible if they are not too marked.

    2. blank

      Hi Melanie,

      Same as you. Except that my teachers at school confused several dimensions and fields. They made me a "math bum", then decreed that I was "not logical". Basically, you can establish a chain of causality between the two propositions. I am "math bum" therefore "illogical", therefore "literary", fanciful, dreamy, utopian... In short, I was left to fend for myself the fields considered not to be serious. But... problem. Personally, if I have made languages and literature my lifelines since CE1, I have always had the soul of a scientific investigator. But the belief in my "illogic" has long prevented me from detaching these two assertions: "logic" and "numerical intelligence". Today, at almost 40 years old, I have decided to throw away these clichés and limiting beliefs. I am writing a PhD thesis in Social Sciences at a prestigious School. Which just goes to show that logic doesn't care about numbers. It's more of a way of thinking upstream.
      In short, you can also express yourself scientifically in your favorite fields, whether literary or oral. All that matters is your intellectual approach when you approach these questions. Scientificity is not a matter of field, but of approach.


  9. blank

    I need help.
    What do you do when a given situation goes against our lymphatic system.

    Let me explain…

    Reason always fights against my emotions.

    My knowledge gives me an advantage in anticipation.

    (Me, my brain, my mind, my reason, my conscience) always makes me see the logical choices first.

    How to deal with love life or professional life, if in general everything is disorganized and even chaotic an extreme vision.

  10. blank

    Well good evening

    Being 16 years old, I ask myself questions about myself and my personality, which, in my opinion, is not very understandable, let me explain.

    Not being very stupid, I always succeeded in my studies without doing anything (which posed a problem for my parents who thought I was cheating, never seeing me revise or other things). Having participated in IQ tests on the internet, I realized that I had an IQ above average (without being pretentious) but I do not trust tests on the net. Having an uncertainty of my abilities I avoid approaching the subject of the IQ test with a psychologist to my parents, which could cost money and then if I realize that I am not what people think [gifted (even if I do not like this term)] it could lower me in my esteem and that of others, anyway. According to this test I would be an INTJ, after reading more closely the description of this type of person, I completely saw myself in this description as being someone who thinks a lot and tries to analyze things (to the point of not sleeping at night) and who is very solitary.

    As I said earlier, I am not sure of my abilities despite some facts that may say otherwise, being in 2scd, and the approach of exams and my assignment in a sector, I do not know what I want to do, which disturbs me and preoccupies my mind for some time and prevents me from sleeping at night.

    So I come to ask you for advice appropriate to my situation, on what I should do (work to pass these tests and be sure of my future or as usual go to the tests with talent and memory and not be sure of succeeding.) and to clarify my ideas which can be very worrying... I know this may be very obvious to some but not to me, hoping that someone more or less like me (who lived their youth like mine) can answer me.

    Thanks for reading.

    1. blank

      Hi Enzo. I don't think this will reassure you, but I'm almost 30 years older than you, I'm also an INTJ, and I still haven't found a job that I like. That's why I founded this site and set out on the path to financial independence. Thanks to this, in a few years, I won't have to work anymore. It's not that I'm lazy, quite the contrary, I do a thousand and one things, but I don't get any pleasure from a salaried activity.
      In short, the only valid advice I can give you is to go for a job that limits the damage for you, such as research, IT, financial analysis (see the list of jobs described above in the post), and start planning your alternative future now (you should be strong enough for that ;-)).

  11. blank

    Really thank you for your answer, despite the age of the post you always answer 😀 I will make sure to plan my future more or less in terms of studies etc. If you have any advice to give me regarding the IQ test question, I am available, in your opinion, should I do it? or rely on several tests on the Net.

    PS: I am open to other advice on my topic.

    Thanks again.

    1. blank

      What good would that do you? Telling you that you're over 100? You already know that... And that's not what's going to influence your choices, but rather your personality.

  12. blank

    I was like you Enzo in high school. Even during my DUT.
    My parents told me to work harder, even though I was successful without doing much.

    By analyzing myself (yes, I went too far), I was able to see that I had been slacking off for quite some time.
    To tell the truth, it was in the first year that I discovered literature, went from having an average of 5 all year, to finishing my baccalaureate with a 12.
    The teacher told me that I had a good sense of analysis, but that the syntax was not there.

    Otherwise to talk a little about me:
    I am currently in engineering school, I like observing the world, reading Emile Zola, listening to Dubessy, going far away in my thoughts at night in my bed, and being independent.
    But also to know all the things of this world.

    I asked myself a lot of questions about myself, to know if I was above, or just that this world was "Stupid".
    I did IQ tests (because I will soon do a psychotechnical test to become a reservist). I was able to observe that without forcing, I was above 120.
    So now I have my answer, this comes from me.
    Sorry if I make mistakes, and I'm crude, but I woke up 3 years ago.

    I would say that this personality describes the term “Bushi” of “Bushido” (The Way of the Warrior).
    Finally I am happy to see that we do not know where to put ourselves in this world.

    I took several MBTI tests, and the only one that matched me was ISTJ.
    But over the past 6 months, I've been able to see that INTJ is the best fit for me.

    otherwise thank you.
    I would just say one thing:
    You have to know how to cultivate your garden.

  13. blank

    Good morning or rather good evening,
    Just like others, I ask myself the question of who I am. That's why I took the test.
    The result of the test is, for me, weird on two points, INTJs are supposed to be sure of themselves and know how to organize their future, however, in my case I am always hesitant when I have to make decisions (it took me a good ten minutes before deciding to post this comment) especially when it comes to choosing my field and imagining my studies. Is it possible that there was an error during the test or is it due to my inexperience (I am 15 years old)? In addition, being an INTJ means, and it is true, being introverted, not opening up easily, does that mean that there is a risk of ending up as hermits spending their time thinking and being unable to socialize "normally" (my parents are starting to forbid me from reading to force me to: "participate in real life", as they say) or am I completely delusional?
    Thank you for your response, it will clear up some of the many questions I have.
    Another thing is that you too, as a teenager, had the label "annoying answer box that we turn to when there is a problem" and tell me that it passes please!

    1. blank

      I think that age will help you gain confidence and socialize. Personally, it did. On the other hand, my brain is always in permanent overdrive!

  14. blank

    Maybe you are INTP INTPs doubt a lot. Jerome is right socializing can be more complicated for most types for an INTJ (or an INTP) it comes mostly and with more work than for other types, I think

  15. blank
    Albert Scribble

    Hello Enzo,

    The IQ test has a use. It doesn't just give an IQ score, it evaluates the homogeneity of your intellect on 4 aspects. So yes, the advisors are not the ones paying and your parents will be out of pocket. But take the WAIS IV questionnaire. I have an average IQ of 130 but a peak at the linguistic level and deficiencies in memory. I am therefore obliged to make compensations which are costly in performance and energy.
    I am 40 years old as I write this and I am going to a shrink to get the wolf out of me. Now you will be briefed: a high IQ does not mean that we are superior to others. In fact, we see the world with a broader spectrum and therefore need more elements to understand it. It does not make life easier. Maybe more exciting for INTJs.
    The result of this test will allow your practitioner to tell you the type of reasoning you have (causal, tree-like) and he will give you possible advice to better assimilate your lessons. He will also put words on relational difficulties that you may have encountered… if you are in this category. Cognitive sciences have made a huge leap forward in recent years; it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. The goal is to live without torment and to adapt easily to a changing reality.
    For my part, I only have a bac +2 and I am unemployed (that's to break away a little from all the geniuses above ;-)). I took this test because I don't know what to do as a job. I am dejected by the phenomena of dissonance in business and terribly frustrated not to find a position whose only priority is customer satisfaction: the answer to a real problem. I lost fabulous colleagues when I was fired and I am afraid of finding myself surrounded again by intellectual mediocrity and professional aristocracy. I will end up finding myself 🙂
    I need to find the other test that gives us a type as a number…

    In any case, good luck to you Enzo, and don't give up.

  16. blank

    Hello everyone!

    First of all I am currently 48 years old, I took a test yesterday on which classified me as INTJ and I just did the one proposed here which classifies me as INFJ. (I admit that I sometimes have difficulty with certain questions which would deserve to be more detailed, and this is true regardless of the test).
    I did other tests last year – completely conclusive, by the way, with very high scores – to see if I was not an Asperger's type autistic, because following a documentary that I had seen, it seemed to finally shed light on my whole journey – rather chaotic! – up to this day (and to tell you the truth I cried hot tears), and I am waiting for a diagnosis (the CRA in Brest is two years behind in terms of the time limits for being able to get a diagnosis).
    I have never taken an IQ test, but my older sister, who is 8 years older than me, gives me a very high IQ (and yet she is not far behind): until the end of primary school, I do not remember having made the slightest effort to rank at the top of the class. Afterwards, let's say that things went wrong, but not because of my abilities, but rather because of pre-puberty and puberty...

    Childhood, adolescence, youth, are a problem for everyone I think, so many challenges to overcome, adversity sometimes, a difficulty in simply being and it is normal because we are then beings in the making. My youth, and my whole life still now, has been complicated, and even more complicated because of bad practices… and to tell you the truth, even at 48 years old, I am not necessarily completely out of the woods yet, even if of course I hope that things will continue to fall into place, I will tell you more about this later. But yes, time is on our side, the long term is our friend, even if one day of course we will have to move to the other side. I want to say to the young people who come here looking for answers: time is your friend, do not let yourself be destabilized by this or that, have confidence in your abilities which are proven and are not there for nothing: hold on to your potential and your dreams, do not let yourself be influenced by negative people around you, build your lives, hang on tight and you will move forward, you will see! Avoid drug and alcohol abuse, go to bed at reasonable times if it is in your nature, eat well, and take care of yourself as much as possible, you will see it will work better for you than it worked for me.
    But you will see that I am not entirely complaining, and I hope to surprise you a little with the rest of my remarks.

    So today I am 48 years old, I am the father of a little girl of 3 years full of promise, my partner is 14 years younger than me, it is nice to have a young wife you know, and in terms of work I have not yet managed to escape from employment - something I am thinking about more and more strongly, even if it will not be through the stock market but through my literary and artistic side. I have not yet managed to escape from employment therefore, but I have pretty much always managed to get the jobs I wanted: it is even more true today, and there we can really talk about the magic of life! I have a difficult job as a Truck Driver, but I get the positions, the training that I want, and better still, periods at home (hi hi 🙂 I am not going to go into details but you can believe me. Young wife, child, house that we have just bought, exactly everything I wanted!
    So what is my miracle recipe? No, but do you think I'm trying to sell you something? No, no 🙂 I'm just trying to share with you a personal system, a belief in the best of oneself that should produce results over time.

    INTJs are visionaries it is said, so believe in yourself, believe in your vision of the best for yourself and others, and you will have the best for yourself and we will be able to offer the world a better world than the one that is constantly being prepared for us.
    We are not alone in the world, we are not alone in the universe I can assure you, let's not stay alone in our corner, that's the only motivation for this post, take care of yourselves, let's carry the world 🙂

  17. blank

    A written MBTI test is not 100% reliable. What is reliable are physical tests based on motor preferences e.g. Action-types.

  18. blank

    Your message is disturbing to me because I could have written it. Acting out on a daily basis so as not to shock and hurt everyone around me. I'm going through the same thing as you. And I sometimes feel very alone for not being like everyone else.

  19. blank

    Already detected as INTJ and gifted (pleonasm) in the womb of my trader mother, to whom I gave a little kick when I smelled a nugget. Since then I came out of her womb almost like an alien but a rentier alien and this from birth!

  20. blank

    INTJ and studying engineering, I always liked science and preferred rational reasoning to frivolity. The test worked pretty well for me.

  21. blank
    Nicolas Caffin

    And here we go again with French stupidity, always looking at the form rather than the substance of the words...
    No matter the mistakes, no one is forcing anyone to read!
    For me what matters is the idea, sometimes poorly transmitted it is nevertheless the essential part of a text!!!
    Dwelling on mistakes also shows a lack of interest in the person who is by nature imperfect and a feeling of inferiority, people who have confidence in themselves dare to go beyond words, into the pure idea. Those who dwell on mistakes lack intellectual maturity and have not yet stabilized their own fundamental ideas.
    Finally, criticizing a person for their mistakes without knowing their background (a stroke can make it difficult to write well, for example) is for me a profound lack of empathy and respect for the other person as they are.

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