ENTJ - Director

Take the test: MBTI - Big Five (OCEAN)


The Director

ENTJs are born leaders. They see all kinds of challenges to overcome, and they want to be the ones in charge. They quickly grasp complexities, absorb large amounts of information, and make decisions quickly. ENTJs are very career-oriented and fit into the corporate world quite naturally. They constantly scan their environment for potential problems that can be turned into solutions. They generally take a long-term view of things. They are generally successful in the business world because they love to lead. They are tireless in their efforts. For these reasons, they are natural business leaders.

There's little room for error in the world of ENTJs. They don't like to see mistakes repeated and have no patience with inefficiency. They can become very harsh about this because they are not naturally attuned to people's feelings and don't believe in adapting their decisions to people's feelings. They naturally have little patience with people who don't see things the way they do. They are energetic, intimidating and domineering.

ENTJs make decisions quickly and are quick to verbalize their opinions and decisions to the rest of the world. Some make decisions too quickly, without understanding all the problems and possible solutions. Others have trouble applying logic to their ideas and make poor decisions. In this case, they may have brilliant ideas, but they may have difficulty determining how to act. An ENTJ can become dictatorial, giving orders without a good reason for following them and without consideration for the people involved.

Although not naturally attuned to the feelings of others, ENTJs often have strong emotional outbursts. Often, these feelings are very powerful, but ENTJs keep them inside because they see them as a weakness. In some cases, this attitude can become a serious problem for ENTJs.

ENTJs love to interact with people. There's nothing more pleasurable and satisfying to ENTJs than a lively, challenging conversation. They especially respect people who are able to stand up to them and convincingly support their point of view. Few people will do this, however, because ENTJs have an enormous amount of self-confidence and excellent verbal communication skills. Even the most confident people can experience moments of doubt when debating with an ENTJ.

At home, ENTJs are responsible, just as they are at work. Because they are primarily career-oriented, some ENTJs are constantly away from home, physically or mentally.

ENTJs have a lot of power. They are authoritative, innovative, long-term thinkers with an excellent ability to translate theories and possibilities into solid action plans. They are generally extremely energetic personalities.


ENTJs are particularly well suited to being leaders. They have the ability to clearly identify problems and innovative solutions for the short- and long-term well-being of an organization. With a strong desire to lead, they are not happy as subordinates.

Possible careers
   Company management
   IT Consultant
   University Professor


ENTJs put a lot of effort into their relationships. They especially appreciate relationships that present new challenges and stimulate their learning. Relationships that don't offer these conditions are of no interest to them. In conversation, they are direct, confrontational, critical and demanding of others. People involved in an ongoing relationship with an ENTJ need to have enormous self-confidence. For those who do, the ENTJ has a lot to offer.


  • genuinely interested in people's ideas and thoughts
  • Enthusiastic and energetic
  • Takes its commitments very seriously
  • Impartial
  • Very good with money
  • Simple and straightforward
  • Encourages knowledge and training in all aspects of life
  • Able to leave a relationship without looking back
  • Able to transform conflict situations into positive lessons
  • Able to take constructive criticism
  • Extremely high standards and expectations
  • Able to punish

Weak points

  • Conflict
  • Engages in win-lose conversations
  • Difficulty listening to others
  • Criticism of opinions and attitudes that don't match their own
  • Extremely high standards and expectations
  • Not in tune with people's feelings and reactions
  • May have difficulty expressing love and affection
  • Intimidating for others
  • Wants to be responsible for everything
  • Very hard and intolerant of disorder and inefficiency
  • Tendency to order
  • Hard to praise
  • Dictatorial
  • Makes hasty decisions
  • Explodes into terrible tantrums under extreme stress

Romantic relationships

ENTJs take their commitments very seriously. As in other aspects of their lives, they want to be leaders and responsible in the relationship. They often redefine the "rules" of the relationship, although their commitment remains constant. If the relationship no longer offers any chance of learning, they will end it, without looking back.

ENTJs are usually very successful in their careers and with money. This shelters them from marital conflicts over money. On the other hand, since most ENTJs are workaholics, this can lead to other marital problems.

ENTJs are not naturally in tune with their partners' feelings and emotions. They want to be in charge of the relationship to such an extent that they end up smothering their partner and even growing weary of the relationship.

Sexually, ENTJs are imaginative and enthusiastic. Their natural instinct to lead will lead their partner into creative romps, on a relatively regular basis.

ENTJs generally don't have self-confidence problems and aren't emotionally needy. Although they appreciate being loved and appreciated, they don't need to hear it as often as most other types. Nor are they likely to satisfy their partner's needs with intimate words without a conscious effort.

They see conflict as an opportunity to learn. It's a view that can be a problem in an intimate relationship. For example, spouses with the Feeling preference generally hate conflict and criticism and avoid it like the plague. ENTJs' tendency towards confrontation can be very threatening to someone with a Feeling preference - especially if they are an intimate partner of an ENTJ. To alleviate this problem, ENTJs will need to develop their Feeling side, or more simply, get involved with someone who has a Thinking preference.

In general, ENTJs have a lot to offer their partners. They are dedicated, enthusiastic and willing to go the extra mile. Their relationship will be based on mutual respect and constant development.

ENTJ's natural partner is the INTP or the ISTP to a lesser extent.

As parents

ENTJs take their role as parents very seriously. They see it as their responsibility to ensure that their child is constantly evolving. They are strict, with very high expectations. They pass on their love of knowledge to their children. They expect their children to follow their example and honor them by following household rules. There is little room for error. ENTJs will be authoritarian when rules are broken. Their children generally have great respect for them. ENTJs' children grow up to be responsible, independent adults.

Children of ENTJs tend to rebel during adolescence. While this is common with almost all personality types, it is particularly true for ENTJ parents. Children who become adults no longer want to be controlled, and it's difficult for ENTJs to let go. ENTJs tend to be aggressive, dictatorial and give arbitrary orders. Over a long period of time, this kind of behavior creates an oppressive environment for the child.

As friends

ENTJs are sociable, intelligent, energetic and interested in other people's ideas. They like to engage in conversation with people who share similar views to their own, or who have something new to teach them. They thoroughly enjoy lively intellectual conversation. They are direct, which tends to put people on the defensive. They want to learn what you know and use that knowledge in a confrontational way. With this approach, they learn not only people's knowledge, but also their opinion about that knowledge. Those who are uncomfortable in confrontation or less confident may simply not want to express themselves. That's a shame, because many people have valuable things to offer, but aren't always ready to defend them to the utmost.

ENTJs seek out the company of people with similar opinions and interests. They have no patience with people who are very different from them. They are very attracted to people with a lot of power. They admire them, even if they don't agree with them. They form close friendships with other intuitives, especially extroverts, such as ENTJs ENTPsthe ENFJs and ENFPs.

Financial independence

Persevering, determined, rational, very good at managing money, with a cool head, a long-term vision and the ability to read trends, ENTJs undeniably have enormous potential to become financially independent. You could even say they have what it takes to do it well. Not only do they manage their finances well, but they also know how to take calculated risks, so they can expect better results than a conservative approach.

However, while their skills in financial independence are real, their temperament doesn't push them too hard to become rentiers. Their taste for power is of course no stranger to this. Their approach to financial independence should therefore be interpreted more as preparation for the post-career world, than as an attempt to escape it. And for this, they are very well armed.

If as an ENTJ you recognize yourself in this description, I urge you to read these articles:

I have also selected for you here some reference books on financial independence, the stock market and dividends. You can also exchange with other members on the forum. Finally, if you want to keep up to date on the topic of financial independence, sign up for free at the dividendes.ch newsletter (with E-Book "The magic number as a bonus).

Kind Big Five - OCEAN the closest: SCOEISLOEI

Source : http://www.personalitypage.com

9 thoughts on “ENTJ – Le directeur”

  1. blank

    I'm not a great believer (or not at all) in this type of test, especially when the answers are used to produce such a detailed and lengthy analysis.
    I'm retired now, and I have to say that in EVERY WAY (professional, family, associations, politics) this test has described my life!
    This is what is known in science as validation...
    To put it crudely, it "blows my mind"!

  2. blank

    I have to admit that the points covered correspond more to my personality, but I also think that some of the questions in the test can be dissociated. Thank you for this test

  3. blank

    It's absolutely amazing how this description mirrors my life... Even though I see a certain amount of negativity in our profile, there's a much greater amount of positivity behind it when we get to know ourselves and think about doing the right thing.
    This gives me clear and precise answers about myself. Thank you.

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