Take the test: MBTI - Big Five (OCEAN)
ENFPs are, of all personality types, the most attracted to new ideas. Outgoing, friendly and conversational, they enjoy being around other people. They often have a large entourage of friends and acquaintances. They use language to attract attention and to entertain, they express their creativity and their offbeat personality. They like to tell stories, jokes, they use wordplay and puns. Naturally irreverent, they generally speak quickly, their language is spiced with humor, metaphors and they can swear more often than other profiles.
Insatiably curious, ENFPs are quick to steer conversations, asking lots of questions, and trying to finish others' sentences. They often have a quirky, mannered look, and dress more for themselves than for others, or to mark their difference.
In private life, ENFPs are very sensitive and sentimental, but remain private and only share their deep personal feelings with those they know and trust.
ENFPs have a wide variety of occupations and change jobs and careers frequently. They enjoy jobs that allow them to be creative and spontaneous, and open to others. ENFPs enjoy a variety of activities but prefer to spend quality time with their friends above all else.
ENFPs are warm and enthusiastic people, often bright and with great potential. They can display a strong passion and excitement. Their enthusiasm leads them to inspire and motivate others, much more than other types. They can talk their way out of any situation, especially by talking. They love life and strive to make the most of it.
ENFPs have a wide and rare range of gifts and talents. They excel at anything that interests them. Very dedicated to completing projects, they can embrace several types of careers throughout their professional lives. Some observers may find them disorganized and idle, but ENFPs are actually quite consistent and have a strong sense of values that inhabit them throughout their lives.
An ENFP needs to be focused on their projects. This is sometimes difficult for them. Unlike other extroverted types, ENFPs need time to themselves, to recharge and to make sure they have chosen a direction that is in line with their values. Those of them who manage to focus will succeed in their projects. The others will fail because they will never finish what they started.
Many ENFPs are talented. They radiate a lot of warmth and interest in others. Interpersonal relationships are something they care about. They have a strong need to be liked. Sometimes, especially at a younger age, they tend to be overly sentimental and insincere. They will do too much to be accepted. However, when they have learned to measure their need to be accepted, they will be able to bring out the best in others and will generally be very well-liked. They have a remarkable gift, that of seeing through a personality, intuitively and after very little time spent in contact with it. They use this ability to create alter ego bonds with their peers.
Because they live in a world of prolific opportunities, the details of daily life seem completely trivial to them. They give little importance to everyday tasks and regularly forget about them. When they do have to do them, they have little fun. This casualness can lead to frustration among their family members.
ENFPs who go bad can be skilled manipulators. Their sense of timing and sharp tongue allow them to get what they want quite easily. Most of them will not abuse this quality so as not to interfere with their value system.
ENFPs can make serious errors of judgment. They often quickly perceive the truth about a person or situation, but when they convert that perception into judgment, they can form erroneous conclusions.
ENFPs tend to be jovial and happy people. They can get tense when they are limited to limited or superficial tasks. They will therefore be more efficient when they can benefit from a lot of flexibility and work with stimulating people in an environment rich in ideas. Many of them start their own businesses. They can really invest themselves effectively in a project without being very closely supervised, as long as they are passionate about their activities.
Because they are so sensitive, constantly on the alert as to the environments in which they evolve, they sometimes suffer from muscular tensions. They have a deep need for independence and are reluctant to be controlled or confined. They are careful to keep control of themselves but do not believe it is useful to control others. They do not like dependence whether it comes from themselves or from others.
They are charming, resourceful, daring, sensitive, empathetic and can draw qualities from a wide spectrum of talents. They will use these qualities to achieve and make those close to them happy, all the more successfully if they remain focused and take care to closely follow the projects in which they have invested themselves.
ENFPs are characterized by a keen sense of the future. They have a taste for anticipation and guess where the wind is going to blow. They have penetrating intuitions in this area. Their creativity is great and is exercised in multiple circumstances; it is often doubled by a certain artistic taste.
ENFPs love human relationships. This is where they feel most comfortable and where they best express their talent: warm and spontaneous contact, insatiable curiosity when it comes to understanding someone, spending time with them. They easily guess the motivations of others and are looking for hidden meanings in their words and actions. Since they often share their interpretation, they can sometimes hurt, which is the opposite of their intention.
ENFPs are often expansive, sometimes too much so. They like to be reassured about themselves, which leads them to act in a seductive mode, both to seduce and to be seduced. Although independent-minded, ENFPs are often very surrounded. Their sociability and enthusiasm are the cause. They enjoy joyful gatherings and parties.
ENFPs are not comfortable with conflicts, which they avoid as much as possible, even if it means sacrificing themselves. In fact, sacrifice is less painful for them than the spectacle of discord. They want to achieve their potential, explore their possibilities, which are varied, and experiment with all sorts of things. They often have several projects underway.
ENFPs learn enthusiastically when the subjects are varied and when they can work with others. They do not like classes that are too structured.
At the design stage, ENFPs can get overwhelmed by the multitude of possible choices. They may consider all sorts of solutions, but fail to choose one. This causes them to procrastinate making a decision. When they do make a decision, it may not be sufficiently based on specific facts. At the implementation stage, ENFPs may lack continuity. Those who have followed them for their drive and the possibilities they have dangled before them may then find themselves frustrated, or have to take charge of the rest of the project themselves.
ENFPs often do not take care of their bodies and neglect their health. They tend to eat too much, or too little.
ENFPs can generally be successful in absolutely any activity that interests them. However, they get bored quite quickly and are not very good at following through on tasks. This is why they will benefit from avoiding professions that require a certain number of very detailed routine tasks. They will be better in professions that allow them to invent new ideas and work in contact with others. They will not be fulfilled in positions that confine them to the ordinary of life and that hinder their freedom.
Possible careers
- Consultant
- Psychologist
- Entrepreneur
- Actor
- Teacher
- Advise
- Politician / Diplomat
- Writer / Journalist
- Computer programmer, systems analyst or computer scientist
- Scientist
- Engineer
- Art teacher
ENFPs take their relationships very seriously, but they also approach them with a childlike enthusiasm and energy. They expect a great deal of authenticity and depth in their personal relationships and will put a lot of themselves into making them work. They are warm, caring, assertive, dedicated, and very invested in the well-being that comes from the relationship. They are gifted with interpersonal skills and are able to inspire and motivate others to achieve their best. Full of vitality, ENFPs are sometimes criticized for their enthusiasm but are generally highly regarded for their genuine warmth and high ideals.
- Good communicators
- A keen intuition of others' thoughts and motivations
- Can bring out the best in others
- Warm and affectionate
- Funny, great sense of humor, energy, optimism
- Concerned about establishing balanced relationships
- Respond a lot to the needs of others
- Usually loyal and devoted
Weak points
- Tendency to be stuffy
- Such enthusiasm that it can lead to a distortion of reality
- Complete disinterest in anything related to day-to-day matters such as housework, paying bills, etc.
- Capable of maintaining harmful relationships even if they have been hurtful
- Do not like conflict or criticism
- Do not pay enough attention to their own needs
- Constant quest for an absolutely perfect relationship that makes them change it very often
- Propensity for boredom
- Difficulty reprimanding or punishing others
Romantic relationships
ENFPs are warm, caring, passionate partners who are usually strong-willed and determined to make the relationship a pleasant and constructive one. They are enthusiastic, idealistic, focused on the feelings of others, and very flexible. These qualities lead them to favor positive relationships and to use creativity and humor to enhance their relationships. They also take their commitments very seriously and are deeply loyal and faithful to their partner.
There are, however, a number of tension points in ENFP relationships. The first of these is their difficulty in ending toxic relationships. They tend to take all the problems on their shoulders and take on responsibilities that they should not bear. Being perfectionists, they do not like to suffer defeat and cling to negative situations when they would benefit from ending them. When they do leave these dead-end situations, they often feel that the failure is their fault and that they could certainly have saved the relationship.
On the other hand, many ENFPs have a hard time staying focused on a relationship for long periods of time. That's why long-term monogamy doesn't always come completely naturally to them. They're so drawn to the wide, captivating spectrum of life's possibilities that they easily fantasize about seemingly more desirable situations—which are rarely the case. If they're not fulfilled by a partner who's eager for new experiences or shares their enthusiastic idealism, they're likely to get bored. And a bored ENFP will be very unhappy and will eventually leave the relationship if the problem isn't resolved quickly.
Since relationships are central to ENFPs' lives, they will be very involved in their private lives. They will sometimes get into the habit of constantly asking their partner how they are feeling. This behavior can be a bit distressing in the long run.
Sexually, ENFPs are perfectionists, playful, and affectionate. Their fantasy world makes them fun and creative lovers who always have new ideas in mind. They love the idea of being close to their partner and believe that sexual intimacy is a positive and fun way to express love as a couple.
ENFPs need to receive a lot of recognition and to be regularly reassured of their charms. They love compliments and need to feel that their partner appreciates them. They also love to please others and feel immense satisfaction in seeing the happiness they provide.
Another point of tension for ENFPs is the fact that they do not like conflict and are generally quite impervious to criticism. They are perfectionists, let's not forget that, and they are convinced that any criticism is aimed fiercely at their character, which they take very badly. Conflict situations are sources of intense stress for ENFPs. They tend to hide the subjects of tension under the rug rather than confront others. They will even go so far as to accept compromises that betray their values in order to move on. But problems do not dissolve like that. ENFPs must realize that conflict situations are not the end of the world. They are normal and can even sometimes contribute to the fruitful development of a relationship.
ENFPs will have a balanced relationship with INTJs or the INFJs.
As parents
ENFPs take their role as parents to heart but are also very playful. A child lives in the body of an ENFP, which is why they have a lot of fun playing with their children. Despite everything, they do not lose sight of their values and strive to pass them on to their offspring while creating a pleasant and positive environment for them.
ENFPs will sometimes be inconsistent in their parenting, switching from best friend to punishing parent in an impromptu manner. ENFPs want to be their children's best friend, but if one of their values is compromised as a result, they will revert to their strict parenting role so that their children will see their mistakes. This inconsistency can be confusing and frustrating for children.
ENFP children usually feel loved because their parents provide them with a lot of support and affection. ENFPs' enthusiasm and love can sometimes be stifling for their children. These same children will seek to escape their parents' outpourings of affection, especially when they are in public.
The vivid imagination and creativity of ENFP parents creates a fun, vibrant and vibrant living environment for their children.
As friends
ENFPs are warm and outgoing people who are good at tuning into other people's wishes. They have a lot of energy and are very funny. They find great satisfaction in helping and supporting others. They are true idealists and that is why they like authentic relationships. ENFPs are most often recognized by their peers and presented as very loving, reliable and generous people.
At work, ENFPs get along with a wide variety of people. They are genuinely interested in others and have a strong sense of their aspirations and needs. As a result, they easily form relationships with all types of personalities. They enjoy sensing the best in others. Overall, getting along is easier with people whose feelings take precedence over their thinking functions, because the latter do not always connect easily with the ENFP's lively spirit.
ENFPs can also feel threatened by people who are very judgmental. Since they take a lot of criticism personally, they sometimes get irritated when someone judges them and expresses a negative opinion.
ENFPs are attracted to profiles dominated by intuition and extroversion. Like all intuitive profiles, they experience beautiful friendly relationships, nourished by truth and depth. They have many friends, at all times of their existence but will have few who will share their aspirations and ideals throughout their lives. ENFPs also favor the company of intuitive thinkers.
Financial independence
ENFPs, with their warmth, their creativity, their need to live surrounded by others and their lack of follow-up in the realization of their projects, have no interest in financial independence.
But ENFPs are always interested in new ideas. If that's you, I've selected for you here some reference books on financial independence, the stock market and dividends. You can also exchange with other members on the forum. Finally, if you want to keep up to date on the topic of financial independence, sign up for free at the dividendes.ch newsletter (with E-Book "The magic number as a bonus).
Kind Big Five - OCEAN the closest: SCUAI, SLUAI
Source : http://www.16-types.fr
I am shocked by this description which, apart from two or three slightly erroneous details, TOTALLY reflects my ENFP personality. I am so proud of who I am, and of course it can be difficult to focus on a single project, but with a little willpower and questioning, you can find your goal. Even my future job is on the list (psychologist). On the other hand, I do not agree with one point which specifies that ENFPs do not like conflict or criticism. As for criticism, it is true that I am very sensitive with a spontaneous and aggressive respondent (whereas I am not normally, on the contrary), and yet I am surrounded only by conflictual relationships (mother, friends). I am still shocked by the number of disturbing details which turn out to be correct (many talents, gift for quickly identifying personalities, perfectionism and so on). In short, if you are an ENFP, know that you are not alone, and that it is imperative to find a way to channel your excess energy into artistic/sporting activities to be fulfilled in relationships and less excessive in spontaneity and externalization of joy/mood. ONLY WE KNOW HOW MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL OUR FREEDOM IS THAN REALITY.
Unfortunately, we can't influence the world that much. And in fact, it's rare that the conditions are right to motivate us to work. It's a shame, because when they are, it's great! Being intellectually stimulated, in a healthy environment, is all I need to flourish. But the world is not, for the most part, in this case. So much so that the older I get, the more I fear becoming an old fool and losing my enthusiasm.
The environment being, for me, the most important point. More than the work itself, even. But you can't find that out during a job interview or on a job description!
There's a hysterical person who got the wrong answers above haha. Being charismatic, and therefore having a sense of humor, self-mockery, is also knowing how to laugh at your weaknesses: I'm always late, I must have lost my keys 10 times, broken and lost my phone 100 times, I've already fallen asleep in the street... So I'm not proud because these are not qualities, but I laugh about it and it doesn't bother me to be associated with all this mess that is my life. As messy as it is, love, peace, alcohol <3
where do i sign????
For all those who liked this personality test I advise you to take an enneagram test! It's the one I did first and it reflected my personality at 200%. Then I discovered through this other test that I was ENFP, and it allowed me to understand certain aspects of my personality that were not developed enough in the first test (why people tend to follow me in my crazy projects, why I can't finish everything I start or where this energy comes from that transports me and can scare some people). In any case I noticed that what did not correspond to me in this profile, came back in several other comments on different sites, like the fear of conflict or the impressionable side. It's really surprising and scary to see how we can be categorized like that, but it also allows us to feel less alone, that's why my brother and I imagined a site where we would have to fill out this test to register and then we could communicate with people who would have the same type as us or with others who associate well with our type, it would allow the right people to meet, exchange ideas and end up with nice things! There you go, I really liked this sentence from the first comment so I'll repeat it: ONLY WE KNOW HOW MUCH OUR FREEDOM IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN REALITY.!!
I like the MBTI test but I agree with you.. The enneagram completely threw me off because it was so me! Now I understand a lot of things better…
For the site, I want to be the first reader/participant
You killed me lol
I find myself
Yesssss freedom takes precedence over everything
As an ENFP, are you very honest and frank, and perhaps annoying as a result?
Good evening !
Thank you very much for your comment!
I really agree with this description, I find that I am also EMFP.
And I don't like conflicts.
It was while searching for my astrological sign and my ascendants that I came across this site. I am so confused....
Can you tell me your astrological sign and ascendant if possible?
After searching too much, I finally took a test. I'm sure I'm ENFP
I too am quite shocked, at first I was not too convinced, because the first paragraph describes ENFPs as a kind of hyper popular leaders in power while I do not find myself popular to that point! But the more it went into the details of the description the closer it got to my profile, yet I remained skeptical for a long time because I know that personality tests tend to depict characteristics in a way that seems specific but ultimately vague enough for everyone to recognize themselves in mode "Wow but that's so me!"
But in the end everything is so similar to my personality that it's scary! But the section on jobs is the one that shocked me the most, there were almost a few differences in all the jobs that I considered and noted when I was asked to establish a list to support the orientation in Terminale (instead of consultant I put Translator/interpreter, instead of actor I had put film director and instead of art teacher I had written artist). Besides, this list was a little depressing for the career counselor because she didn't see any logical link between all these things (and neither did I) and therefore had difficulty establishing my profile. Incidentally, for the record, my philosophy teacher then made me do a test of the same type to determine my profile. The different answers to the test corresponded to numbers that then had to be placed on a grid to form a four-pointed star diagram, the dominant branch of which was supposed to indicate a dominant profile. I got a perfect square. Since then, high school has not tried to help me find my way.
Your test was quite astonishing but personally it gives rise to somewhat mixed feelings in me because on the one hand I am happy to tell myself that there are other people like me but on the other hand it means that my personality is not so unique if it is even referenced on a site and has a name and everything (ENFP)…
So it didn't help me much to be sure of my orientation, but I guess I will never know and that as indicated I will constantly change fields throughout my life.
I wonder if other ENFPs like the same things in life as me, it would be fun and super interesting to compare our personalities!
Hi Charlie, your anecdotes are very funny, so I'm curious to know what you've decided to do in higher education at the moment. Personally, I'm interested in pretty much everything, it's very rare for me to find a subject that doesn't interest me. To go into detail, a bit of all forms of art, then: politics, history, geography, philosophy, biology then cooking, farming, market gardening, sports, psychology, graphology, astrology (everything related to understanding Man) etc..., in short I'll stop there! If you want to talk more: jojoche@hotmail.fr
I have an anecdote about that too, you're the only one, don't worry 😀
I am a business administration student, the day I took the test, as part of a course, the professor asked us: ENFPs raise your hands..., there were 3 of us, and then he answered us: what are you doing here? 😀
I am an ENFP, it is difficult to guide an ENFP, since she is interested in everything anyway, and she can succeed in everything she undertakes... So, go ahead, start with something, and do not hesitate to change when it tires you; Life will be rich as you wish but also strewn with pitfalls and people who will tell you that you are unstable... For my part (70 years old) I have almost always had 2 if not three jobs at the same time. I worked in sales, accounting, teaching: musical, artistic, pedagogical, became a psychologist at 54... in short, life can be exciting and also very painful... because of the heightened sensitivity... GOOD LUCK... Good Life... Go for it.
O'Han, following this test, I discovered that I was ENFP. Professionally, I have also done a lot of things and I currently provide accounting, legal and social support for very small businesses and artisans. I have wanted to change myself for a while and I have always been attracted to psychology, the listening relationship. How did you become a psychologist at 54? I am interested in your journey.
It's a great pleasure to have feedback from someone your age.
Reading the test results and cross-referencing this information with my life, I realize that it is very exhausting to be an ENFP on an energetic and sentimental level. So I keep wondering how it is managed in the long run, what kind of future is reserved for us because many possibilities are available to us, for good or for bad.
I am a little surprised, I find myself in some cases but I did not know myself in others. Thanks to this test I will know the things that I must work on myself!
I admit that being a mother scares me a little now...But I take it as a challenge!
I am very happy, I find that the ENFP corresponds to me for the most part.
I'm not a parent so I can't really understand these paragraphs but hey, I'm quite surprised because in my perfect partners there is the INFJ, and one of my very close friends is so it's quite a funny situation x)
I don't know how you did this test but it's impressive how precise it is! It gives me 99.9% for not saying 100.
In short, well done!!!
I'm in a relationship with an INTJ (scientist), who is apparently highly compatible... I find it really hard. We may do them good, but it lacks so much enthusiasm, spontaneity... The least I can say is that the contact is not fluid, even if, in the long term, by persisting, we can build something good, because we both have good healthy values. But in terms of daily fulfillment, phew...! Maybe the only point where I have something to complain about, because, indeed, I am amazed to see how everything is right, all along. 🙂
Same thing for me, I saw myself in your comment! Sometimes we have a lot of trouble understanding each other and his judgments hurt me very often. I absolutely did not expect to be given an INTJ!
And yet I recognized myself in all the points!
I don't even know what to say because I find myself so much in this description. Of course there are points that don't really resemble me, but I'm still happy to be able to get the best out of it.
I am not an ENFP, but an INTJ (yes, yes, I am intruding on your page), and I would like to know if, in your opinion ENFPs, a romantic relationship with an INTJ (if one of you is in a relationship with someone who has this personality type) is beneficial for you and for the latter. If yes, or not, why?
I also want to say that, although I am extremely closed emotionally and socially, I feel much more comfortable in a group of extroverts than introverts (being able to lead me to an intelligent topic of conversation of course).
I am an ENFP who has been dating an INTJ for 3 years and I think I am doing him a lot of good, but the other way around is a bit harder. In particular the almost constant judgments, this need to be logical (he criticizes me a lot for my illogicality) and this ability to believe that he is always right. I don't really see how this could be our ideal couple for us ENFPs, but hey 🙂
I feel like I'm reading my life, it's fantastic. And I also find it fantastic to be an ENFP, but you only realize it when you know it. It makes you understand so many things about yourself, so many inexplicable oddities about your personality, that you've always felt, without being able to explain it. I'm one at 100% I took the official test on the Oxford machine, and my results were then analyzed and explained to me by a professional, all the free tests that I've taken since then give the same result. For me the MBTI was a real revelation coupled with a revolution.
Hi, I'm an ENFP, I have a brother and an INTJ mother, so yes I'm not in a relationship with an INTJ but in terms of relationships I know quite a few. So... ENFP and INTJ are very curious and have an inexhaustible thirst to learn and understand and it is from their difference that they can learn because they both have a different way of thinking that can allow them to enrich themselves intellectually. INTJs learn what feelings mean to others and how to provide solutions while hurting as little as possible, because INTJs are generally seen as big bad guys who don't care about others when it's quite the opposite. An example: in my mother's company a guy did absolutely nothing and penalized the others. She talked about it to her boss who fired him. All her colleagues found her horribly mean and insensitive. While it was quite the opposite for her, letting him penalize the company and all his colleagues was horribly mean to her. INTJs will help bring ENFPs back to reality and generally make them finish their projects that they tend to abandon to stimulate them intellectually (ENFPs will do the same on this with INTJs), they will also help make difficult decisions that ENFPs will be incapable of making. ENFPs will teach them the value of feelings, make them decompress, INTJs will open up more to others and share more of their knowledge (and find a listener with attentive conversation in ENFPs) because they have a lot to share and often share very little.
Hello…. grm found for my part a completely ideal job for the enfp. ..youth informant in the ij network. …we can fully develop our empathy our ability to easily understand others because it is compatible with our values and our desire to improve the world and to take advantage of the best in everyone… Every day is different and unforeseen since it works without appointment so we don't know who will come or not….meet lots of different people and life paths….have to keep informed of everything all the time that meets our hyper curiosity. …analysis of society and youth issues to propose innovative projects. .. I found my way the IJ youth information is for me the ideal path for the Enfp. ..
Hello everyone !
These personality tests should be submitted in all schools/colleges/high schools. It's a great revelation for me. I'm 26, tried to complete a thesis project and then I did about 25468 things at once so it went flop, as I have a degree in corporate journalism I can go into that but now I have a business creation project... A real ENFP!
I think the ideal path is pleasure, epicureanism (and a little hedonism) and the search for oneself and others.
interesting I discovered at 67 that I am normal, at least definably speaking. I studied journalism but ultimately did many different jobs until I was 30, the age when I decided to go into "business" which suits me perfectly. It allows me to change fields without seeming unstable. I still have itchy feet, I have changed countries often, I hate routine but I love my life.
Wow I didn't expect that... it's really interesting overall!!
A friend invited me to do this test and I must admit that I feel like I'm reading a kind of technical sheet of myself...
I've tried tests on other sites and ENFP comes up every time...but I have a particular interest in this site
because it offers a description of the personalities with a lot of detail which makes it all really interesting.
Certainly it will help me in understanding my self…but as an ENFP » 😉 » it will also help me with regard to those close to me.
Pleasantly surprised. The ENFP aspects that make it feel like rays of sunshine are gliding over me! So good! Thank you….
Popi from Paris
I am also ENFP
Long live ENFPs, long live madness!!!!
Let's be crazy, let's be US
I love you all!!!!
Amazed. That's the word. I'm in psychology and none of my classes have taught me as much about myself as this test. The accuracy of the description is reassuring and at the same time it's scary: We know that we are different, we now know that all our "strange" behaviors are shared by other people like us. But it's frankly reassuring to see that we don't have any particular problem and that we can flourish on this basis, knowing that it has meaning.
I feel the same way as you in this profile.
I find myself there, the creativity, the new ideas... except as a mother, I am not friends with my children although my inner child has fun, I do not confuse the roles!
This is the first time I have read such a detailed and truthful text on a personality test. You have to answer honestly to get a real result.
Seriously I agree and totally in osmosis with you. We are one Whole.
That's all me. This text is downright therapy, I feel studied, and from now on I will embrace things more effectively.
I was in sales for 5 years and am reorienting myself towards image consulting for sick people reintegration...in search of meaning and in line with my values.
This test really captures what I am, it's crazy..
Independent communicator, passionate and intuitive
I am reassured that I am not bipolar lol
I love it! And I recognize myself so much in it, viva autoderisión!
yes it's pretty amazing, it's right on almost every sentence! Thanks!
This analysis is so close to the truth… However, this type of personality does not allow me to disappoint those around me and requires a great sense of responsibility towards others.
This test is designed in an extraordinary way. ENFP ALL THE WAY
We find a lot of things. I found a lot of myself at least. It's almost scary, but paradoxically, it's also reassuring. It's all the ambiguity of knowledge. To have been able to generate an analysis, observations, concepts that allow us to free the box of a standard schema of individuality in which we can recognize ourselves. Wow. Thank you.
This test hits the mark because it flatters us 🙂
It's so nice to see how much energy all the comments are overflowing! This test is incredible, even if it has already been said, it is comforting and interesting, it makes you want to be yourself, to love yourself, to love ourselves and to meet all the ENFPs in the world 😀 Yes we are sometimes absurd, crazy, unrealistic, but it's our way of loving life 🙂
Good luck to all, and take care of your health too (personally I really struggle, but you shouldn't neglect it!)
I see that there are a lot of ENPFs, that's nice, I don't often meet them on my way so good luck to all, as MORGAN said long live all the ENPFs in the world let's keep the faith and stay ourselves
I have a question: Can ENFPs be sociable, love being with friends (especially close ones), and at the same time be withdrawn enough to like listening to music alone, to avoid large groups...?
And another little one: Do you also like unusual, independent music, films, video games or books that are out of the ordinary?
Because I didn't find these kinds of characteristics in the ENFP description...
It's such a pleasure to be on this page and feel like you belong. I think that as an ENFP you may indeed need some alone time to recharge and take some time for yourself. In addition, I've taken the test several times and it turns out that I'm either an ENFP with a slightly higher percentage of extroversion or an INFP with a slightly higher percentage of intro as if it were hard to define this preference. I'm 50/50 haha. I love music a lot and very often sounds that most people couldn't listen to every day. That is to say anything that comes close to indie Air, Indie Folk, Indie Rock, Jazz etc. Hollow Coves, Sleeping at Last (Saturn), Cigarettes after sex ... I think that as an ENFP/INFP the search for meaning is fundamental in our existence. I am currently in business school and within my class, I feel profoundly different, I feel a sense of incomprehension and at the same time a desire to show who I am and to reveal this potential that I feel in me but that I still have not found. Feeling out of step gave me an indefinable malaise and the feeling of being useless in this world that demands much more rigor, logic and the analysis of facts and data in a concrete way. During my second year, I signed up for a talk (grand oral) at my school to talk about this importance of finding your way to be in harmony with yourself but I was afraid to pass because I thought my subject was banal or even uninteresting and that people would not follow me. In the end I realize that it is an important question in our current society. I would have so much to say about this existence that I lead and that we lead as ENFPs! Just reading you and seeing that I am not alone gives me the courage and determination to continue living without feeling guilty for being who I am.
There are so many things to say..
I'm also passionate about music and you're the first person I've met who listens to folk. I'm a bit of an infp but mostly enfp.
I listen to Rock/rap for the beauty of the lyrics/folk type veneer, midlake and Celtic ost Legend.
IN SHORT, do you fancy a meal between ENFPs in Paris? Lyon? Wherever you want?
I leave my insta for those of the future: @la_nuageu.se
Strength to all of you, you are not alone❤️
Hi! I'm replying to your comment 3 years later (I hope you'll still see it).
I'm exactly like you, I'm very sociable and I like going out with my friends but I don't like big groups, I feel like I'm judged more and/or that people are hypocrites since people don't all have the same personality as me, they don't necessarily understand me. In addition, there are also lots of moments when I like to be alone and recharge my batteries, listen to music, read a book or watch a movie. Tired of always having to be crazy (this word makes me laugh, I just wanted to say it once) and be constantly dynamic. I don't force myself, just sometimes I like to be calm and just think. This is very poorly formulated; I have trouble expressing my ideas, I nevertheless hope that the general idea has been understood.
And since I liked a sentence that someone wrote above: let's be CRAZY, let's be US!
The same 🙂
Which means I'm delighted and so happy and proud to see that there are lots of crazy people like me, with a heart of gold and values who know how to appreciate Life.
Yes we need to recharge our batteries sometimes and that's normal, we're not machines, and I hate mass gatherings so small (manageable) groups are good.
It's so nice to see on the comments thread that I'm actually not that weird and that my gifts are all the more precious than my unique and endearing personality... and given the messages left on the site, I understand why we don't meet; we are so far above the other profiles ☺️
Peace and long life to good vibes and to those who do good
Hi! I'm replying to your comment 3 years later (I hope you'll still see it).
I'm exactly like you, I'm very sociable and I like going out with my friends but I don't like big groups, I feel like I'm judged more and/or that people are hypocrites since people don't all have the same personality as me, they don't necessarily understand me. In addition, there are also lots of moments when I like to be alone and recharge my batteries, listen to music, read a book or watch a movie. Tired of always having to be crazy (this word makes me laugh, I just wanted to say it once) and be constantly dynamic. I don't force myself, just sometimes I like to be calm and just think. This is very poorly formulated; I have trouble expressing my ideas, I nevertheless hope that the general idea has been understood.
And since I liked a sentence that someone wrote above: let's be CRAZY, let's be US!
We are the same, it's scary and at the same time so incredible..
I don't recognize what you just said, I can't imagine living without being surrounded but I need to have some time alone in my bubble in order to recharge my batteries and it's often by listening to music. It could be that you are an ENFP and that you appreciate being surrounded as much as solitude:
"Unlike other extroverted types, ENFPs need time to themselves, to recharge and to make sure they've chosen a direction that aligns with their values. Those who can focus will succeed in their projects. The others will fail because they never finish what they started."
I was actually not sure what this sentence meant...
If it's really in this sense, then I'm an ENFP at 100% ;P
(although 99% because you never know…)
Hey! ENFPs, are we going to Paris for a meal?
So cool, lots of people like me. 🙂
So this is why I can't find my way?
Because we have several?
Then, for romantic relationships, you put 2 ENFPs together, right? A bit messy but hey… A Scientist? Seriously? No…
Regarding love, I had read in another article that the best is to have an "opposite" but not quite... Let me explain: if you are an extrovert, have an introvert to balance everything out, if you are messy (the P side) it is better to have a J with you. For the F/T side you can have the choice but I think it is still better to have an F to not have problems like "you don't understand me"... On the other hand, you are obliged to have an N, that's for sure! And I confirm from my experience that living with your opposite on this point (an S) is just... Unbearable (the links with the family testify to this xD)
PTDR I'm currently thinking the same thing. It's both scary and exciting at the same time.
It is precisely written at the end of the subtitle "Romantic relationships", you have to look for balance in the person with whom you can live for a long time. An ENFP will be perfect as friends I think. To get along wonderfully and have fun on many points. But there would be too much competition in the life of a couple... Anyway that's just my opinion!
Look at this topic:
The 2nd comment is absolutely true (I know it's not French, so what? ;P)
Hi. Yes, I confirm that I am like you.
But it's so crazy... this truth.
Some time after my last comment, I understood that the J could bring a lot to the ENFP that we are. And that the I was very complementary to balance our energies. I just met a girl who is ISFJ, one letter away, it was perfect… the problem is that it is really not the right letter. Ahah. But she is only S at 53%, what do you think? The feeling is exceptional.
Anyway, you can always go with anyone in the world as long as you like them (physically or mentally). When you don't like someone, it's probably because they're not compatible with you! 😉
And yet anyway, even if someone is not exactly the type that goes best with ours, humans are still made to put up with each other's faults and forgive each other...
In addition, the MBTI is not a true 100%, so if it turns out that the 3% too many are false, and it's an INFJ that would suit you perfectly!
The MBTI should be a guide, not a limitation.
I am in a relationship with an ENFJ being ENFP it is great on some levels and on others it is a power struggle to tear your hair out. I no longer know what to think and do at times take flight like a free bird or stay waiting for the two captains on the boat to manage to clearly define each person's area of expertise and respect it.
Ahaha the enfp sect, I love it XD
It's both strange and brilliant because I only know your nicknames and the comments you left and yet I have the impression that we know each other intrinsically.
I would really like to see what a gathering of ENFPs would be like.
I think we would all try to "figure ourselves out". Except that (I don't know if it's common to enfp) personally I know that I have a hard time being natural before having analyzed the person with whom I have a relationship. So if that's the case for everyone we won't get out of it XD
In short, I rarely comment on this kind of article but this time it made me laugh to read your comments and I also want to be invited to the meal lol
Wow, I totally agree.
A gathering of ENFPs, that's what it would look like to me: people who get along as if they've been together forever, with an explosive cocktail of laughter and madness.
Honestly, it would be incredible to do it.
I am so impressed by this article ;D I felt like I was a prototype or even a rather weird species on earth ;D
I finally understand after so much research, the reason why I couldn't find my way.
currently a pharmacy technician, I have been looking for a career change for several years but it is impossible for me to get started because I am so afraid of regretting my choice (and I still have no idea what my future career will be 🙁 ..)
In short, I'm here to get career ideas :))
glad to be part of the ENFP cult ;p
I am also an ENFP and I identify with 99% if not totally.
This site is awesome!!! I understand all your comments.
Currently studying psychology (2nd year of Bachelor's degree) and well I'm lost, well... not really, I'm not passionate about it and so I want to change direction.
And I was just thinking about artistic professions, of expression and oooooh what do I see?? Actress 😀
So I plan to start with drama classes, oral expression, elocution and even do stand up if necessary. I've reached a point where I need to vibrate in what I do to hold on otherwise I'll give up. I need to express myself, to let go, to feel free, it's all vital for an ENFP lol
In any case, I am delighted to have found my fellow human beings.
If you want to talk more, it will be a pleasure to contact me: sageva.contact@gmail.com
Good luck friends !!!!!
My insta: La_nuageu.se
I totally agree
I'm replying a little late but go for it
I find myself at 90% in this article and its comments.
I'm 22 years old, I have life ahead of me, I've already had the chance to do many different jobs or activities and it's apparently going to continue.
One of my fears is my lack of determination in certain projects (apparently characteristic of our personality) but as you say so well we will see where the wind takes us,
I am proud to be me, to be us.
Good luck to everyone and thank you for these comments, it gives me a lot of strength!
Hello, this test is exceptional 2 years later I redid it with the same result only the percentages of each letter have changed. Good luck team
Warm thanks to the creators of this site.
I feel less alone and I come across this test after watching the series in brief on Netflix, the brain on personality.
Nice coincidence and good timing.
Looking forward to meeting other ENFPs
@madamejetz tic tok
@madam_jetz insta
I am so moved that I don't have the words to tell you how much the MBTI personality is a bible (at least for ENFPs) and that this subject fascinates me. And that I recognize myself so much and that it really feels good to be understood... I feel at home among ENFPs. And if I had one piece of advice to give as an ENFP to avoid ending up in burnout, it would be to define your priorities and give yourself a framework to avoid going off in all directions. Because yes, it is exciting to be an ENFP but it can be exhausting when you don't know how to manage this excess energy and even stifling for those close to you.
Otherwise, I'm 20 years old, and it would be very fun and enriching to exchange and/or meet ENFPs.
Feel free to send me a message. However, I don't accept follow requests when I don't know them.
Instagram: la_nuageu.se
Hmm, I'm crazy about an ENTP-dominant infp guy who currently seems to be friendzoning me.
Do you think I have a chance? From your experience, do you think it is compatible in the long term or not?
Otherwise another question:
Do you think that after a (real) loss of love it is possible to fall in love with the same person again?
Nina Le Coz*
Good evening !
You can tell us the astrological correspondences of these personality types.
I'm probably ENFP but I really don't know what sign I am due to the lack of a birth date.
Salut, alors j’ai lu tous vos commentaires, et ça me fait tellement rire, ça me fait un peu peur aussi de voir qu’il y a plein de personnes qui me ressemblent en fait, et l’idée du repas entre ENFP je pense me semble assez chaotique, sachant que j’avoue, en tant qu’ENFP en tout cas, j’aime me sentir moi en fait, mais si je vois des moi partout ça va me déstabiliser, sinon je me reconnais à 100% dans le test, en tant qu’ENFP, et c’est incroyable comment j’arrive pas à prendre soin de ma santé, pour vous dire je suis obèse, on me dit que je mange la vie, j’ai du mal à être structuré, je change tous les métiers actuellement, je suis surveillante de nuit dans un foyer pour jeunes, mais c’est pas vraiment ma voie, c’est juste ce que je fais pour l’instant, j’ai du mal à rester sur un même cadre, et je vous avoue que moi ENFP me fait plaisir, mais m’effraie aussi à la fois, parce que c’est un type de MBTI, en fait il sait pas où il va, alors c’est super de kiffer la vie, de partir dans tous les sens, mais quand c’est pas cadré c’est horrible, et franchement je suis une ENFP non cadrée, c’est à dire que je pars dans tous les sens, et moi ça me va pas du tout, j’ai besoin d’un cadre de vie pour avancer, pour moi on peut pas avancer en étant dans tous les sens, ce n’est pas possible, en tout cas chez moi c’est pas possible, et c’est la raison pour laquelle je veux un INTJ, je passe mon temps à dénicher les INTJ, et ça c’est avant même que je fasse le test MBTI, et dans mon test MBTI j’ai vu que j’étais ENFP, et il y a une page sur Instagram qui est drôle, qui parle des MBTI, qui disait que la capacité du ENFP c’était de rechercher un INTJ, c’était de pressentir que telle personne était un INTJ, et c’est vrai qu’après avoir fait le test, et après avoir vu comment je me débrouille, j’ai tendance à chercher les INTJ du regard, parce qu’en fait ils apportent stabilité et structure, et qui est tout le contraire de moi, moi c’est plutôt sentiment, liberté, expression, et moi ça me fait plaisir de partager, en tant qu’ENFP on est toujours content de partager, ça me fait plaisir de partager, mais j’aimerais recevoir aussi, et pour ça j’ai besoin d’un INTJ, alors pourquoi je ne dis pas INFJ, parce que tout simplement ils sont aussi sentimentaux, alors ils font la part des choses il n’y a pas de soucis, mais je suis trop sentimental, donc je ne me vois pas avec quelqu’un qui l’est aussi, pour moi chaque être humain a une part de sentiment, même si on dit que les INTJ n’ont pas vraiment, il faut juste les comprendre en fait, et une fois que tu les as compris, tu sais que leurs sentiments ils en ont, c’est juste que c’est transformé, c’est pas comme nous, donc un INTJ serait mieux pour moi, et j’espère être plus structuré, parce que franchement moi le désordre je n’aime pas, et le fait de ne pas prendre soin de notre santé je déteste, je suis bordélique je ne sais pas vous mais moi je suis bordélique, et je déteste, et j’ai vu qu’il disait qu’on était perfectionniste, et carrément je me doutais de ça, je me disais est-ce que par hasard je ne suis pas perfectionniste, parce que j’aime trop quand tout est bien fait et tout, mais je veux tellement que ce soit parfait, que en fait je suis bordélique, et du coup je me suis dit ça se trouve que c’est une forme de perfectionnisme, et les gens me disaient non t’es juste bordélique, mais non en fait je suis bien perfectionniste, et j’avais bien raison, donc pour le côté maman ça me fait peur, parce qu’en fait je travaille comme je l’ai dit en tant que survivant de nuit, et avec les jeunes je suis comme une soeur, mais quand il faut les punir je le fais aussi, ce qui les frustre beaucoup, et en fait je suis comme ça mais au travail, et non en tant que maman, donc pour la suite j’ai peur en tant que mère, parce que j’ai beaucoup ce côté enfantin, j’aime la vie, j’aime croquer la vie à plein dents, j’ai beaucoup d’enthousiasme, les gens me suivent beaucoup, c’est à dire que quand je veux faire quelque chose et que je le fais exprimer par mon enthousiasme tout à coup tout le monde me suit, mais j’ai peur, j’ai peur pour la suite, mais je suis aussi très optimiste, étant ENFP, je suis quand même optimiste, et jovial, donc je ne suis pas en dépression, par contre attention, parce qu’un ENFP en dépression, un ENFP négatif, c’est un ENFP manipulateur, et je l’ai été pendant quelques moments, c’est à dire que quand on est ENFP négatif et qu’on fait des choses qui nous plaisent pas , parce qu’on devient un peu sombre, je le dit clairement, on devient sombre, il y a des moments où on devient manipulateur, assez mesquin, c’est assez vicieux, très vicieux, et je me suis rendu compte que ce côté là des ENFP est très détestable pour tout le monde, mais les gens le voient beaucoup, parce que c’est horrible, c’est vraiment quelque chose, et je me suis rendu compte que ça m’arrive quand je suis trop souvent seul, ça veut dire que quand je reste trop, trop, trop seul, ça m’arrive, et que j’ai trop de pensées en tête parce que ma vie ne va pas comme je le veux, par contre, quand je suis seul et que je voyage, et que je kiffe ma vie, du coup, pour le coup, je redeviens ENFP positif, même si je voyage seul, tant que je voyage, mais si je reste dans un endroit où l’environnement n’est pas bon pour moi, je deviens ENFP négatif, c’est horrible d’être vicieux et malhonnête, on essaie d’être bon et de vouloir bien faire, mais finalement, c’est pas trop ça, et j’ai remarqué aussi que la plupart des ENFP ont des TDAH, je sais pas vous, mais je crois que je ressemble à un TDAH, mais enfin bon, à part ça, je me reconnais à 100%, je n’ai rien à dire, je me reconnais à 100%, moi je veux juste une structure, c’est à dire que je veux un INTJ, et j’espère que les INTJ veulent de moi.
D’ailleurs je sais pas vous, mais moi à l’école j’étais très indiscipliné, bon je le suis toujours, mais du coup j’arrivais, je faisais jamais mes devoirs parce que j’étais pas cadré, j’avais pas de structure, j’avais rien, et je l’ai toujours pas, et je me dis qu’en fait on m’a mis en sec pas finalement, en pensant que j’avais un déficit ou je ne sais quoi, mais finalement en fait c’est juste parce que c’est mon MBTI que je suis comme ça, même s’il faudrait quand même un minimum, mais je me dis qu’en fait il faudrait classer les gens par MBTI en classe, j’abuse un peu bien sûr, mais je me dis que ce serait intéressant aux professeurs de faire des tests MBTI à leurs élèves afin de comprendre comment ils sont à peu près bien sûr, et de faire des choses plus adaptées à eux, Moi, j’ai été en Segpa et franchement, ça m’a fait avancer et j’étais plus épanoui. Je n’ai jamais été autant épanoui en segpa que ailleurs. Franchement, c’est quelque chose qu’ils devraient faire. Faire des tests MBTI à leurs élèves, franchement, à méditer.
C’etait moi , soumy 25ans et ravie de vous avoir lu ☺️