ENFJ – The Giver

Take the test: MBTI - Big Five (OCEAN)


Le donateur

ENFJs are people-oriented. More than any other type, they have excellent people skills. They have a special talent for bringing out the best in others. Their primary interest is in giving love and support. They have the ability to elicit the reactions they seek from others. Their motives are usually selfless, but some may use this power to manipulate people.

ENFJs tend to be hard on themselves and have dark thoughts when alone. Some then try to fill their lives with activities involving other people. They set their priorities based on the needs of others and may forget their own needs.

They are more reserved than other extroverted types. Even if they have strong beliefs, they may not express them if they would harm others. When faced with conflict, they may value the other person's needs.

ENFJs can feel very lonely, even when they are surrounded by good people. This feeling of loneliness can be exacerbated by their tendency to not reveal their true nature.

People love ENFJs. They are fun, honest, bright, energetic, and exude a lot of self-confidence.

ENFJs love working with people. Their incredible ability to understand people makes them perfect counselors. They enjoy being the center of attention and are very good at teaching. They do not like anything that has to do with logical reasoning, however.

ENFJs have a special gift with people and truly enjoy being of service to others. They have a very strong need for close and intimate relationships. They are very loyal and trustworthy, once committed to a relationship.

An ENFJ who has not found their place in the world may be very sensitive to criticism and worry excessively or feel guilty. They can also be very manipulative.

In general, ENFJs are charming, warm, kind, and creative. They also have the special ability to see the potential for growth in others, and can help them progress.


ENFJs have a lot of leeway in choosing a career. The important thing is that they work with people and with enough challenges to stimulate their creativity.

Possible careers
Social worker
Human resources
Politician / Diplomat


ENFJs put a lot of effort into their relationships. They have very good people skills and are affectionate and caring. They excel at bringing out the best in others and supporting them. They can tend to smother their loved ones but are generally well-liked for their genuine warmth and caring nature.


  • Good verbal communication skills
  • Insightful into people's thoughts and motivations
  • Motivates, inspires and brings out the best in others
  • Affectionate
  • Fun, sense of humor, energetic and optimistic
  • Financial skills
  • Loyal and devoted - looking for lasting relationships
  • Look for “win-win” situations
  • Likes to meet the needs of others

Weak points

  • Smothering and overprotective
  • Tendency to control or manipulate
  • Does not pay enough attention to own needs
  • Tendency to be critical of opinions and attitudes that do not match their own
  • Extremely sensitive to conflicts, tries to avoid them
  • Tendency to blame oneself when things go wrong and not give oneself credit when things go well

Romantic relationships

ENFJs are completely dedicated to the relationship and their partner. They take their commitments seriously. If a relationship fails, they first feel guilty and then move on, without looking back.

They may have a habit of asking a lot of questions from their partner. This behavior can sometimes be stifling.

Sexually, they view intimacy as an opportunity to express their love. They seek happiness and satisfaction from their partner. They may be prone to becoming routine.

Although they do not ask for it, they need to receive sweet words. Since much of their personal satisfaction comes from the happiness of others, they are able to ignore their own needs.

ENFJs hate conflict. They prefer to ignore or even cover it up rather than tackle it head on. They might agree to something that goes against their values just to end an uncomfortable situation. In such cases, the problem will resurface later. ENFJs need to realize that the world will not end if there is disagreement and that ignoring problems does not make them go away.

ENFJ's natural partner is theINFP, or the ISFP to a lesser extent.

As parents

ENFJs take their parenting role very seriously. They consider that passing on values and goals to their children is of paramount importance. They are quite strict, with high expectations for their children's behavior. They are also warm and affectionate with their children.

It is usually not easy to be the child of an ENFJ because their behavior can be stifling at times. They have very definite ideas about what is right and what is wrong. They tend to strictly monitor their offspring.

As with most personality types, ENFJ parents may encounter issues with their children as they reach puberty. Their children will need more space and will begin to pick up on the ENFJ's protective tendencies. This problem is magnified if the ENFJ parent has manipulative tendencies. As they grow, their children will inevitably see these tendencies come out. They will begin to question their parents' value systems.

 But usually ENFJs have nothing but good intentions for their children, who see them as warm, if strict.

As friends

ENFJs are warm, outgoing, supportive, generous, and in tune with others' feelings and perspectives. They are energetic and fun. They seek authenticity and are very sensitive to the needs of others.

They are interested in all personality types, but are less likely to spend time with those who have a preference for Sensing, whose "live for the moment" attitude may conflict with their value system. Since they live in a people-oriented world, they are uncomfortable with objective judgments that ignore people issues. Consequently, they have few close friendships with types who have a preference for Thinking. They can, however, enjoy xNFx and xSxJ to their fullest.

Financial independence

ENFJs, with their taste for working with others, their willingness to be of service and their solidarity, have no interest in financial independence. However, they do have some skills, particularly in terms of money, which could allow them to become financially independent. A quest for independence would only make sense to them if it could allow them to be more of a service to others.

I have selected for you here some reference books on financial independence, the stock market and dividends. You can also exchange with other members on the forum. Finally, if you want to keep up to date on the topic of financial independence, sign up for free at the dividendes.ch newsletter (with E-Book "The magic number as a bonus).

Kind Big Five - OCEAN the closest: SCOAISLOAI

Source : http://www.personalitypage.com

36 thoughts on “ENFJ – Le donateur”

    1. I am pleasantly surprised at how accurately this test has painted a very realistic picture of my personality and my daily life. It's just incredible!

  1. Yes, your test matches my personality, but it doesn't tell me whether or not I can have a career, which is what initially prompted me to answer your long questionnaire.

    1. AHAHA I was thinking the same thing! I knew there were people who would be compatible with me too, I trust the Universe, but there! I have the proof in black and white 🙂 It feels good.

  2. Quite impressive with a few nuances. Really very interesting for the weak points, it gives an area for progress.

  3. Pretty quick test compared to the personality tests I know and the results sound right! My list of jobs is exactly what I do. Recommended!

  4. I must admit that I am amazed myself. The top job is the one I do. And on paternity, I am dead. Thanks for the ideas for improvement.

  5. Damn! I don't know what robot is behind all this but I like it! I've never seen anything more effective in terms of testing. On the other hand, INFP or not, I'll take it if I want. It's not a quiz that's going to tell me who to marry 🙂

    1. Dear private partner :D)
      This is an observation that I find excellent! But be careful, we are unfortunately very rare…
      A child (who would like to meet others from time to time)

  6. Amazing test. It's like seeing myself in a mirror. For work, it's spot on. Human relationships are the same.

  7. Not bad but it does not take into consideration a possible evolution, the fact that already with age like any self-respecting person, we evolve and we will more easily face conflicts, appreciate more and more the logical side of things and above all we like our financial independence when we see to what extent most people are much less invested than us we begin to moderate the excess of altruism that people naturally take advantage of and we begin the good healthy selfishness* ABE

    1. Hi
      in fact the MBTI takes into account your natural tendencies (basic or one could say), however with age we compensate of course. 😉 (for more info, you have to dig into the MBTI)

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