The rich are always richer and the poor always poorer. It's a fact. Either we tell ourselves that it's inevitable and that it's impossible to change the nature of things, or we consider it in our interest to discover the process that explains how get rich.
What makes you financially independent? Should you work hard, start your own business, get involved in e-commerce, franchising, or MLM? What is the role of savings? Should you follow the gurus of extreme frugality? Can you, on the other hand, just save a minimum, and if so, how much? Should you invest, and if so, in which assets? Real estate, gold, stocks, bonds, cash? Based on what criteria should they be selected and how should they be allocated in a portfolio? In which markets should you invest? How should you choose your financial intermediary? How should you diversify your assets and how much should you spend? wallet should count on securities? What is the impact of taxation? What do millionaires say? ...
Determinants are variables that explain to us how and why we can or cannot become rich.
A determinant in social sciences is a factor that influences a situation. Which ones predispose one to becoming rich and financially independent? Are some more effective than others? How can they be implemented in concrete terms and how much time is needed to achieve one's goal? How can one know if one has achieved financial independence and if one can stop working?
This book lists many principles and methods for improving one's financial condition. It compares them critically, taking into account available scientific research and actual facts. The resulting approach can be adapted to anyone, regardless of initial wealth and income. It is suitable for a young worker entering the job market as well as for a retiree or one about to retire.
Available in format:
A purchase that I do not regret and yet, I have read books about it!
Thomas Aurlant from the blog The (very) Private Investor
Thank you for all this information, I am enriched by your book and will get back to you as soon as possible.
Hello Jerome,
I bought your book on Amazon.
Thanks to you, I learned many important things about wealth.
I think you are a very generous person.
To do this, you just have to realize the great wealth of content that you also offer in your blog and in your book.
To be honest, I am a loyal reader of all your writings.
I hope you don't stop there because you have a certain talent in writing to get your message across.
I recommend you to everyone around me.
Thank you very much for your comment which touches me a lot.
Yours sincerely,
Hello Jerome
Thank you for sharing your journey. I am myself looking for a solution to become a "rentier". I will first buy your e-book, then, if you agree, I would like to follow in your footsteps and benefit from your experience.
No worries, just read me 😉
Good morning,
I am interested in your ebook but have a question beforehand: are the proposed strategies applicable in Switzerland? in France? anywhere?
I live in Switzerland and I wish I could apply your strategies here.
Thanks in advance,
Best regards,
Hello Julien. The principles are applicable everywhere and of course in Switzerland, since I live there too.
Hello Jerome, my problem is that I don't have the means to buy your book! What can I do?
Good morning
Thank you for your very interesting and easy to read ebook.
There is only one paragraph that I did not understand, the one about the sale.
1- How do you know that the fundamentals of a company have changed?
2- What does it mean that the title has been overpriced?
As for the yield, how do you find the market average? You give 2%, I assume this is for inflation or Swiss bonds?
Hello Mira
Thank you for your comment. Regarding the average market return, you have to base yourself on a stock market index that you know well. I like to look at the S&P 500. By searching a little on the net, you can easily find this data, for example on
Regarding question 1, the fundamentals, in a dividend-oriented approach, this essentially concerns the profit. If it stagnates, or especially if it falls, the dividend may be in danger. Then we must see if there is a margin of safety, which we find via the distribution ratio.
Regarding question 2, we can know if a stock has increased in price by examining the evolution of the PER and/or the yield. We can compare them on a historical basis, but also in relation to other stocks in the same sector.
Good morning !
If dividends can be interesting, why limit yourself to 8 or 10% per year? Without any guarantee…
For example, my last acquisition for yield was Foncière des Murs. 8% dividend. I chose it because it seemed to me to be the only one that could appreciate. Most stocks paying large dividends lose value.
But its price has increased by 30% since then. That's much more than the dividend. Should I sell? or hold?
Thanks to my indicators I know whether it will continue to rise or not, but my message is this:
Should we settle for 10% per year or take advantage of stocks that grow by 70% per year?
If you are interested in dividends, that's good. You have already set foot in financial independence. Also, take an interest in trading. Friendly advice.
Be careful not to confuse dividend-paying stocks, especially large dividends, with a strategy based on growing dividends. They have nothing to do with it. And be wary of yields that are too good to be true. I have also tested trading in the past and it is not all rosy either.
In that case, OK. I understand better. Dividends grow in absolute value, not in relative value.
This is a valid strategy. This point needs to be made clear, then.
"take advantage of stocks that increase by 70% per year" That's easier said than done...
Please note that I have never spoken and will never speak in these terms. You are taking this from a reader's comment.
Good morning,
Is your book exclusively available in ebook version or is it possible to find it in paper version?
Hello! Only in electronic version, sorry.
Good morning,
I would like to know if the ebook is still available, I did the purchase procedure via cb everything is ok but I have no payment confirmation or purchase confirmation.
Good morning
Yes you should have been redirected to the download page after purchase. I'll send it to you by email.
Hello, can you help me understand and use the Excel table?
Complete on the left what is requested. On the right you see according to your savings capacity the number of years necessary to reach your goal. It is necessary to read the ebook before to understand well.
Hello Jerome,
I have been reading this blog for some time now and I have just downloaded the ebook, however I only had the pdf, the excel file is no longer provided with it?
Good day,
Good morning,
Congratulations on your articles, analyses, etc., it is very enriching.
I would like to buy the e-book from you but just before I take it, I just wanted to ask in case you happen to be planning on releasing the 2019 version?
Thank you in advance for your response and I wish you a great weekend.
No update planned on the horizon.
Hello, after a quick first reading of your E-book purchased last week, I have a question. When you talk about "Net income", for example: "So, if you can save 30% of your net income, ..." Are the AVS and the LPP counted in the 30% of savings or are you talking about 30% of savings after these deductions (which are a form of savings)?
Hello! 30% without counting AVS and LPP. These are real savings, which belong to you. Not those stolen from you by social security.
Thank you Jerome for this book! I had stayed on dividends and these new strategies are impressive to achieve independence quickly
With pleasure Florent and thank you