
I started investing in the stock market in 2000, at the height of the Internet bubble. There have hardly been worse times to get started in the stock market: a major bear market lasting almost three years, followed by a shorter but equally intense one in 2008. I never gave up, learning from my mistakes, refining my strategy and managing to get rich despite it all. In 2010, I launched my blog dividendes.ch which focuses on quality stocks that pay solid income to their shareholders. The theme of financial independence is also very present, with a critical view of consumer society and the world of work. After working up to 60 hours a week in a multinational, I am now financially independent, thanks to my investments.


9 thoughts on “À propos”

  1. Hello to you, fellow investor (and blogger!),

    It always pleases me to see that there are many ways to approach the markets. What matters is to have a coherent long-term strategy, the rest is just speculation :o) Good luck to you!

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    The Self Made Man

    Your journey is very interesting and informative. What I see is that unlike many, you have learned from your mistakes, which will really help you move forward.
    The expression "my first enemy was myself", which you used, had a profound impact on me. Indeed, this expression is valid for all of us in the stock market because by not disciplining ourselves, we easily fall into the traps of greed and fear.

  3. blank

    Very interesting investment philosophy! Your site is a real mine of information for beginners, I find that you were particularly good at explaining technical terms in a simple way (sharpe ratio, standard deviation, etc.)!
    I have two or three quick questions about your risk profile. How old are you? And how did you get trained in the field of technical and graphical analysis?

    I wish you a 2016 rich in dividends!

    1. blank

      Thank you Numa.
      I am in my forties. I trained myself in the stock market a little by reading books, a little by surfing and especially a lot by doing my own reflections and experiments. We are never better served than by ourselves.

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    Hello Jerome,

    Where can I send you a Press Release?

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    Thomas Azan (thomas.azan@goodway.fr)

  5. blank

    Good morning,
    I just discovered your site and I read a few articles including this one. For my part, I did not start investing in 2000 when the internet bubble burst but in 2009 when most values were starting to rise again. This did not prevent me from taking some nice capital losses because of my impatience and my desire to invest in derivative products as well as in small companies on Alternext and the free market (rarer in this case).
    I just took a look at the forum and I see that it is not very active. Is it still possible to participate?
    Happy Sunday 🙂

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