Can't wait for the holidays to end!

When you're an employee, and you have a job you hate (that was my case until last year), you only expect one thing: in the short term, the weekend, and in the long term, the holidays. You work yourself to the limit for 47 weeks to live 5 weeks of "rest" at a hundred miles an hour, just so you don't miss a single bit. Rat Race is raging even though we are supposed to be moving away from it... The race is often even more frenetic, given the relatively short time available. Still. We need it, we try to enjoy it, there are even some very good moments, and when we return to work, we are already thinking about the next ones.

Now that I have left the salaried job, I see things in a completely different way. For almost a year now, I have been spending my days not according to orders received from someone else, but according to my own aspirations. I am free to set my schedule as I see fit. As a good INTJ, time is of the utmost importance to me. I need it to develop my ideas. This is one of the reasons why the world of work did not suit me: it took up too much space in my life. As I am constantly teeming with new thoughts, I need space to mature them and put them into practice.

So, when the summer break comes around, it changes everything. You have to set up a schedule to keep the kids busy and plan a thousand and one activities with them to keep them from getting bored. As a result, boredom changes sides. What a paradox: when they have time for themselves, they get bored. When I don't have time for myself, I get bored. Worse, the more bored I get, the more my head swarms with ideas, which I don't have time to develop. And to boredom is added impatience...

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But let's not lie to ourselves: this is a very nice problem that I have here. First, because despite everything, I like to "be bored" with my children. It is always more pleasant indeed to play with them than to put up with the bad mood of your boss. And then, in a few weeks, the holidays will already be over and I will then have all the leisure to develop the new ideas that jostle in my head.

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7 thoughts on “Vivement la fin des vacances”

  1. I was a business owner for 18 years after being an employee for 22 years.
    It was worse as a business owner because there were far fewer holidays.
    It all depends on the employee position you occupy in relation to the company you manage.

  2. Hello Jerome. Enjoy these beautiful holidays with your children. At the time, we feel like we are wasting a little time, with activities that we would not necessarily have chosen ourselves. But these will be wonderful memories of life. Time flies with them. When they are in the ratrace they will no longer have time for their dad. Besides, I would like to make them an individual portfolio in their names right now. The banks refuse because they are too young! Any ideas? Just imagine the impact it could have on their lives, if a parent makes them a portfolio from the age of 10!!!

    1. Yes, indeed, I thought about it too and finally I told myself that the simplest thing was for me to continue investing on my side because in any case it will come back to them sooner or later, in the form of study funding, donations and inheritance.

    2. I had the same thought and from January 1st of this year, my child has an account at UBS that I manage freely until he comes of age (it is officially in his name as the holder) and which is placed in an ETF UBS 100 INDEX FD CH. It is an ETF on the 100 largest Swiss caps.
      Low costs and as soon as there are 20.- or more in the account, they are directly invested.
      There you go, if that can give you a clue…

      1. Attention car à partir d’un certain montant qu’ils ne dévoilent pas, les impôts du canton de Vaud décident que l’enfant n’est plus à la charge des parents (même si il l’est effectivement et aux études) et suppriment le quotient familial y relatif aux parents.

        Comme je considère que c’est ilégal (Code Civil Suisse et Loi sur le simpôts). imoral et contraire à la sécurité juridique, j’ai ouvert un recours auprès du tribunal cantonal.

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