Mission accomplished

This post is part 86 of 86 in the series Diary of a future rentier.

Mission accomplished

That's it. I did it. I'm at the top of the mountain. I plant my flag there, then I take a bottle of Petite Arvine out of my bag, which I quickly uncork and savor properly. What a thrill, it brings tears to my eyes.

I just pulled the plug, put away my crampons. The hamster got off his wheel. The rat left his lab.

I already felt financially independent, now I am free, de facto.



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19 thoughts on “Mission accomplie”

  1. Congratulations Jerome,
    We feel this joy in the text!
    Long live freedom, may it be happy and profitable for you!
    What was your first reaction once you reached this last one?

    1. Thank you AGU,
      No immediate reflex to tell the truth. In my head I have already been financially independent for a long time. What is changing, however, is that familiar feeling of nonchalance that I am gradually finding again, the same one I experienced when I was a student.

  2. Well done, welcome to the blessed ones who observe the world with a certain distance...
    No worries, you get used to it very quickly without getting tired of enjoying your time as you wish. Congratulations for your perseverance and good luck!

  3. "that familiar feeling of nonchalance that I am gradually finding again, the same one I experienced when I was a student."
    => and to think that I read this kind of thing at the office…
    Well done !

  4. Congratulations Jerome!

    Confucius said: “The journey is more important than the destination.” Is this also true for achieving this independence?

    Best regards.

    1. Thank you Ploutos! It is clear that it is during the journey that we learn. Now that this destination has been reached, I am on a new journey, different, whose destination is unknown to me, because I live from day to day.

  5. Pleasure to read this news! Know that over the years, I have learned a lot with your various articles, and I have often found a source of reflection and awareness there!

    Financial independence, a magnificent project and I can only congratulate you on this success 🙂

    See you soon !

    1. Thank you Soon. As I described in my diary of a future rentier, the view of others is 100% positive, since I did not put forward my financial independence, but the launch of my independent activity (admittedly incidental, but I keep that to myself :-)). This changes everything.

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