Diary of a future rentier (78)

This post is part 77 of 86 in the series Diary of a future rentier.

MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Now, we can say that it was successful. In four years, the Rambo of the Coronavirus has really messed things up. The result: 365,000 deaths from the Chinese virus to date, a country divided like never before and democratic institutions taken by storm by the faithful with brains softened by fake news. This fake news that they themselves and their president deny, decry as coming from newspapers, politicians or scientists whose seriousness is no longer in doubt. Putin is drinking in the milk at the moment. This world has become crazy. The QAnon conspirators have replaced the jihadists. Not sure that we have gained from the change... Did we forget INTELLIGENCE in the 20th century?

The good news is that Biden is finally elected hands down, despite what some people say. And the Senate becomes Democrat. Finally, a large part of America has opened its eyes. But the damage is done. Let's hope for them that it's not too late and that Biden will be the unifier they were hoping for.

In other good news, the stock market continues to rise to the firmament and Bitcoin has doubled in a month. It's euphoria. Stocks, cryptos, real estate, gold...Apart from bonds, everything is Bull at the moment! What a contrast when the political, health and ecological planet is going to shit.

For my part, fortunately, it is much more serene. I am continuing with my independent secondary activity project. I am on track, on schedule. First test client next week. The Rat Race is moving further and further away...

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6 thoughts on “Journal d’un futur rentier (78)”

  1. blank

    Well, here's a good start to the year!! Yes, the world seems really crazy, especially when it is run by other crazy people! After this terrible year 2020, Biden is expected as the "messiah" and the stock markets believe in it very strongly! It remains to be kept in mind that the situation is still very delicate between the high number of job seekers, covid and its victims, the states that are tightening the screw, including Asia, and not to mention the abysmal debt created by all these monetary infusions aimed at supporting an economy still slowed down by health restrictions. The stock market is showing strong signs of madness in my opinion. Just seeing that Tesla with its 700 billion market cap is 9x bigger than... VW which sells millions of cars, unlike Tesla's 500,000 or so, it always makes me wonder... I also appreciate the remark of Toyota boss Akio Toyoda "Tesla claims that its recipe will be the standard of the future. But at Toyota, what we have is a real kitchen and a real chef." In short, yes, the stock market is rising and seems to be really becoming more and more detached from reality, at least over the next few months... Nevertheless, Jérôme, you have managed to pull yourself out of the game and successfully complete your project, outside the markets too. I send you all my support in this first moment with your "test client" and I look forward to reading your feedback that I hope you will share on your site.

    1. blank

      Thanks AGU. Excellent quote from Akio Toyoda. I hadn't heard it. I like these Japanese more and more.
      All things considered, the dichotomy between Toyota and Tesla resembles that of the civilized world facing the chimeras of QAnon.
      On the one hand, we have reality, not necessarily very beautiful of course, with its faults, but also with qualities that have proven themselves for ages.
      On the other hand, we have at best promises, but above all lies and big, very big unknowns and worries.

      Let's not forget that all this mess is because of the Rat Race.
      It is because people do not know how to stop consuming and working that Tesla and QAnon exist.
      If the world would take the time to stop for a moment, it would be much better off.

      1. blank

        Reading an article about cars, I discovered that Tesla sells pollution rights to other companies. Tesla, all electric as it is, has CO2 credits to sell to other less green manufacturers… result: more than a billion dollars in profits from these sales of pollution rights. This may be a possible explanation for the crazy bullish price of the stock. Were you aware of this kind of business? Thank you.

      2. blank

        I've heard about buying CO2 certificates before, but what surprises me is that Tesla can sell them! Ok, their cars are electric, but their cars are anything but eco-friendly, especially their batteries. The carbon footprint of a Tesla must be disastrous...

  2. blank

    To calculate the CO2 pollution attributed to each car manufacturer, we take into account the standardized emissions of the manufacturers' vehicles, linked to their consumption of fossil fuel. We do not take anything else into account. This is supposed to lead manufacturers to put less polluting vehicles on the market; otherwise, they must pay large penalties, which are increasingly dissuasive. "Virtuous" manufacturers can, on the other hand, sell their "pollution rights": this is supposed to reward them.
    Tesla loses money on each vehicle sold. On the other hand, Tesla makes money by selling its "pollution rights" (since it only builds electric cars, it has a lot of them). The problem is that as manufacturers make efforts, convert to "greening" their fleets and reducing their emissions, Tesla will make less money from the sale of its rights. The question is whether Tesla will be able to reduce its losses per vehicle sold in parallel with the progressive drying up of the "sale of pollution rights" source; not sure, especially since Tesla will be less and less alone in the all-electric market.
    As for Tesla stock, it is at levels completely disconnected from any reality (I can't explain it). For me, it will inevitably collapse one day or another, at least to find a reasonable valuation.

    1. blank

      Thanks Laurent for the info. In summary they are subsidized and despite this they are still losing money.
      So much speculation about a company in bright red numbers reminds me oddly of the dotcom craze…

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