Welcome to Dividend Island

One day I discovered a new land, a little corner of paradise, a wonderful island where professional success is not the only measure of success. Free time is a commodity much more precious than gold or diamonds.

I don't claim that this is a better world, it's just a different world, one that fits my values more. On this island, dreams come true and the little pleasures of life are celebrated like big parties.

I'll let you in on a secret: geographically speaking, this island is located where I used to live. It's not a new territory, it's the experiences I have there that are new.

You can be a modern Robinson Crusoe without physically traveling: just look at the world around you with different eyes.

My island is made up of many grains of sand, these grains of sand are dividends, these dividends are bursts of freedom, this freedom is the blood that flows in my veins.

Taken individually, these grains of sand seem insignificant. But stuck together, they are more powerful than an army.

One day I built a small sand pie. Then a second one. At first I didn't really know how to do it and I found the work tiring and uninteresting.

Ten pies later, this work had become pleasure and I was fascinated to see new pies even starting to build themselves. Hearing about compound interest in school is very different than seeing this little wonder at work and changing your life. For me, it was almost like a second birth.

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Today, these little pies have become a hill. If you look closely, this hill looks more and more like an island. An island of freedom.

On this island live many wild animals in harmony. You can find almost all species there, except hamsters...

If you too want to become a voluntary castaway on this fertile and welcoming land, throw your certainties and habits into the sea.

Invest today to be free tomorrow. Be the captain of your own life and you will never be shipwrecked again.

Don't let the Sandman put you to sleep! Wake up and start building your island as soon as possible.

Become capitalism rather than being its slave.

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6 thoughts on “Bienvenue à Dividend Island”

  1. blank

    Thanks bro. I've been wanting to write a little ode to my friends dividends and compound interest for a long time, who have truly changed my life for the better :-)

  2. blank

    For my children: What is your net worth at 65 if you invest 200chf per month with a return of 6%: ? Is solution 1, 2 or 3 better?
    1. From 25 to 65 years old. Net worth? 394k
    2. Age 25 to 35. Net worth? 201k
    3. Age 35 to 65. Net worth? 193k
    Start young!
    If the calculation is wrong please tell me! I have to talk to my kids again ah ah ah.

    1. blank

      Hello soon

      I calculated the following results:

      After 10 years: fortune of 32,662 (of which 8,662 is due to interest).

      After 20 years: fortune of 91,154 (of which 43,154 is due to interest).

      After 30 years: fortune of 195,906 of which 123,906 is due to interest).

      After 40 years: fortune of 383,500 (of which 287,500 is due to interest).

      After 50 years: fortune of 719,452 (of which 599,452 is due to interest).

      These examples illustrate the phenomenal importance of compound interest over time.

      For example, after 40 years, wealth is about 4x greater than after 20 years.

      Another observation: After 20 years, interest has contributed about 47% of the final fortune. After 40 years, this proportion rises to about 75%.

      1. blank

        This not only illustrates the importance of accumulated interest, but also puts the importance of the initial capital into perspective. As if wealth (or poverty) is not inevitable, but rather a process...

  3. blank

    Exactly right! The initial capital as well as the yield obtained are not everything. The final wealth depends enormously on the time during which we let our money work for us. Patience, trust and self-denial are the real keys to success.

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