Diary of a future annuitant (75)

This publication is part 74 of 86 in the series Diary of a future rentier.

Over the past 23 years, I have worked for six different employers. That represents an average loyalty of less than four years for each of them. Each time I left because I was tired of hearing the same stories over and over again and being asked for more and more. With each new change, I hoped that I would finally find the miracle employer, the one who would be different, who would make me forget the others and who would reconcile me with the world of work.

In fact, the first few months were always positive. They allowed me to learn new things, meet new people. My brain could take the time to recharge. But very quickly the rat race started up again, my motivation collapsed and I was already thinking about looking elsewhere.

Certainly, during these 23 years of professional life, there have been good times. I will always remember some remarkable achievements. I was also able to meet people at my workplace who are still very close to me today. But if we take stock of the final results, the result is largely negative. How many arguments over subjects of no importance, how many very late returns for equally useless reasons, how many more insomnias for problems that were foreign to me? All this stress caused by a third party organization with which I had no connection other than a simple employment contract... just a signature at the bottom of an A4 page.

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It wasn't my business. It wasn't my problems. But the Rat Race made them mine. This is all particularly perverse when you think about it. Not only does the bosses alienate our work, but they also delegate their worries to us. Not all of them, of course, they retain ultimate responsibility for the company, but they make all the problems that arise from it our own.

It's time to take back control.

Navigation in the series<< Diary of a future rentier (74)Diary of a future rentier (76) >>

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1 thought on “Journal d’un futur rentier (75)”

  1. "Not only do the bosses alienate our work, but they also delegate their worries to us."
    So true!
    It's amazing the things you become aware of when you realize you're living in a rat race... a hateful one!

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