INTJ Seeking Financial Freedom: An INTP Hidden by the World of Work?

The personality profile INTJ of MBTI is distinguished by his scientific soul. He is recognized by his Cartesian and analytical side. He seems distant, cold and reserved, especially with strangers. The INTJ appreciates theories and sees links between complex things. The future guides his actions. This profile also stands out for his determination as well as his concern to order and plan things. INTJs constitute one of the two rarest personality profiles of the MBTI (out of sixteen in total). However, they are rife among the community of investors seeking financial independence. The profile INTP has quite a few similarities to its INTJ cousin, although with a more spontaneous and flexible attitude.

What's different about the INTP: the "J" of the INTJ

The "Judgment" dimension, the last letter of the INTJ, brings him the necessary self-denial on the long road to autonomy. This is important since he will have to pass through many pitfalls, including significant bear markets that could make most people give up. It also gives him the ability to perfectly control and plan his quest. The INTJ thus sets precise goals and sticks to them at all costs, in order to achieve them within the desired time frame. Certainly, "Judgment" is a precious quality for the INTJ during this long journey. It should also be noted that the professional world particularly appreciates this dimension. This leads the INTJ to be very often sought after and solicited in the context of his professional activity. However, this is not always to his taste, due to his resolutely independent temperament.

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Not black or white

That being said, let's remember that the MBTI dimensions are not necessarily black or white. Indeed, we very rarely give 100% our preference for Introversion or Extraversion, Intuition or Sensation, Thinking or Feeling, Judgment or Perception. Most INTJs have a more or less developed "Perception" dimension, even if it is not the majority compared to their "Judgment".


This explains one of the paradoxes that we see in many INTJs seeking financial independence. Of course, becoming a rentier will allow them to give free rein to their overflowing imagination. They will thus finally be able to have the time to carry out all their projects and implement their ideas. In this context, they will continue to do so with their usual "Judgment", with all the determination that this implies. Nevertheless, despite their resolute, orderly and serious side, they can also feel attracted under certain conditions by more nonchalance, letting go and relaxation, brought by the "Perception" dimension. Leaving the professional world for good is therefore also a way for them to let go and enjoy life more.


If you think about it, you might wonder if INTJs who display a "Judgment" dimension that is only slightly above average (or a "Perception" dimension that is slightly below average) are not simply INTPs who have been repressed by the world of work. The latter loves planning, order, organization, control, structure, seriousness, formality, goal setting, respect for deadlines and schedules. In short, the "Judgment" dimension in all its glory. Work therefore has a strong tendency to format us into this mold. This inevitably partly affects our way of functioning.

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Outside of work

Let's take a minute to think. Let's think about how we behaved when we were younger, during our studies. Or during the holidays. Or simply during the weekends or in the evenings after work. Whatever our personality profile, there is a good chance that during these moments, the "Judgment" dimension fades away in favor of that of "Perception". Outside of the world of work, whether before entering it, or during the moments of respite that it leaves us, we are certainly more relaxed. We run less after goals and enjoy the present moment more. The quest for financial independence would therefore be a way for some of us to drop the mask, by sticking back to our values and our true personality.

Let's be casual

If I think back to my studies, I was anything but a model student. I went out a lot, partied until late, and never revised my lessons regularly. I took things as they came and lived day by day. I needed last-minute stress to motivate me to prepare for my exams. On vacation, I tend to behave in a similar way. I enjoy having a good time, sharing a meal, enjoying a bottle (or several), living in the moment, in short, almost doing nothing. In the evenings and on weekends, even if my work still sometimes conditions my mind, I also adopt a rather casual behavior. All these characteristics are undeniably specific to the "Perception" dimension of the MBTI.

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Are you also an INTP hiding under an INTJ?

And you, do you also have the impression that the world of work locks you into an unwanted role? Do you think that your a priori preference for "Perception" is put under guardianship by your professional activity in favor of "Judgment"? Are you a repressed INTP disguised as an INTJ?

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