The Determinants of Wealth: Science at the Service of Financial Independence

After several months of hard work, here is finally my new E-Book! To think that at first, I had started with a very simple article topic that I thought I would write in a few minutes... In the end, it took me hundreds of hours of work to get to this result. I am very happy to share it with you today.

The rich are always richer and the poor always poorer. It is a fact. Either we tell ourselves that it is inevitable and that it is impossible to change the nature of things, or we consider that it is in our interest to discover the process that explains this phenomenon.

What makes you rich and financially independent? Should you work hard, start your own business, get into e-commerce, franchises or MLM? What is the role of savings, should you follow the gurus of extreme frugality? Can you instead just save a minimum and if so, how much? Should you invest and if so, in which assets? Real estate, gold, stocks, bonds, cash? Based on what criteria to select them and how to distribute them in a portfolio? In which markets to invest? How to choose your financial intermediary? How to diversify your assets and how many securities should a portfolio contain? What is the impact of taxation? What do millionaires say about it? ...

A determinant in social sciences is a factor that influences a situation. Which are those that predispose to get rich and financially independent? Are some more effective than others? How can they be implemented in practice and how long does it take to achieve your goal? How do you know if you have achieved financial independence and if you can stop working?

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This book lists many principles and methods for improving one's financial condition. It compares them critically, taking into account available scientific research and actual facts. The resulting approach can be adapted to anyone, regardless of initial wealth and income. It is suitable for a young worker entering the job market as well as for a retiree or one about to retire.

The E-Book is available here.

Happy reading!

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10 thoughts on “Les déterminants de la richesse : la science au service de l’indépendance financière”

  1. Hello Jerome,
    And what happened to the old e-book?
    Is there a completely different content in your new book? Or is the content of the first e-book repeated in this new book?
    If not, is the old one no longer accessible?

    1. Hello Terry,
      At first I thought that this one would complete my old e-Book 'profession rentier'. Finally, after many hours of research I decided to take the whole concept under one and the same work. This one therefore takes some parts of the first (the best), by updating them and making them more coherent with the whole approach. In order not to disturb future readers I therefore removed the old work.
      See you later

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