Little fish will become big... provided that God gives it life.
Yes, but in La Fontaine's fable, the little fish is eaten by the fisherman before it can grow:
He failed to convince his tormentor to let him grow up so that he could enjoy later of a larger meal.
Along the same lines, it is easier and more natural for a man to spend his money today than to live below his means, patiently saving and investing his money with the aim of making it grow and enjoying it even more later.
Hamburger eaters talk about "delayed gratification", which can be roughly translated as "satisfaction postponed" or "delayed pleasure". It is the ability to resist the temptation of an immediate reward in favor of a larger reward that will be obtained later.
And that's exactly what it's all about when you patiently invest in dividend-growing stocks. By being wise enough to forgo unnecessary luxury purchases today, you're giving yourself the opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest long before anyone else does.
To achieve your goal, you have to persevere, hang on, and not give up. (except when you forgot to put on deodorant), do not let yourself despair at the insignificant amounts you earn at the beginning. The journey is long, but it is also beautiful in itself. Perhaps even as beautiful as the destination.
Everyone must start small. Every great journey begins with a single step. Every castle begins with a first stone and every fortune was once only a pitiful coin.
Approaching difficulties with a "one stone at a time" mindset is easier and more effective than facing an insurmountable wall and turning back in despair.
Every time I think the finish line is still far away, I remember that the race to financial independence is a marathon, not a sprint.
I have a dream and I am giving myself the means to achieve it. I know who I am and where I want to go. I decided several years ago to focus on the essentials, set priorities and not become a prisoner of an expensive lifestyle.
The most important thing is to start investing as early as possible and not to postpone this process. In order to make the most of the phenomenal power of compound interest, it is essential not to procrastinate.
Living off your dividends doesn't happen overnight. It's a long process and progress may seem insignificant at first. But if you stick with it, you'll be amply rewarded.
Are we really born to spend the best years of our lives working? To worry about other people's problems to the point where we no longer have the energy to think about ourselves or those we love? To spend our days staring at a computer screen while the sun shines outside.
Dividends are immediate: They flow into your bank account all by themselves! They never go hungry, can't catch the flu and don't experience burnout.
Dividends are stronger than Rambo and sexier than Scarlett Johannsson! They allow you to approach life from a new perspective. They are the key that will free you from your handcuffs. Making money is a means, not an end.
Little fish will grow up and come out of his bowl. The world is so vast and beautiful outside the bowl!
Small dividend will become big and will give me back my freedom. On that day, my money will work for me, and I will never go back into my jar.
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You are right when you say that progress seems insignificant at first. It is true that the first dividends that we receive seem quite derisory. But with courage and determination, little by little, by putting a little savings aside, and thanks to increasing dividends and compound interest, these few so derisory francs turn into tens, then hundreds, then thousands of francs… until they represent the equivalent of one's salary. And then we say: goodbye everyone and good luck 🙂