Thoughts on the Rat Race (8/13)

This post is part 8 of 13 in the series The Rat Race.

Some rats seem to love their lab. At least that's what they say: why seek independence that you won't have for years, when a dependent life offers so many advantages? Indeed, if that's what they think, in all conscience, then there's no reason to change.

But they must ask themselves the question and answer it in an honest and perfectly detached manner. Let us not forget that consumer society is very good at creating needs that are not our own.

On the other hand, financial independence is a paradigm shift which happens from the moment we decide it. Even if we have to wait a few years for the visible part of this independence to manifest itself in the form of an annuity, the rat's mind frees itself much more quickly. It is even the first condition for financial independence to become a reality.

So there is no need to wait for years, you just have to be aware of it and act accordingly. Financial independence always starts with independence, period.


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2 thoughts on “Réflexions sur la Rat Race (8/13)”

  1. I really like your first sentence: "Some rats seem to like their laboratory." It reminds me of those prisoners who, out of habit and fear of change, end up preferring their prison to the outside world. Or those hostages who become attached to their torturer (Stockholm syndrome).

    Your text reminds us of the importance of awareness. We cannot remedy a problematic situation if we have not become aware that something is wrong.

    Open your eyes, look things in the face rather than hiding what bothers us. Start looking for solutions, you've already solved half the problem.

    1. blank

      It is clear that the laboratory can seem reassuring when we have known almost only that. Independence can be scary from certain points of view. It forces us to think for ourselves.

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