Time is on your side

https://xgouchet.fr/android/data/images/clock_tower.pngSometimes on the path to financial independence, you feel discouraged, tired or simply lost. You've been saving and investing for years, you've been toiling away at work for years, without necessarily seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Most of the time, these moments of confusion are not related to the quest itself, but rather to external events, mainly to what is happening at one's employer. Increased pressure, a deleterious atmosphere, orders without rhyme or reason, an unfulfilling activity, the impression of not being recognized for one's job, in short, the daily life of many employees.

After a while, all this weighs heavily. We can accept it, try to put things into perspective and even plan for a better life, with financial independence. The fact remains that the road is long and there, during these very specific moments, our goal can sometimes seem inaccessible. The temptation is then great to give up, to tell ourselves that in any case we will continue to be exploited by our boss until we are old enough, to have to rack our brains every day that God makes.

In these moments, you must not forget one thing, certainly the most important thing of all in the quest for financial independence: time is on your side. No matter what happens, no matter what you do, no matter what your employer makes you endure, every second that passes is one second less towards your new life.

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Every time your boss gets on your nerves, you get closer to the day when you can tell him you're retiring... 20 years before he does. You might even be at the end of your rope, bedridden, incapable of discernment, exhausted by your work, your dividends would continue to fall and grow, tirelessly bringing you closer to your goal.

Every sunrise is a step toward a former normal: the one where you didn’t work. You’re relegating your job to a bad memory, a small anomaly in a fully fulfilling life.

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