Objective 2020


A sign that I am moving forward on the path to financial independence, I am no longer at the stage where I dream of a hypothetical future free from the constraints of work, but rather at the stage where I wonder when I will be able to consider myself a full-fledged rentier.

The first time I really asked myself this question, I estimated that I had about 10 years left to go. A long time. And not really enough to jump for joy at first glance. However, when you put things in perspective, in relation to an individual's life, you realize that even 10 years is not a lot if you can still hope to live without too much hassle and in good health for the next 30 to 40 years.

More recently I did my little calculations again and concluded that I still had eight years to work. It's getting closer. It becomes more concrete, palpable, when you reach a single-digit number. But that's still a fair number of days having to work hard to fill other people's wallets. I also told myself at that time that there was a way to shorten this deadline, by taking a few well-measured risks, in particular by increasing the profitability of my investments and by further increasing my savings capacity.

Today, after long hours of reflection, and thanks to the Trading Auto Signal, I decided to set myself an ambitious, but realistic goal: become a rentier by 2020.

Until now, I had always set myself the goal of becoming financially independent. But I had never given a specific deadline. Now I am taking it to the next level, putting a certain amount of pressure on myself, but above all giving myself increased visibility. With this deadline, it will be even easier for me to put the daily hassles of professional life into perspective.

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2020. It's very close. This ambitious goal, if achieved, will allow me to become financially independent during my prime, almost twenty years before the "standard" retirement. So let's go for this final stretch!






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