Performance 2014

PerformanceThere performance in CHF from portfolio in 2014, amounts to +23.92%. Cumulatively, this brings us to an annual profitability since launch (03.02.2010) of +16.32%. The portfolio has outperformed the market (Swiss Performance Index +13%) during this year, even though it has a defensive vocation. These excellent figures are not to be taken lightly: the market is still clearly overheating, worse than in 2007, and not far from 2000... It is therefore more important than ever to focus on low beta stocks that have a long history of increasing dividends.

The portfolio's dividend growth remains consistently high, at 10,35% per year. As a result, my portfolio's yield on purchase cost has risen to 3,45%, despite recent purchases, while the current yield is only 2%. Despite this significant dividend growth, the distribution ratio The average portfolio yield remains cautious, at 50.1%, even if it has increased slightly since last half-year. This still leaves a good margin for growth for future dividends.

Portfolio composition and performance (in red) :

 FireShot Screen Capture #003 - 'Portfolio - online portfolio management tool - FT_com' - portfolio_ft_com_holdings_overview_6cf9d14f-37ce-4099-9855-0c3621e8cb13

FireShot Screen Capture #004 - 'Portfolio - online portfolio management tool - FT_com' - portfolio_ft_com_holdings_overview_6cf9d14f-37ce-4099-9855-0c3621e8cb13During the year, CHF 4,100 in net dividends were generated, compared to CHF 2,890 the previous year. I am thus progressing ever more towards financial independence, and am now 11% away from the objective that will allow me to completely retire from the professional world. I will then have even more time to devote to this site. In this regard, here are the encouraging statistics from

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A big thank you to all my readers, especially the French who represent more than 2/3 of Internet users!

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13 thoughts on “Performance 2014”

  1. blank

    Hello Jerome,

    Thanks for the introduction.

    Leaving aside the dividend aspect, what do you think is responsible for your portfolio's outperformance over the last 3 years?

    Good day

    1. blank

      to dividends 😉
      No, seriously I think it's linked to the fact that:
      1) I focus on quality companies oriented towards long-term value
      2) I take into account the currency risk intrinsic to the securities
      3) I remained cautious in my purchases once the market had already risen (few purchases for several months, except in poorly valued sectors)

  2. blank

    Hello Jerome,
    Best wishes for this year first of all, given the current market turmoil, are you considering measures to protect your portfolio? ETF bear, arbitrage, or options for example?

    1. blank

      No, I never do that… it’s speculation in my eyes
      To avoid these inconveniences, I choose titles that are more resistant than average to bear markets...

  3. blank
    Martin the independent investor

    Well done Jérôme for your results!

    However, we will have to be careful for 2015, which in my opinion will be a year of two halves. Probably a correction of the markets at the beginning of the year and a recovery afterwards, all in all a market of interesting opportunities for the informed and patient investor.


  4. blank

    Good evening, great performance but how with only 4100 CHF per year and 11% from your objective can you talk about financial independence?

    1. blank

      Because here I am only talking about the stock market investments part, in dividends. I also have other sources of passive income that I am not talking about here (notably real estate).

  5. blank

    Happy New Year to you Jérôme…
    A very busy day on the forex market following the “surprise” announcement from the SNB.

  6. blank

    All currencies are devaluing against the CHF, only gold is rising to adjust to the CHF... we understand the mechanism of investors. In this turmoil, capital is going towards the USD dollar, bonds in particular (fly to quality). 2015-2016 will provide great opportunities.

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