How to trade as simply as possible?

How to trade as simply as possible?Trading, Simplicity is the key to success. The more complicated you make it, the less likely you are to generate regular income. In this case, how can you simplify your trading as much as possible to be more efficient?

Eliminate any type of visual nuisance:

One of the most common mistakes is to accumulate a whole bunch of visual nuisances, for example, by using too many indicators at once.
By doing this, it is impossible for the trader to focus on the only thing that really matters, namely, price evolution.
Obviously, there is no point in going over the usefulness of these tools again.

Using one or two indicators can help the investor confirm a signal, and sometimes gives excellent entry points.
But they are not all equal: some can actually provide entry points, while others are more responsible for providing information on the direction of the trend, or the possibility of a reversal, etc.

And when we mix everything, and in too great a quantity, the different indications are often contradictory and we don't know where to turn.
In this case, it is better to limit yourself to what is strictly necessary and to use a few indicators that you have a perfect command of.

Do not “juggle” between time units:

Switching between time frames is sometimes part of certain trading strategies.

But when you want to simplify your trading as much as possible, Moving from one time unit to another poses some problems.
First, because the trend observed on a time unit will not necessarily be the same on the higher or lower UT.
Depending on the chosen time frame, It will therefore be necessary to adapt the meaning of one's position and stick to it.

As with indicator accumulation, the change of UT along the way may disturb the investor instead of helping him make the best possible decision.
Let's say Mr. X opens a buy position in H1. He follows his strategy and therefore enters the market following a well-defined signal.

Out of curiosity, he takes a look at M5 and there he realizes that the price is falling and that the buy signal he observed does not correspond at all to good timing on M5.
He then decides to close his trade and tries to take advantage of the decline in M5. Generally, This is where the price decides to go up again as he had originally planned.
Conclusion : In the absence of a well-established strategy, it is better to refrain from switching from one UT to another.

Toughen up your requirements for opportunities:

Paradoxically, the stricter the entry rules and the more chances you put on your side to generate profits.
With a well-defined plan, it is possible to naturally eliminate many false opportunities.

If the input signal is not very clear, it is simpler - and less risky - to abstain and observe the price evolution than to try (a little too much) one's luck.
Over time, it is always possible to relax the rules a little, since the trader's experience will be an additional element in decision-making, which is still very difficult for a beginner trader.

In summary, we will say that the most effective trading is that which requires least effort of interpretation : precise and easily applicable rules, elimination of contradictory signals and respect for the time unit throughout the trading session.

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2 thoughts on “Comment trader le plus simplement possible ?”

  1. blank
    Martin the Investor Mentor

    Personally, I think the best way to invest simply is to create an investment policy that will have as its primary quality to facilitate the elimination of average and mediocre companies.

    Never forget, that no more than 10-15% of the publicly traded companies are worth your attention, all the others are just there to confuse you.


  2. blank

    Good morning,

    Investing and trading are different. To invest (it's the simplest) you simply have to invest only in growth stocks and... wait. Nothing could be easier.

    And to find growth values, you just need to look at its very long-term historical graph.

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