Your last pay raise

Salary increaseWhen was the last time your boss gave you a raise? Two years ago? And how much? At most 0.5%? And you had to ask him several times for a re-evaluation of your salary before he got down to it? It's completely natural. Your boss, even if you are a key player and he wants to keep you, must also ensure the profits of his company (and incidentally the payment of his own salary). So there is little or nothing pushing him to give you a raise regularly and substantially.

Some people do indeed benefit from a variable income share, depending on the achievement of certain objectives, particularly financial ones, and can thus increase their remuneration. But reaching these ever higher ceilings is done in the majority of cases at the cost of an investment in time and stress that is increasingly significant and unbearable.

And then in the end, after having fought hard to get a modest raise, a good part of it ends up in the state coffers anyway, between social security contributions taken directly from the salary and taxes. You've worked your socks off and in the end it's the opposing team that pockets the stake. All this is quite demotivating anyway.

With increasing dividends, it's much more fun. You do nothing and you receive at least 10% of increase per year. In the 16 years that I have already worked (my god it's already way too much), I have only managed to get a bigger increase once, by changing jobs. With increasing dividends, it's automatic and a winner every time, provided that select quality titles.

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It is also a way of tasting the charms of the life of the elite, who indulge themselves copiously each year, while the mass of workers toil all day long only to have to tighten their belts at the end of the month.

Thank you dear dividends for allowing us to live a little like kings 😉

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4 thoughts on “Votre dernière augmentation de salaire”

  1. blank

    Hi Jerome,
    you just followed me on Twitter (I followed you back) and now I am checking your blog. Unfortunately, I don't speak French, so I must use a Google Translator 😉

  2. blank
    ludovic baratier

    Good morning

    In the face of salary increases, more than half of executives in France will not ask for a salary increase this year. The study has just been published

    Which shows that we need to find alternatives to the salary due to employment.


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