Be Rich Corp VIP Club

Be Rich Corp

It is not my habit to promote other sites, especially if they are a priori in competition with Nevertheless, I would like to welcome here the arrival of a new original offer for value-oriented and long-term investors: the Be Rich Corp VIP Club. The latter was founded by members of the Be Rich Corp team and brings together a community of French-speaking investors who want to progress together in stock market investment... They benefit from the experience of Serge, manager of the Be Rich Corp portfolio, whose performance since its creation is greater than 50% per year!

The Be Rich Corp team is currently composed of:


 Geo: CEO of IA-VIP and Consultant for about ten years in the banking sector (whether it be IT, front to back operations, organization, project and program management, trading rooms, etc.). He likes to see Serge grow IA-VIP's cash flow. A former big fan of systematic trading, he turned his jacket to adopt value investing (it's less fun but it pays more).




 Serge : Passionate investor always invested in the market and looking for good deals. And that's not all! Serge is also an outstanding consultant in finance, organization and IT. He is the president (Mr. President) of the company IA-VIP (International Advisors – Value Investment Partnership).




 Andre : the great private & corporate banking specialist, with more than 40 years of experience (level up!) internationally, former CEO of several banks. He is also a historian and geo-politician in his spare time. You can ask him anything you want on subjects concerning the world of banking, he will be able to answer you.




 Jeremy : investor with a buy and hold perspective, big fan of Warren Buffett. He looks for great companies like a budding Sherlock Holmes. He particularly likes to analyze competitive advantages. Jeremy works in the banking sector (and yes it happens!) and kept a blog where he tried to do like Warren before joining the team and the great Berichcorp adventure. In good English, he likes tea and will often say "great!".

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 Sylvain : always curious and motivated to study and find investment opportunities. For him, the concept of value investing took off instantly: paying 50c€ to buy 1€ (or more!) is disconcertingly obvious! Before joining Be Rich Corp, he ran a blog on investing with a safety margin "Margio Sefti". Between two analyses, he explained the principles of a company and its accounting, with the column "Les Limonades de Paul". Sylvain is also an entrepreneur in digital services for mobility.



 Etienne : interested in all forms of value investing (from old-school deep value to franchise value), he fell in love with it the first time he encountered the concept: "Who the hell wouldn't want to buy 1$ for 50 cents?!" He takes a rather quantitative approach, through various ratios, a little less Buffett-esque. An avid reader of anything related to value investing, he told his story as an investor since the beginning in his blog. He is not English but still enjoys a good cup of tea!

If I may tell you about the Be Rich team This is because I was part of a group of value investors with Etienne. The latter also ran the blog "Investisseur Débutant". This site is unfortunately no longer active today, but some of you will certainly remember it since it was among the recommended links on my blog. Etienne also intervened a few times directly on

THE VIP club proposed by the Be Rich team allows you to have access

  • At wallet contents Be Rich Corp, as well as that ofEtienne, of Jeremy and of Sylvain
  • to company analyses which appear in the portfolios and in the watchlist
  • to Company reviews chosen by VIP club members' votes
  • to chats to get answers to questions very quickly
  • to some regular bonuses, in the form of educational content, including a book that allows you to carry out your own analyses.
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I was able to test their offer over the last few days and here is what I thought of it:

  • The company analyses are excellent and very comprehensive. The authors really delve into the subject. The companies researched are original, we go off the beaten track and look for nuggets that have been neglected or wrongly punished by the market. We are really in pure and hard fundamentals.
  • The voting system that allows club members to choose which company will be analyzed is really innovative and interesting.
  • As the companies that are analyzed and that make up the portfolios are off the beaten track, they have a strong potential for appreciation. The past performances of the Be Rich team confirm this. However, when choosing them, you must also accept to support a fairly significant volatility. This is not given to all investors, especially those who are used to investing in growing dividends, which are inherently not very volatile.
  • Even though the fundamental approach used by Be Rich and the method of increasing dividends followed by my blog have the "same genes", they differ significantly in the method of selecting stocks. I focus on a few decisive criteria in terms of dividends that give me buy/sell signals, on a quasi-automatic basis and on a very large number of stocks. At Be Rich we focus on a smaller number of stocks, but the analyses are really pushed to the limit. We are looking for THE nugget. While is primarily looking for income, via dividends, Be Rich is primarily looking for capital gains via price increases. The two offers are therefore complementary.
  • The Be Rich team's portfolios are well detailed and each one gives its movements as it goes along. This makes it easy to follow their investment method. On the other hand, it is a little difficult to find your way among the different portfolios, you have to dig a little in the site. There is no page where you would have easy access to each of them, without having to search for the latest article that refers to one of these portfolios. We feel that the site is still very new and that it still needs to improve, especially in terms of user-friendliness. It is certainly just a matter of time...
  • Given the significant amount of work that goes into analyzing companies, the VIP club is of course not free. The subscription is not cheap, since it costs 99 euros per month. You can get a free month if you sign up for an annual subscription. I would say that this is the only real downside of the VIP club. This pricing policy closes the door to a good number of small investors. In comparison, the subscription to is only 16 euros per year. For those who can afford it, however, it can represent a good source of diversification and as the results have been there so far, the amount invested is quickly amortized (provided you invest enough).
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In short, theis more:

  • Very in-depth and exhaustive analyses
  • We find nuggets with a very strong potential for appreciation
  • Impressive performance history
  • Ability to vote for companies to be analyzed

In short, the minuses:

  • High volatility of selected securities
  • Low revenue oriented strategy
  • Still not easy to navigate through portfolios
  • Pricing policy not affordable for all budgets

In conclusion, THE Be Rich VIP Club will be of interest primarily to value investors who already have some experience and are comfortable with strong price fluctuations. For dividend-oriented investors, this can be a way to diversify their portfolio and boost it with a few stocks that are likely to make substantial capital gains.

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14 thoughts on “Club VIP Be Rich Corp”

  1. Interesting, but I have two questions: a) how many members are there at this rate? And above all, what is THEIR interest in creating a club at this rate?
    Because clearly, they have expertise and heritage far superior to what the members can bring them, by paying or participating...

    1. Last I heard there were about a hundred members. As for their interest, we can assume that it is a way to pay for their research work and their costs. It is true that it is expensive, and the number of contributors is certainly not unrelated to this.

  2. There are many players on the net, at the stock market level, who say they live comfortably from their trading and make strangely significant marketing efforts to market their services,,,, I noticed that the least expensive are the most serious, a bit like the mutual funds that some select based on management fees,,,

    1. So I guess you consider as serious given the price 😉 That being said, I confirm that the stock analyses carried out by Be Rich are really very thorough. I don't have the resources to do as much (and that's not my goal either).

  3. Hello Pat Jac,

    indeed the members are not very numerous yet. To tell the truth, we are closer to 80 than 100 members but we are only at the beginning of the adventure! ;).

    To respond to your post, I can tell you that:
    – the creation of the club is above all a request from our most loyal readers. We created this service for them. Some, for example, do not have the time to analyze companies in depth as we do and want us to clear the way for them, so to speak.
    – we don't all have Warren Buffett's wealth, at least not yet 😉 and I can assure you that many of our members have wealth much greater than ours.
    – the cost may, at first glance, indeed seem high, but we clearly display our Premium positioning (in the same way that there is a difference in cost between a Peugeot and an Audi…)
    – the analysis work that we carry out is substantial in terms of time (1 analysis per week on which we can spend more than ten hours).
    – we are constantly trying to provide additional complementary tools to our members (forum, ebook on financial analysis and ratios recently for example)
    – and above all we try to always answer (always in less than 24 hours) all the questions and requests of our members. We strive to create a real relationship with them (we also meet some of them physically to exchange when possible).

    The service we offer is absolutely unique in the French language. We are first and foremost passionate about Value investing and we also have the ambition to create the largest French-speaking value investing community.

    Finally, to answer guyem, we absolutely do not claim to live comfortably from our trading. We have been active on the web for many years (4 years for me) and we have always, throughout our various interventions and publications, been keen to say what we were doing and do what we said with the greatest transparency and integrity (moreover, members have access to our entire portfolios and are notified in real time of our operations for example).

    If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask, I will be happy to answer them.


    1. The price of €99 per month is not very expensive considering the added value provided by the analyses. This comes to around €25 per company evaluated on the basis of one per week.
      Your offer is tempting for people who want to invest without having the skills.

  4. Exactly Jerome!! 😉 and it's also to encourage you not to raise your prices!! ,,,,
    If I take as an example the site devenir-rentier, entirely free, and whose administrator, according to the latest news, is so convinced as to leave his job as an IT consultant (to live off his wallet??), that inspires respect....
    For Etienne, I wasn't referring to your site but I was making a point of principle (there are many other contributors)
    I'm coming back to Jerome, what do you mean by lacking resources???

    1. Ah but I don't plan on raising them 😉 as already communicated in the past I am trying to cover my operating costs and I am not counting on that at all to live. For that I have my dividends.
      By lacking resources I mean time above all. For the moment I am not a rentier, I still work at 100%, so my site is just a hobby, which is very time-consuming by the way. Fortunately Armand and Jean-Louis also put some of their effort into it. If I worked less I could write more analyses, but all that is music for the future…

  5. Thank you Jérôme for the feedback on the direct accessibility to our portfolios. We are aware that we can improve the ergonomics of the site (moreover, we are working on it, but the process is long).
    To make it more convenient right away, we've just added shortcuts to the site menu. They take you directly to the articles for each of our portfolios.


  6. I still see two problems with this kind of paying and very expensive site (because 1200 euros per year is not a small sum)
    A) we have absolutely no idea what we are buying, because unlike any product that we can consult, here we are contracting blindly. It cannot be otherwise for the seller, because giving the activation link for only a few hours would allow the opportunistic customer to appropriate all the content and then refuse the definitive registration. So it is all blind, or on a more or less interested internet recommendation: it is meager.
    B) Assuming the content is solid, which I don't doubt. What types of companies are we talking about? Unknown crap, cigar butts? And in this case, you have to be ready to invest enough and therefore with big risks to justify the subscription... or nice Big Caps? But in this case where is the added value compared to free sites that already offer very good analyses?
    Note that I am not criticizing the formula and the initiative, but subscribing blindly for 16€ per year yes, but for 1000 euros no.
    Unless you are expressly addressing a clientele that counts for nothing, but today with the development of internet scams, the average investor cannot follow you.

    1. Hello Patjac and thank you for your feedback.

      Here is what I can tell you,

      A) We have published over 350 articles which are available for free on It will be possible to find there in particular the portfolio reports published monthly as well as several dozen company analyses.
      We offer our newsletter subscribers: a guide to financial independence, a booklet on dividends, as well as 2 exclusive analyses.
      In addition, we respond to all questions and requests within a reasonable time (max. 48 hours) whether via our Chat, through posted articles or directly by email.
      So I think, unlike you, that the people who have decided to join us know very well what they are getting into.

      Finally, with us, we don't contract blindly! And you have 2 unique guarantees:
      1°) You are entitled to 15 days of free access to the club (not the entirety but enough to get an idea).
      2°) Finally, if you are really not satisfied we will always agree with you and you can cancel your subscription whenever you wish.
      I would just like to point out that, for the moment, we have not had any defections.

      B) The companies we analyze are of all sizes, from all countries (US, France, Germany, Canada, UK, etc.) and of all types.
      I would like to remind you that half of our analyses are chosen directly by the members. We are therefore dependent on their choices.

      Whether it’s the companies we feature or those in our respective portfolios, they are clearly outside the box and, as you rightly point out, we seek to provide real added value to our members. So, unless members ask for it, there is very little chance that you will find an analysis of Coca-Cola on our site.

      Finally, our members come from all walks of life and many of them are average investors.

      Hoping to have brought you some clarification.

      Kind regards


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