Passive income

Passive income

We often hear about passive income in the blogosphere. Unfortunately, this term is often used wrongly and abusively. In truth, truly passive income is a rare commodity. If we could receive money so easily without working, it would quickly spread around the world and everyone would want to get out of the famous metro-work-sleep pattern. Unfortunately, the vast majority of us still have to work in order to feed our families and make our society work. People who live on completely passive income represent only a small minority. While waiting for this windfall, we can console ourselves by supplementing the income from our lucrative activity with passive income. But let's start by seeing what this means exactly.

For various Internet authors, passive income is characterized as follows:

  • Unlike active income, it is not dependent and proportional to the time and effort devoted to the income-generating task.
  • They require very little or no active participation from you, which means you earn money even when you're doing nothing.
  • They don't require your physical presence, which means you can be on the other side of the planet and it won't change anything.
  • They draw their strength from automating tasks rather than repeating them.
  • They take time to set up, at the beginning, during which time they generate little or no income. However, later on, they require almost no effort and generate income 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • They generate considerable margins because the proceeds of the income go directly to you (and not to your boss).
  • You are your own boss. You decide what needs to be done and when it needs to be done.
  • They are generally taxed less than active income.

Some examples considered as passive income in the blogosphere:

  • Rent paid by tenants
  • Copyrights, patents, inventions
  • Advertising revenue from a website
  • Income from a product sold on the web
  • Trading
  • Stock dividends or bond coupons
  • Retirement pensions
  • Create / buy a business

Let's now see for each of these examples if we can not speak of passive income.

Real estate rentals

Collecting rent requires managing the property and the flow of tenants. It is necessary to ensure the financial reliability of the tenant, to monitor the payment of rent, to claim if necessary the unpaid amounts, which can sometimes lead to complicated and long administrative procedures. It is also necessary to carry out the inventory of fixtures at the start and end, to draw up/sign the lease contracts, to carry out the necessary repairs/renovations of the property, etc. If the tenant is reliable and loyal, and the property is in good condition, then the investment in time is not too great, but if this is not the case, then the worries and time required for management can quickly become significant. You also cannot be absent too far and for too long (for example, going to a warm island for several months), because your property and/or your tenant may require your physical presence. The only way for real estate rents to be truly passive income is to entrust their management to a property management company. This will nevertheless cost you around 5% of the rent. In this case your only work will be to validate or not any possible works and to collect the rents.

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Copyrights, patents, inventions

Composing songs, writing a book, developing software or a smartphone application requires time and effort at the beginning. Success is not always there. On the other hand, once the work is done, and if the product works, you have nothing more to do, except collect royalties. You can put yourself on autopilot mode, even on the other side of the world and receive your income 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, this way of doing things requires special skills and talent. It is therefore far from accessible to all of us.

Advertising revenue from a website

This is the classic mistake. The big lie known by the entire blogosphere except by those who are getting started. Many sites boast and even sell you solutions to earn passive income from the Web, even though they themselves only earn these profits from your credulity. Let's be clear: unless you generate really considerable traffic, the income from advertising on the Internet is barely enough to cover the hosting costs of the site. Even if you opt for free hosting (which is not possible if you want to undertake something serious), the income is derisory. You can get the same thing by just investing in two dividend-paying stock positions (see below), without having to do anything.

And unless you create a truly extraordinary site, don't imagine that you're going to escape this rule. The vast majority of sites on the Web generate little traffic with low advertising revenue. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, maintaining a website requires a lot of time. Of course, you can opt for a static site with infrequent updates, but this will come at the cost of poor SEO, and therefore even more modest income. A blog generates more traffic and income, but requires a lot of time to write articles, moderate and respond to comments, ensure technical maintenance, site development and SEO. The more you want to stand out from other blogs, the more you will have to work not only on writing, but also on the layout and technicality of the site. This last aspect is very often underestimated. A serious blog requires some computer skills (html, php, mysql, etc.) and a significant amount of time to put them into practice. What blogger hasn't spent a sleepless night or sacrificed a day because of a technical problem on their site?

In short, the profit/time investment ratio of blogging is really very low. It is anything but passive income. The confusion comes of course from these web scammers who sell you the miracle solution to become rich from a blog, but not only. It also comes from the fact that advertising revenue can be obtained 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, wherever you are in the world and you organize yourself as you wish. You can indeed blog anytime and from anywhere, as long as you are connected to the Web. But unfortunately the income is really too minimal, especially compared to the time it requires.

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Income from a product sold online

To get around this problem, many bloggers have turned to marketing products through their site. While this strategy is much more effective in terms of the profits made compared to the advertising approach, it nevertheless requires no less work, quite the contrary.

Selling products requires technical skills, development and therefore additional time, at least at the beginning. Later, if it is done well, we can say under certain conditions that we switch to automatic mode. This is what happens with digital products, such as e-books or paid access. On the other hand, physical goods require handling, unless this task is outsourced. In all cases, the interface between the site itself and the payment method will have to be as automated as possible, otherwise significant manual management will be necessary.

Here too, as with advertising revenue, you shouldn't expect miracles. It is certainly a little more lucrative, and even if the technique allows you to automate the various tasks to be performed as best as possible, the site will still need to be kept up to date in order to ensure sufficient referencing. So quite a bit of work all the same, for income that is far from extraordinary. Once again, we can't really talk about passive income.


Some people practice trading, a technique that consists of buying a stock listed on the stock exchange in the hope of selling it more expensive a little later. Some of them even resell the stock(s) the same day, hoping to make a small daily capital gain, without keeping a position open after the market closes. This is called day trading. Statistics from US brokers show that 90% of these traders lose money. It is obvious that this activity requires monitoring time not only during the day, but also time to collect information outside of market opening hours. Not to mention that it is a stressful activity to say the least, since the day trader must somehow ensure his income daily. Even if trading is carried out over longer periods, the work of monitoring and collecting information is still very present.

Trading allows you to manage your time as you wish and you can do this task from anywhere in the world. However, you can't really say that income is independent of the repetition of tasks performed, especially in the case of day trading. In any case, you are obliged to place orders on the stock market to make profits (but also losses). Some orders can be semi-automated, but you will still have to configure them. In any case, if you do nothing, you don't generate money. Trading requires active management. We are therefore once again far from what can be described as passive income.

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Dividends and coupons

Dividends correspond to the share of a company's profit that is redistributed to shareholders. Coupons represent the interest that a bond pays to its holder. On the one hand, the holder of a share is given the share of the profit that is due to him, on the other hand, the holder of a bond is remunerated for having lent money. The two methods are certainly different in nature, but in the end the approach to earning passive income from these two types of investment is quite similar. It involves selecting a set of quality securities that will pay income to its owner at regular intervals (most often quarterly, annually, or sometimes monthly or semi-annually). While the process may take some time at the start to choose the positions well, it only requires very modest monitoring thereafter, provided that the initial work has been done correctly.

Of course, you can mix dividend-paying stocks and coupon-paying bonds. The big advantage of the former is that they are likely to grow with profits, and therefore allow you not only to hedge against inflation, but above all to increase your income year after year, without any additional effort. Dividends and coupons are truly a source of passive income. You manage your time as you see fit, from anywhere in the world, and you continue to receive them, whatever you do and without any outside help.

Create / buy a business

Many also believe that you can create your own business or buy an existing business, to become your own boss. But being a boss is anything but restful. You already have to be able to generate profits, which is not so obvious. You have to ensure the long-term survival of the company, be able to pay not only yourself, but also your suppliers, as well as your potential employees. You also have to manage conflicts with them, recruit, fire... In any case, before you can delegate these tasks to other people, you will have to reach a sufficiently large size and you will always bear the ultimate responsibility for everything that happens there. No, running a business is anything but passive income.


As I said in the introduction, truly passive income is very rare. I am deliberately leaving aside copyright, patents and inventions which are only for a very small elite. In the end, only the dividends, bond coupons and real estate rentals with the help of a property management company are truly passive in the sense that they do not depend on any effort on the part of their owner. Whether the latter is sleeping, going on vacation, is sick or simply has other more interesting things to do, he will continue to receive his income. I was also going to forget pension annuities. Of course, this is a type of 100% passive income. But who wants to work until he is over 60 to benefit from it?

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12 thoughts on “Les revenus passifs”

  1. Hi Jerome,
    You talk about income from a website but you only talk about blogging and advertising. It is difficult to make income from such a model but there are others for websites. With a niche site based on affiliation it is relatively easy to reach a hundred euros per month.
    I created such a site in June 2013 and it now receives 9000 visits per month based solely on Google. I publish less than one article per week (which I no longer personally write) and the income follows.
    I spent a lot of time on it at the beginning but today it only takes me half a day per month maximum to order and publish new articles.

    The Internet is an unrivaled source of honest opportunities, accessible to the greatest number of people, but unfortunately many take advantage of it to scam the most credible Internet users.

    1. Hi Sylvain. I didn't mention affiliation because for me it's nothing more than advertising. It doesn't bring in almost anything. On the other hand, I went to see your site and I'm not sure I understand where you generate your income from, from advertising via mailings?

      1. No, I generate all my income through affiliate marketing, but my niche site is different from my blog.
        In my articles I insert affiliate links to Amazon. Every time a reader buys a product on Amazon after clicking on one of my links, I receive a commission.
        The advantage of Amazon is that you get commissions on any product purchased within 24 hours, even if it's not the one you recommended.
        My first site allowed me to earn 200€ in December and January, it's more than negligible.

      2. I understand, but to me this all seems like advertising. I am sincerely happy for you that you can generate 200 euros per month doing this, but I doubt that most bloggers can do it. I have already tested Amazon, as well as other affiliate systems and it brings me nothing. Maybe I am going about it wrong, but I prefer to buy stocks, it is much less work and I am sure to receive dividends.

  2. Hello Jerome,

    Thanks for the explanations. It is true that there are varying degrees of 'passivity' between these forms of passive investments... trading for example seems to me to be bad for the heart ;-))

    I just wanted to add if I may that the increase in the value of securities is an important source of passive income in your definition: this is why stocks in particular are a very good defense against inflation because they increase with it. And it is less stressful than trading.

    1. Hello Armand,
      Yes, that's absolutely right, and since prices, dividends and profits are correlated, all these little people progress in the long term. So capital, but also income, are more than protected against inflation.

  3. ludovic baratier

    Good morning

    Earning regular passive income from an Internet activity on a regular basis is something very difficult to achieve. The French-speaking Internet is very confidential and on niche subjects it is very complex to have a regular audience. But it is really good to be able to generate a few hundred euros. It is very rewarding.


  4. Good morning,
    I agree that advertising, selling products on the web, etc. bring very little. But the trick is obviously to combine the different sources of income. A little, a little more, a little more... it's always better than nothing at all. Some are happy with that, some even manage to increase their income, not to become rich, but to make a fairly comfortable additional income.
    That said, I totally agree about the stock market. It is the best way to get passive income and by far the most profitable if you have a good strategy, provided, as you specify, that you avoid day trading which requires more work.

  5. Hello Jerome,
    very good article!

    Indeed, real estate allows you to create passive income. The trickiest part is simply finding the right real estate deal, but once you find it, you can make money every month!
    Real estate is a really great way to build a lifetime income.


  6. Good morning !

    Profitable and worry-free real estate is not for everyone, even though everyone can invest in real estate and even though it seems to be the preferred investment after the life insurance scam.

    Advertising revenue for bloggers is a low-yield business model.
    On the other hand, selling your information products brings in what, for many French people, would be considered a salary. And you can work there whenever you want and in your slippers. The income follows and automatically (you still have to write an article from time to time).

    But the most profitable – without charges, without a boss, without a client, with a low capital – is day trading. Of course, at the beginning you have to work all day, but with experience and the increase in your exposure you can limit your interventions to 1 or 2 hours per day, or even less. It depends on your greed.
    Then, swing trading on stocks, when the capital is large, can take over.

    Trading is the ultimate category of financial independence. And it’s within everyone’s reach.

    1. The problem with trading is that it is not within everyone's reach. You need to have a high risk tolerance. Personally, I have already tried it and it does not suit me. I also do not have the time to devote 1 to 2 hours a day to it.

      1. Any activity can be complicated if you have a bad teacher. The literature on trading is very poor.

        The problem of emotions is solved when you have good tools.

        Ultimately, trading (at low frequency: 1 hour per week) is accessible to everyone.
        Finally, more than real estate (risk on large amounts), blogging, business creation, etc.

        Buying stocks for dividends is easier, true. But once someone has taken the step to actively buying stocks, there is little left to do better.

        I have an uncle who is over 60 years old and is a trader. And he doesn't have many degrees...

        What matters is finding the mentor who can help you. I am interested in NLP. NLP was born from 2 researchers who determined what it took to heal people (psychologically) as well as the best healers of the time. This is called modeling.

        One of the inventors then, for example, modeled the army's best snipers, to teach novice shooters the ropes of shooting.

        Everyone can learn!

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