Diary of a future rentier (21)

This post is part 20 of 86 in the series Diary of a future rentier.


A vocation... Does that mean anything to you? Maybe you've had one since you were little? Maybe you know someone for whom their destiny has been mapped out for a long time? Doctor, firefighter, police officer, lawyer... For some people the choice is clear very quickly. For me, on the contrary, it has never been obvious. Even today, after 14 years in the same job, I'm still not sure I'm made for it. On the contrary, I'm even more and more convinced that it wasn't the right choice. But it doesn't matter.

I chose my profession a bit by chance, a bit out of spite too. I certainly got a taste for it, by force of circumstances, and even acquired a certain expertise, but as for saying that I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, that's a step I won't take.

Today I work for the first time for an employer who trusts and values his employees. After years of sweating for big companies for whom employees are only numbers, I fall back into a world where everyone can concretely contribute their stone to the building. It feels great, and the general atmosphere feels it. We just feel like we're with family or friends. What happiness all in all.

Still, I know deep down that I'm not really cut out for this profession. Have I somehow missed my calling? Have I missed out on a job I would have loved to do? Maybe. Or maybe not...

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I like writing and I like finance. So my blog is not there by chance. But it is impossible to make a living from it of course. Taken separately, could each of these passions have become a job? Journalist or investment advisor? Maybe. Or maybe not. I have already dabbled a little in the first, without being really convinced. As for the second, it is difficult to know if I would be able to stand to be part of the sharks of finance one day...

In the end, I believe that the only job that has always been waiting for me with open arms is that of an annuitant ;-)...

Navigation in the series<< Diary of a future rentier (20)Diary of a future rentier (22) >>

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1 thought on “Journal d’un futur rentier (21)”

  1. blank

    If by definition, a profession is the exercise by a person of an activity in a professional field with a view to remuneration, can we say that rentier is a profession? To find out the answer, get the e-book "Profession of a rentier".

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