Diary of a future rentier (18)

This post is part 17 of 86 in the series Diary of a future rentier.


It's been a month since I last picked up my pen to complete this journal. A month during which the markets gained a whopping 4%. A month during which I significantly improved my quality of life by changing employers. The road to financial independence is long enough as it is, so I might as well make it enjoyable. As I explain in my e-book, you don't become a rentier in a distant and nebulous future. You become one as soon as you decide to be one. It's all a question of perception and state of mind. When the trigger has occurred, you follow a path that gradually leads you towards a new life. And as the saying goes, the important thing is the path.

I am enjoying myself more and more on this new path in life. Is it the rise in the markets that makes me euphoric? Quite the contrary, it doesn't matter to me. On the contrary, I would even like the prices to be more accessible to buy future dividend income at a good price. No, if I find what I am looking for, it is simply because I feel like I have taken the right path. Not only is it going in the right direction, but above all it is doing so at my own pace, without taking unconsidered risks and without having to sacrifice my life working like a maniac. That is also financial independence.

Navigation in the series<< Journal of a future rentier (17)Diary of a future rentier (19) >>

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1 thought on “Journal d’un futur rentier (18)”

  1. blank

    A beautiful path but also full of risks too! In any case, choosing to be an annuitant can certainly help increase and enhance your capital. Financial independence can be found where you least expect it, but it's exciting!

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