Diary of a future rentier (2)

This post is part 2 of 86 in the series Diary of a future rentier.


Today I am more and more convinced that the current world of work is not made for me. Not that I am lazy, quite the contrary. I have a capacity for work that far exceeds the norm. On the other hand, my need for autonomy and independence are too important to have to depend on the authority of an employer, with all that that implies. Receiving orders, having to be accountable, justifying oneself, running around in all directions for the needs of another, that does not motivate me at all.

I didn't know it at the time, but that's probably why I couldn't see myself in a career. That's why when I finished my studies, I lined up internships and professional experiences in all directions, without ever finding my way. It's been 14 years since I finished my studies and I have to admit that, even though I settled into a field, I never really got any satisfaction from it. Of course, everything was never black, but I was never able to experience the same feelings as during my studies where I was independent, left to my own devices and solely responsible for my little person.

It is probably this constant dependence on others that is so difficult to live with in the professional world. Our successes, like our failures, depend on what is accomplished upstream and downstream by other people. Our possibilities of acting as employees on the system are ultimately derisory even though we must assume full responsibility for them. Conversely, members of boards of directors and top managers of companies have enormous decision-making latitude, while in reality they are never worried when their responsibility is engaged. We only have to see what has happened in the financial world since 2008. It is simply scandalous.

READ  5 a.m.: When fatigue gives way to gratitude
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2 thoughts on “Journal d’un futur rentier (2)”

  1. Jerome,

    our respective ages, backgrounds and investment philosophies being very close, from what I read, I propose to co-found a hedge fund….and we will write our letter of resignation together! 🙂

    1. Birdie,

      a hedge fund, an investment fund or an ETF. I don't know which is the most complicated to manage... but certainly not the first! However, it's difficult to embark on such an adventure without the support of a bank. There you go, message sent 😉

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