US Dividends 5+


8 thoughts on “US Dividends 5+”

  1. How are estimates of annual dividend growth over the next five years calculated, or from what source?

    Thanks in advance!

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      Hi Jean-Louis, it's an estimate (for what it's worth, I don't use it in my algorithm), based on estimates of future profits.

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        Hi Jerome,
        I don't understand: the values seem identical to the "Growth" column in the Global Dividend Growers table, where it is stated that this is an annual average of past growth. Have you changed the estimation procedure since this message?
        Over how many years is this average calculated for Growth?
        Is it the same for Yield and Payout?

        Thank you!

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        No. Jean Louis was talking about the estimated future growth column, which I deleted because I felt it was irrelevant and often not very accurate. The column you mention is indeed the same as in growers.

  2. blank

    There is no date here. Is this list updated or not? May be useful to use "growth" and "years". Thanks

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