Take the test: MBTI - Big Five (OCEAN)
Features :
- demanding
- likes to control and dominate
- aggressive, especially when in a bad position
- does not forgive easily
- revengeful
- tenacious, stubborn
- does not accept other people's opinions
- very particular about appearances
- likes to be the center of attention
- impatient, especially with people who bother him
- touchy, easily annoyed
- quick to judge others
- egocentric
- subject to addictions
- not good at sports
- often seeks to achieve impressive accomplishments
- responsible
- likes competition and confrontation
- angry with those who don't live up to their expectations
- not on good terms with everyone
- second place is synonymous with defeat in his eyes
- hard to please
- hates mess
- likes to make decisions
- abrupt, impulsive
- see things through to the end
- seeks glory within his community
- sometimes lets events overwhelm him
- won't admit mistakes
- moody, often in a bad mood
- not very attracted to religion
- likes to act on the weak points of others
Possible careers:
- researcher
- university professor
- politician
- diplomat, ambassador, international relations specialist
- philosopher, philosophy teacher
- journalist, editor-in-chief
- lawyer, judge, corporate lawyer
- political scientist
- dictator
- CEO, business leader
- author, writer, screenwriter
- psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, psychiatrist
- French teacher
- financial analyst
- project manager
- marketing/advertising manager
- marketing specialist
- consultant
- strategist
- investment banker
- financial planner
- editor
- sociologist
- geneticist
- actor
- economist
- businessman
- art historian
- mannequin, model
Careers to avoid:
- educator
- mechanic
- nurse
- baby-sitter
- missionary
- firefighter
- stay at home mom
- soldier
- physiotherapist
- police officer
Recommended reading for financial independence:
- Where does your money go?
- Emergency Fund
- Tutorial
- The various dividend growth strategies
- Reference works
Source: http://similarminds.com/