Take the test: MBTI - Big Five (OCEAN)
Features :
- unlikely
- prefers group activities to solitary ones
- loves a crowd
- not very religious
- doesn't appreciate science fiction
- doesn't care what others think of him or her
- little introspective
- needs to interact with others
- likes change
- confident
- not attracted by intellectual discussions
- rarely cries
- seeks thrill and danger
- doesn't like to compromise
- quiet
- not punctual
- impatient
- unconcerned about the misfortune of others
- resentful
- no attention to detail
- unresponsive to the needs of others
- runs away from responsibilities
- egocentric
- dominant
- aggressive
- likes to take risks
- imperturbable
- no interest in great humanist causes
Possible careers:
- rock star, singer, musician
- movie star, comedian, actor
- artist
- model
- DJ
- producer, director, filmmaker
- bartender
- racing driver
- fashion editor
- tattooist, piercer
- athlete
- sports manager
- stylist
- spy
- seller
- advertising manager
- artistic director
- dancer
- journalist
- composer
- film critic
- Lifeguard
- bounty hunter
- personal trainer
- hairdresser
- sales manager
Recommended reading for financial independence:
Source: http://similarminds.com/