Take the test: MBTI - Big Five (OCEAN)
Features :
- don't fear failure
- is not afraid to speak up
- self-assured, confident
- dominant
- likes to attract attention to oneself
- faces danger
- decisiveness
- unlikely
- hard to intimidate
- aggressive
- brave
- likes to control
- indifferent to the suffering of others
- does not get discouraged easily
- comfortable in unusual situations
- not very sensitive, rarely cries
- manipulator
- knows where he is going
- narcissistic
- demanding
- likes to act first, go-getter
- never short of words
- stubborn, tenacious
- believes in a logical answer to everything
- little believer
- calm in crisis situation
Possible careers:
- CEO, business leader
- ambassador, diplomat, international affairs specialist, spy
- strategist
- businessman
- corporate lawyer
- project manager
- political scientist
- consultant
- entrepreneur
- broker
- politician
- financial director
- lawyer
- scientist, researcher
- investment banker
- university professor
- professor of philosophy, philosopher
- Marketing Director/Specialist
- judge
- financial advisor
- economist
- financial planner
- mathematician
- biomedical engineer, nuclear engineer, aerospace engineer, chemical engineer, civil engineer
- geneticist
- astronaut
- biochemist
- data analyst
- financial analyst
- neurosurgeon, neurologist
Careers to avoid:
- childcare, stay at home mom, babysitter
- elementary school teacher
- zoo keeper
- photographer
- hairdresser
- social worker
- midwife, nurse
- beautician
- makeup artist
- librarian
- housemaid
- secretary, office worker
- florist
- seller
- receptionist
- baker
Recommended reading for financial independence:
- Where does your money go?
- Emergency Fund
- Tutorial
- The various dividend growth strategies
- Reference works
Source: http://similarminds.com/