

8 thoughts on “Stratégies”

  1. More than 35 euros per year per person to supposedly only cover accommodation costs is really making fun of people. 3-4 people are enough to cover these costs but I will not be one of them….

    Gone are the days when you advocated free access to your entire site because it proved the quality of this dividend strategy.

    A little honesty and self-esteem please... Either you tell us that you are becoming like all the other sites and that you are counting on us to fatten your bank account (which is completely defensible given the quality of your site). Or you lower the price so that it only covers the costs, you transform it into a one-time payment and you highlight an opportunity to make a donation.

    If you come back and do so in the long term, I promise to pay for your hosting for a year. Because I like reading you, I have been inspired by your strategy for my portfolio several times.


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      Hi. I am perfectly transparent and honest. If I had wanted to increase my account as you say, I would have applied a much higher rate, as you find everywhere on the net. I deliberately chose a low monthly amount, which allows anyone to register, test for a while, stop, and then possibly come back. I hesitated to put an annual subscription of around 20 euros, which is not renewed automatically, but I told myself that this amount could already be dissuasive. But if there is an interest, why not indeed, I would like to review my position, or offer both variants. I also tried a donation button. Not a cent in 2 and a half years, except from a friend I know very well… I invest a lot in this site, I spend a lot of time on it and I also get a lot of pleasure from it. If it was for the money I would have stopped a long time ago, because apart from a few clicks for a few dozen cents, the blog brings nothing in, quite the contrary.

      In short, I am open to discussion, we can indeed consider a single payment for example. But I don't believe in donations and advertising anymore.

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        Now the subscription is 16 per year. I find that normal. I would even find it normal that given the quality of the site, the time spent building it and the money it will save its members, Jérôme could get, let's say, the equivalent of a month's salary, which is obviously far from being the case.
        But the big disappointment is not there, it comes from the fact that there are ultimately very few members….the site deserves a lot and this perhaps demonstrates that in the jungle of the Internet, only free attracts people, but not necessarily quality. Sad times, when we want to receive everything without giving anything.
        Courage Jérôme, connoisseurs appreciate you.
        Pat Jac

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        Thank you Pat Jac for this encouragement. It's nice, many free members had not understood the approach of making the site paying. I should point out that since this has been the case, the price has dropped and the services have increased, with more titles followed, more strategies and more tools available. For 16 euros per year I think that it is not excessive. Of course you can also find free information on the net, but you can also find paid information, for much more than this price. I should also point out that if I decided to monetize the site it is because advertising revenue was constantly falling, which meant that in the end I was no longer covering the hosting costs. As you say, there are few members and therefore very little traffic. I am very far from a month's salary with what I get from the site, and even very far from what I earn with dividends, which are much more profitable and require much less work. But at least today the site is economically viable again, so its continuity is assured.

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    Good morning,

    I just subscribed to the site. I find the 17 Euros/year are well deserved given the quantity and quality of the information (obviously to be verified over time) that the site contains. This will allow me personally to save time by avoiding searching for all this information myself. Thank you Jérôme for sharing your site.

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    The main problem comes from that:
    – people are used to the fact that on the internet, “everything” is free
    – many things found on the internet are of poor quality
    – what is sold expensively on the internet is not necessarily of better quality

    Passion and volunteering seem to be a given for some. Which is all the more "funny" when people criticize free or almost free work that many do not even imagine an ounce of the effort required.

    Personally, I chose to stay free, at the expense of publication frequency.
    If I were to devote, say, half of my time to just my site (say 10 months out of 12), I would need about €1500 per month, or 100 subscribers at €15 per month, or about 1200 subscribers at €15 per year.

    And all this, just to "limit the damage", because obviously, this income will generate more problems (taxes - admittedly, I am in France and everything is complicated, no retirement contributions - unless you pay very dearly) which will mean that after a few years, I would need more like €3,000 of monthly income to compensate for all these problems (and taxes!).


    I prefer to continue at my slow pace "for the cause" and focus more on my own investments/trading which will be much more profitable.

    So, €17/year seems ridiculously low to me and only really covers maintenance (some new computer equipment occasionally, hosting and paying for a coffee from time to time).

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      Hi Thomas
      glad to read you again. Thanks for your support, it's nice to have another blogger's opinion on this subject. Because of some "free" social networking sites, some Internet users think that maintaining a site is easy and without costs. However, posting on your FB page or on Twitter has nothing to do with managing a real website, which offers multiple services.

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