ISFP – The Artist

Take the test: MBTI - Big Five (OCEAN)


L'artisteISFPs live in a world of sensations. They are very much in tune with the way things look, taste, sound, touch, and smell. They have a strong aesthetic appreciation for art and are likely to be artists of some form, because they are particularly gifted at creating and composing things that affect the senses. They have a strong value system, which they strive to consistently live by in their lives. They need to live in accordance with what they believe is right and will rebel against anything that contradicts that goal. They are likely to choose jobs and careers that allow them to work freely toward their personal, value-driven goals.

ISFPs tend to be quiet, reserved, and hard to pin down. They keep their ideas and opinions to those closest to them. They are likely to be kind, gentle, and sensitive in their dealings with others. They are interested in contributing to people's sense of well-being and happiness.

ISFPs have a strong affinity for aesthetics and beauty. They love animals and the beauties of nature. They are original, independent, and require personal space. They appreciate people who take the time to understand them and support them. People who don't know them well may see their lifestyle as a sign of frivolity, but ISFPs actually take life very seriously. They are constantly collecting information and running it through their value systems, searching for meaning.

ISFPs are action-oriented and are generally uncomfortable with concepts and ideas unless they see a practical application to them. They learn best in a "hands-on" environment and therefore can easily become bored with traditional teaching methods, which emphasize abstract thinking. Their value system requires that their decisions be evaluated against their subjective beliefs, rather than against some objective rule or law.

ISFPs are extremely perceptive and aware of others. They are constantly gathering information about people and looking for meaning in it.

ISFPs are warm and friendly. They genuinely care about people. They take care of those close to them and show their love through actions, rather than words.

ISFPs do not like to lead or control others, just as they have no desire to be led or controlled by others. They need to have space and time to themselves, and they respect this same need in others.

Their value systems can lead them to be perfectionists and judge themselves harshly.

ISFPs have gifts in the areas of artistic creation and service to others. Life is not easy for them, as they take it seriously, but they have the tools to make it a rewarding experience, for themselves and for others.


ISFPs are very particular. Having a job like everyone else and following a set path is not really for them. On the other hand, their activity must be in line with their values. Preferring to live in the moment and savor every moment, they are not comfortable in the fast-paced environment of a company. They need a lot of space and freedom if they want to make the most of their sensory talents. If they give free rein to their natural abilities, they can become wonderful artists. Almost every major artist in the world is or was an ISFP. On the other hand, because ISFPs are keenly aware of people's feelings and reactions, and are motivated by strong internal values, they also make valuable advisors.

Possible careers
   Musician / Composer
   Childcare worker
   Social worker
   Forest ranger


ISFPs are warm, take their commitments seriously, and seek lasting relationships. They keep their feelings and opinions hidden from others. Some ISFPs who do not express their needs and feelings find themselves in situations where they feel overshadowed, neglected, or even trampled by others. Cynical by nature, ISFPs faced with these situations may become bitter and give up on certain relationships.

ISFPs go to great lengths to please their partner. They are very loyal, hate conflict, and need space for freedom.


  • Warm and friendly
  • Optimistic
  • Listening
  • Relaxed
  • Love of aesthetic beauty
  • Takes commitments seriously and seeks lasting relationships
  • Respect the personal space of others
  • Shows affection through actions
  • Sensual

Weak points

  • Poor long term financial planning
  • Extreme aversion to conflict and criticism
  • Focused on the present, may appear lazy or slow
  • Needs to have his own space and does not like to be invaded
  • Slow to show affection with words
  • Tendency to hold back thoughts and feelings
  • Can become too cynical

Romantic relationships

ISFPs are warm, generous, and intense. Although they may seem light-hearted, they take their relationships very seriously. Unlike other SP types, they seek out very long-term relationships.

ISFPs can have communication problems. With Introverted Feeling dominating their personality, they are particularly vulnerable. Perhaps because of this, they do not always say what they think or feel. This is especially true in conflict situations, which they hate more than anything in the world. They feel personally threatened in these situations.

Sexually, they approach intimacy with total attention. They experience love through their senses. They are not likely to express their feelings verbally, believing that actions speak louder than words.

ISFPs need positive feedback to be happy and feel good.

The ISFP's natural partner is theESFJ, or theENFJ to a lesser extent.

As parents

ISFPs take great pride in their role as parents. Most have a special affinity with babies and young children. They are very laid-back parents and do not have any special expectations of their children. ISFPs treat their children as individuals and encourage them to have their own role in the family.

ISFPs like to have fun and live in the moment. Every ISFP has a little bit of a child in themself. They enjoy playing with their children. They do not provide a very structured environment for their offspring and also have a hard time punishing them. Since structure and discipline are important for children's growth, this flaw can and should be compensated for by another non-ISFP parent. Children need boundaries to help them decide what is right and wrong.

ISFPs show their love through actions rather than words. This may be expressed in the form of gifts or outings with their children.

ISFP parents are loyal, devoted, and selfless. When the children leave the nest, they take advantage of their newfound free time to do things for them.

As friends

ISFPs get along with most other personality types, although they can be reserved with those they don't know well. They enjoy spending time with people who share their interests and understand them. They greatly value their space and autonomy.

ISFPs don't have much patience or tolerance for those who judge them for their differences.

In the professional world, ISFPs get along with almost everyone, unless someone encroaches too much on their personal space, in which case sparks can fly.

Financial independence

ISFPs, with their artistic and day-to-day side, have no interest or skills in financial independence. If you are an ISFP and have read this far, that's already pretty good. If you want more, come and chat with other members on the forum. Finally, if you still want to keep up to date on the subject of financial independence, sign up for free at the newsletter (with E-Book "The magic number as a bonus).

Kind Big Five - OCEAN the closest: RCUANRLUAN

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15 thoughts on “ISFP – L’artiste”

    1. Me too, if I know how to be a kid really well lol, I'm a real kid, I've always been a big kid ^^, I don't have any particular talent I think...

      1. I need a woman who is half mother and half wife....
        I prefer to stay alone than live a story that ends badly, it's all or nothing, I suffer too much otherwise, I had to develop an armor to not get attached to people otherwise I suffer too much.

        I've always been rejected, left out, everyone doesn't care about me...
        And I finally I think I understood why, maybe because of that…

        I don't think I have any particular talent other than acting like a child...
        Live in the present moment, I don't care about tomorrow, well I'm very lonely too!

        Yes, I don't trust easily, and if I give my trust, whoever betrays it in emotional terms sees himself as my sworn enemy and I can be merciless, even very mean!

        Very focused on the sentimental side, attention, etc.

        Otherwise I think I recognize myself in it, it seems to stick with me.
        I get along really well with children, it's all natural for me, I don't have to force myself!

      2. Very strict on justice too.
        Compassion etc…

        Severely messy, I don't like to worry, I hate conflict, I run away.

      3. My poor David, life will give you beautiful people. Courage
        I have settled into nature, it's the only place where I feel at home.
        Linden trees are my deep peace. Clovers are my reason for living. And ladybugs are my happiness.
        With affection,

  1. Touched, I recognize myself in most of the points highlighted.
    Finally, I'm starting to understand myself a little.

  2. This is super interesting, most of the points correspond to me but the problem is that I have no artistic talent and the possible careers don't really correspond to me

  3. Very interesting, I also have a preference for this type of personality. However in my story, it is my Ni, my ability to see the future that has been heavily encouraged and as a result I feel a little too developed by certain aspects without mastering it because indeed the most natural for me remains the world of the senses. A classic job does not please me but the fact of having been 'forced' young to stick to it allows me today in a moderately natural way to still manage to combine stable employment with a classic regular income and my free artist side that regularly goes outside the box. It remains borderline as management but I think that with age I will manage to find more balance. My ability to continue my job reassures me enormously. It tempers my great need for freedom despite the inner tension that I regularly feel between "having to" and "wanting to".

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