To perform the personality test of the 16 psychological types you have two possibilities:
- Simply pass the test of Jung's extended typological scales or
- Pass the Big Five Test - OCEAN. Indeed, each psychological type of this model, corresponds to one of the 16 personality types. After passing the Big Five - OCEAN, you get your five-letter code for this test, as well as the four-letter code for the 16 personality types.
More information on the correspondences between the 16 psychological types and the Big Five:
I just took the test, I'm an ISTJ and overall the ISTJ characteristics apply to me. And I work in one of the recommended professions. Which just goes to show that you have to find your way.
And the ISTJ is a potential candidate for financial independence… no wonder you are among the regulars Pat Jac 😉
And still INTJ after these 88 questions!
Very good idea to have developed a very complete article on this always interesting subject (know yourself to succeed…)
Thanks Thomas!
Same as Pat Jac, ISTJ and in the list of recommended careers. And I stop working around March 😉
military leader? 😉
For my part ENTP, this test is really very interesting 😛
Thank you visionary 😉
With pleasure 🙂
And you are? 😀
An incorrigible INTJ!
Scientific then, interesting 😀
actually I'm really bluffed///
This corresponds to 85 %:
namely if 15 %:
it's the margin of error or it's the margin of self-discovery!!
we will see:
thanks anyway…..
ESTJ – The Guardian
It matches my characteristics very well, however my current job is not at all in the list of careers; interesting.
I took the test twice, the first time here and the second time here
They are not built the same way at all and many times, for the same question, I gave two different answers. I thought the result would be different but no, I have the same type on both tests
I am an INFP and I recognize myself in 100% in this portrait! excellent… Well it would seem that we are only 4% of the population to be just like the type with whom I should ideally get along… not won 🙂
Hello. I took the test and: Congratulations! You have completed the MBTI test. Your personality profile is: JFSE. You can see the MBTI personality types below. The only problem is that my profile type is not there. Why? Can someone help me? Thanks in advance
Hello Sandel. There must have been a small bug at one point when taking the test. The letters are just reversed, you have to read it backwards: ESFJ.
INFP for me, and it's also at 80% exactly! There are a lot of questions but I think the analyses are really very relevant thank you!
ISTJ for me…
interesting to discover this test!
INTP for me. Complete test despite some redundancies, at least from my point of view.
I like the fact of being INTP but feeling relatively stupid compared to this type of personality, the architect, the thinker, no but lol!
But I took it several times, on several different sites, in French, in English, with several months between them so as not to remember the answers, to avoid being influenced...
I said to myself, oh well, maybe he'll give me another result, more realistic, with a more stupid, berserk, barbaric, elven, naive, childish, kittenish, stupid cat personality, but no.
Thanks for continuing my dreams 🙂 \o/ So I have a distorted vision of myself~
Very interesting!
Super interesting
Good morning
I too am an ENTJ and I don't totally recognize myself but I took the test twice and there you go, how do you see yourself? after the test?
I'm an INTJ! I've taken several MBTI tests and each time I've gotten the same result. So I think I can safely say that I'm one of the 0.5% INTJ women!
In fact, the first time I took the test on 16personalities, I was shocked to see that the result described me so accurately. But:
– INTJs are often described as people with strong self-confidence: and I am the exact opposite
– INTJs are often pretentious
This test allowed me to confirm that I am an INTJ. I hope that knowing more about myself can help me improve.
Super interesting and fits well!
For me ENFP! For those who have this profile, what is your current job, because it seems that we change often!?
ENFP me too! I am a freelance blogger, health and travel themes. Doctor of pharmacy by training, and yes, I confirm, I am rather the type to change direction often (probably that's why I don't work in my training sector!!)
ENFP, pharmacy student, I do a thousand and one things at once without always finishing everything. In the last 6 years, I passed my license (finished), took swimming, music, makeup and hairdressing lessons (all interrupted), I created a blog for my class and a forum for my university (abandoned). Started 2 diets (abandoned even though they all worked). I've been on my 3rd for 2 months (the longest -13Kg). Lots of other aborted projects in my mind. And 3 more for next year: dance and gymnastics classes + an intellectual thing not yet well designed. I also do the literature review for my seniors at university.
objective in broad outline but a little too flattering as a result
I am ISTJ, and it's completely me!!! 😮 And I am rather convinced and proud :p It made me laugh to see that the antagonist of my result is "The charismatic", because on a daily basis this "type" royally annoys me :p
well done interesting
Are there INTJs or INTJs? It's the same thing ^^
interesting but reductive and takes away a little of the singularity, not to say much, a person is much more than that in his being and his complexity
Quite reliable!!! Thanks!
This is interesting
INTP… I already took the test three years ago during my MBA and still today, the same result.
what is wrong with INTP?
INTJ! plus it's true!
I am a sweet woman, who loves the Lord. I would like to meet a believer like me, generous, faithful.
where do you live
I want to walk in the Lord with you…..
I am gentle, I am a believer, write to me
I am from Lyon, for your information I am an INFP
Good evening Nadège, I am the man he made for you.
very happy to know, I would like us to get to know each other better.
Good morning
I suggest you continue the discussion on the forum
you can then exchange between members, in public or by private message
All you need to do is register for free here:
Very interesting and fair!!!
New to this site, I hope to have enriching contacts.
Good morning,
I did your test, very well done thank you. I read this book too and found it very interesting. One of the very interesting aspects of this test and the MBTI model is the importance of the introversion-extraversion axis, which is considered the basis of personality. In addition there is no value judgment made on being introverted or extroverted, being introverted is simply being more self-centered, being more in thoughts, in the abstract, and needing more time alone than others to recharge one's batteries. I wrote an article on the place of introversion in the MBTI model, it might interest you: .
See you soon,
Thank you, I read this book, it allowed me to discover myself better.
Young woman looking for marriage with a European
Me's all true..really great..Thanks
I took the personality test, I find it very interesting, it allows you to know yourself better. I hope to find a Christian companion, sociable and understanding.
This test is a bit long, with contradictory questions.
too long for me, I like simple things.
too long for me and a bit complicated.
I talk better about myself when asked questions
not bad but long
A bit long!
The results really fit well with the strengths and weaknesses that I have been carrying around for a long time.
This test is quick, you must answer quickly and be as objective as possible.
Quick and very realistic test! It's impressive!
I recommend doing it. It doesn't take more than 10 minutes.
Awaiting your analysis
Phew! I am neither a "guardian", nor an "executor", nor a "mechanic"... the profiles of intellectually rather... rudimentary people, but "thinker"... I suppose that's equivalent to a good grade? 😉
Good but a bit too long
Thank you so much,
I was a little doubtful about the accuracy of the information. The fact that I was in front of a computer instead of a person was the main reason.
I had already read the explanations on personality types before and found it very very interesting!
So I can tell you that the test and its results amazed me!
Thanks to the person or people who manage this site and write all the information, it's generous and exciting.
For those who are interested in another type of approach that is just as interesting, look at "Eneagrams". It's not at all to advertise but I think it goes in that direction so...
Thank you very much for this test which turns out to be very surprising, because the profile I came across really matches me (idealist). I then asked my sister to take the test, and she came across the profile that matched her perfectly (protective)! It's even surprising that the description is so precise and so accurate!
In response to another comment, I also tested the ennaegram test and it convinced me less than this test on the 16 personalities. Why? Because I find that the ennaegrams (and that even if it is very interesting and largely correct) only define "one side" of your personality: it is a little too black or white, a little too extreme if I may say so. This test of the 16 personalities convinced me more as, the description of the profile is more complete (longer), and less black or white. The description of these 16 personalities captures more or less some characteristics of the profiles of the ennaegrams, and is very precise.
I had questions: can we "change" our "personality" in our life? Is it more or less already determined at birth or do we have to have lived well to define the personality that suits us?
Hello, thank you for your compliments. We cannot change voluntarily. We remain in one of the 16 personality types, but we gradually enrich ourselves with age with other characteristics that are not part of our dominant functions. This evolution takes place until mid-life. This explains why people show more wisdom or emotional intelligence. They understand others better and how they function.
always think just love just see just
I don't understand where the result is?
Good morning
directly after where he had the questions, before the grid of the different personality types
I would have liked to be able to print it but I was very interested in reading it.
Amazing results. Usually I can predict test results, here I admit that we understand the logic and expect the usual mediocrity of interpretation. The good surprise is that the interpretation is very accurate.
very interesting simply
This personality text is true. My personality profile is ESTJ. Bravo!!
I can't continue this questionnaire because the answers don't suit me at all or I'm torn between the two and can't choose. It's a shame, I would have liked to know a little more about my own personality aha.
good job! I'm an ISTJ. But the questions are repeated sometimes or I'm half and half, it depends on the situation. It's not easy to know the real personality!!!
A bit long
Me too
Very very long
MBTI practitioner myself and having had the opportunity to work on the subject for over 20 years…. I am identified here as INFP while I am a clear and precise INTP… not far off then… but not right either… 🙂
I took the test in French once, I was INFP, then in English a second time (to be sure, as there are differences in translation it allows me to do it again without being influenced) I came out INTP this time, for me it seems more like a mix of the two
Jesus loves you my brother and sister.
Jesus loves you too!
You insulted Jesus below. Are you happy now?
i love jesus
I don't think the boxes fully describe our personality.
Jesus died for you my friend, if I were you I wouldn't care... He loves you with an indescribable love that no human being can give you! Have a great day!
Yao Billy is in charge. What does he have to quote Jesus here? Yao, you take your test and get lost.
If your Jesus (or the Catholic religion) was so good, don't you think everyone would have the same god and the same story?
I look silly but... Where do we see the result?
Directly in the page after showing the results
Is there a bug? I don't see anything
I just did the test again, now it works. Thanks!
It was nothing!
I can't answer this test... Generally there are two answers to a question and my answer is: both... when I go on a trip I like to plan what I'm doing, and I go without asking myself any questions. I like to be alone and I like to be with people. I like to let my mind guide my heart and my heart guide my mind... in a coherent back and forth... etc... etc... so I'll stop... maybe something more complex would be needed for me?
Totally agree! Even though the result satisfied me I must say that some questions were quite difficult because both answers were fine…
I put that down to my horoscope since I'm between two signs (LOL) Or maybe we're misunderstood beings or (why not) gifted, what do you want lol
At the beginning it says what the letters correspond to, you can also choose the letters that seem to correspond to you, look at the result and see if it corresponds to you, that's what I did and the result found to really complete my first profile after answering the questions
I really agree, in any case, I had the same feeling, wanting to check both boxes throughout the test. The result speaks to me, although ultimately, I feel like I find myself in a bit of all these boxes, both for the positive and the negative. So I don't think that all profiles can find their own and unique box. In all, I don't have the feeling of being one of these things and not another, maybe some can, especially the first profiles. Then, it becomes complex I find.
In any case, it remains something interesting. I also told myself that we were evolving, I found that at other times in life I would have answered something else, and I dare to hope that I would continue to change.
Thanks anyway to the “Test-eurs” 🙂
The test works on archetypes, it is possible to be between the boxes and have two or four different types, maybe sixteen :)
To "LHOMME": I would say for my part that this test was created like that with only two possible answers to best determine the personality of the person who takes it. It's like a sorting. Otherwise there is the test of the 16 personalities. With a question and a box to check from completely agree to completely disagree.
Personally I prefer the version with two choices. You have to ask yourself "what is most me?" And answer honestly and spontaneously and you get an interesting result! I am indecisive and complex but I still managed to find the profile that suits me best! And it's really me! So if I can do it, anyone can do it! 😉 🙂
Well... In every profile there seems to be something that fits us in every case. GOOD OLD BULLSHIT.
Kind regards, see you soon
I took the test twice in a row, answering quickly and spontaneously each time, and I got two different results: ENTP and INTP. Then, I took the Big5 test and I was classified as RCUAI, which corresponds to INFP. Reading the three profiles, I partially recognize myself in each one, but other aspects seem inaccurate about me. It reminds me a bit of horoscopes where you almost always find a possible correspondence with your daily life. What is the real purpose of these tests?
Hello, be careful with shortcuts between the two tests. They are close but the personality dimensions are not completely correlated. So the results may differ slightly.
Ties are the weakness of the MBTI, the test works rather well when people are very typed on each trait. These are behavioral archetypes that it is possible to embody, but it is also possible to be between the boxes.
In your case you seem to have two equalities, EI and FT, but definitely intuitive and disorganized. That means you will probably also recognize yourself in the ENFP. Just knowing how to be pushed in 4 different directions can be useful, not to believe you are just aimless or unable to settle down, but to assume that it is only the result of the mixture of the 4 deep aspirations of each of these types.
This is also my case by the way 😉 With a slight preference for introversion. Basically it means that you are an idealist, flexible and dreamer who suddenly becomes hard and intractable to defend a value he holds dear. You intuitively feel the emotions of the people around you and you analyze them in your inner world constantly, your goal here is Harmony around you. Besides that you love abstract and complex theories, always searching to understand the world and the meaning of life. Your thing is to succeed in finding original and creative solutions to insoluble problems. The goal: Understand and Analyze. For the two extroverted traits I know them less, but you will find two other objectives there. The question now is how to reconcile the 4 to get the best out of each one.
where did the test results go???
On the page that appears there is the text "Congratulations! You have completed the test... Your personality profile is..."
This test is way too long, we have to answer several questions and the time we spend thinking about it is very long, but if not, it's good.
Hello, sorry but I have already filled out the test 2 times! and I don't understand? Once finished I come back to the starting point ……
Good morning
You press show results and the answer comes just below in the form of a 4-letter code.
It's really strange...the MBTI test classified me as an ISTJ-Executor, which I would say matches me pretty well at at least 70%.
But the OCEAN test by classifying me as RCOAI makes me correspond more to the INFJ-The Protectors type in which I recognize myself all the same, (apart from the intuitive dimension) but as being me a few years ago, I have the feeling of "having been like that" in the past!
So the questions that come to my mind are:
*Is it possible that there is an incompatibility in the correspondence of the MBTI and OCEAN tests?
*Can a person's type change over time?
Thank you so much!
Good morning
These two tests are certainly quite close, but they do not measure exactly the same thing.
More info here:
Normally the results of these tests should not change too much over time. Unless your personality changes significantly following a significant event.
I took the test, and I don't know where to find my personality type. I have been working for the Jonquière fund for a short time, and I know that interventions are made by Mr. André Lesage. There is a meeting scheduled for October 11 and I would like to know my personality type. Thank you for the follow-up.
The result comes on the page after clicking 'Show results'
It is a 4 letter code and the code descriptions are found below.
After doing the test twice, I can't see the result.
You get a 4-letter code a little further down.
I find myself in many aspects but I think that the test mainly answers the question How I see myself / How I want to appear
It's hard to be truly sincere when answering standard questions, more than once I had to check by default for want of anything better but the answer simply didn't exist because I didn't recognize myself in either of the two cases. (for example for the last question, neither one nor the other, I don't think I have a big heart and I don't see myself as competent either), with such a part of supposition we don't really know if it's ourselves or what we think we are that is analyzed in the end, we would have to put them under hypnosis 😉
I love Jesus
no results displayed, after clicking on "show results" I come across the initial page. Too bad
When the page refreshes you get your 4 letter code. Look carefully at the page that appears.
Thanks to the designers of the test,
Yes, wanting to answer both possibilities happened to me too.
Too long, no, because determining a profile out of sixteen possible requires at least 88 questions.
So why not try to design a 2.0 test?
A test that, after a few dozen questions, self-analyses and focuses on details to better determine which side you are on.
But hey.
There are not only opposing sides, it is often better to cultivate both. The result should not be a profile out of sixteen, but rather a star diagram or I forget what it is called.
Finally, the profiles are detailed, but do we remember what we could try to do (without it being a mountain of work) to improve our weak points?
This is absolutely not possible.
Cf. Cognitive functions. If you haven't been curious enough to see that it wasn't possible, you're probably more INFP than INTP.
Good morning.
I took the test but the 4-digit code didn't show up as expected. Is this not working anymore?
There is this MBTI Test also:
He correctly found my type.
I recommend it to you if you are looking for a serious and free MBTI test!
I'm waiting for the answer to the test
I am amazed by the accuracy of the MBTI test in describing my personality; very embarrassing! I really recommend it to you.
Exactly what the other tests give me as a result :)
There is also this site which explains how the MBTI works and provides links to several possible sites for taking the test.
If you are interested, I have just made available on my blog a PDF document allowing you to identify the 16 MBTI personality types.
Hello, I would like to know if the dividend test is available elsewhere? I have always found it very relevant and would like to do it again.
Thank you for your attention.
Hello, I am interested, what is the link to your blog?