Discover the method of increasing dividends: captivating presentation at PEERS in Lausanne in June 2012

I was recently invited to Lausanne by the PEERS to talk to them about the method of growing dividendsThe response was very positive and the presentation generated a lot of interest, proving that traditional long-term value-oriented investment approaches have not yet had their last word, quite the contrary.

You can view this presentation in pdf format by clicking here.

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6 thoughts on “Découvrez la méthode des dividendes croissants : présentation captivante aux PEERS de Lausanne en Juin 2012”

  1. Well done chrome,

    This presentation is superb, because it is very meaningful, and above all transferable to all my friends, in particular those who have no eco culture… Once again, great work 😉

    Can you tell me if you have a way to easily find the annual dividend growth rate? Or if you calculate them yourself from historical data?

  2. blank

    Hello Jerome,

    Your presentation is clear and above all very easy to read for “novices”.
    So share it 🙂

    Good day

  3. blank

    Good evening,

    This morning on my way to work by transport, I read your report. To be honest, it is easy to understand for a novice investor because with simple sentences or words, you go to the essentials.


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