The test DISC free is an assessment tool determining the psychological type. It is mainly used in the professional world. TheThe acronym DISC summarises the four traits that explain the behaviour of individuals:
- Ddominance
- Iinfluence
- Sstability
- Cconformity
Energies depend on how individuals perceive their environment. They can see it as a threat or as an opportunity. They also react to it differently, either by enduring it or by trying to transform it. This breaks down the profiles into two axes:
- "threat-opportunity": the profiles rather comfortable dealing with threats through task management (Dominance and Compliance) and those more oriented towards exploiting opportunities through relationships (Stability and Influence)
- "active-passive": the profiles rather active or extroverted, who feel superior to their environment and who master it (Dominance and Influence) and those rather passive or introverted, who undergo their environment more than they master it (Stability and Conformity).
Dominance (D) energy structures the behaviors of individuals who consider the environment as a threat but who act to face it. As for Influence (I) energy, it is present in individuals who act in an environment that they perceive as full of resources. Stability (S) energy develops when the individual is rather passive but in an environment that they consider as full of opportunities. Finally, Conformity (C) energy is found in those who are passive in an environment that they perceive as generally hostile.
What type are you? Test yourself below with the free DISC test.
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Big thanks
I have a question if I may:
Can an employer reject my job application based solely on this test?
Does this method have any influence on his decision?
Thanks in advance
Hello, this test should allow the employer to use your strengths to the best and in the right place. It is strictly forbidden to use the results of a test (and not just the DISC) to discriminate against a candidate. But in practice, impossible to prove. Similarly, it is forbidden to refuse you an application if you refuse to take the DISC test. Finally, the results of the test cannot be a condition for obtaining an advantage. You will find more complete answers here
Unfortunately in this country he can also reject your application just by seeing that your name is Mohamed ben Saïd.
It's serious but it's true.
Which is quite normal given the likelihood of encountering problems.
Overall, it is a risk.
Afterwards, we have to deal with each case on a case-by-case basis, but this is only possible when we are talking about individuals and not the masses.
And then if you're not happy, they only have themselves to blame!!
maybe but according to their decision
Eat Kayou
Every detail I find myself according to the hardworking description
Influential, dominant, loving to work in comfort, something not easy to find ☹️
I find myself
it matches 99% with my profile
Very good analysis of the person
Extra ordinary
perfect, good description, very revealing test on my character traits
No surprises
Is this really a surprise?
Can we talk about the Barnum effect?
Effect of inducing any person to accept a vague description of personality as applying specifically to himself.
This is an interesting test.
Okay thanks
excellent. Thank you
It was fruitful, thank you Toufik.
This is an interesting test.
Good morning
I did the test, it's exactly what I thought, thank you
My question is how do we arrive at this result? How much does each question count if I had to calculate my result myself.
your answer would help me a lot
Interesting. I recognize myself in the results. Thank you.
This test is very interesting
I don't quite recognize myself in the test result
but I think it depends on the situations that arise for me
I found it easier to recognize myself in 2 of the 4 character traits
I found it very good
Thank you, this test is very interesting.
it's d wlh
Looking forward to seeing the result
It's true
Great site!
Looking forward to seeing the result
a little too general
Hello everyone
Logical and reasonable
Stable people are even-tempered, friendly, sympathetic to others and very generous with their loved ones. They are good listeners, prefer close and personal relationships, are very open with their loved ones, but can also be possessive at times.
They are reliable, patient, and want to work harmoniously as a team. They strive to reach consensus and will work to reconcile conflicts as they arise. They are loyal, conform to authority, multi-task, and see their work through to completion.
They like routine because it makes them feel safe. This results in an aversion to change. When change occurs, they adjust best when they are given a long enough period of time to adjust and an explanation of why the change is happening. They avoid conflict and may also hold grudges when they experience frustrations and resentments, instead of facing the problem head on. They seek out positive environments and relationships.
very interesting
Thanks for this test
Very interesting test
Among the 04 traits I recognize myself on the 1st trait but for the 03 others I have questions.
Thank you ☺️
very interesting this test
Very interesting but how do you know the result of this so-called free test?
Super interesting as a test ^^ x) xoxo <3
Thanks for the test
This is an interesting test.
Interesting test to do!
relevant test Looking forward to seeing the result.
Very interesting test that totally defines me
really interesting. This test allows us to discover the character profile of a person.
Honestly it reveals the personality. I really like it
This test is interesting.