Investing in Swiss insurers for their dividends: Is it a good idea?

Swiss insurance, a thriving sector that generates a significant portion of the country’s revenue, offers attractive opportunities for investors thanks to its generous dividends. A deep dive into the sector, including major players such as Swiss Re AG (a Warren Buffet holding), reveals the financial strength and longevity of these century-old companies, despite some fluctuations in dividend payments over the years.

Investing in Swiss insurers for their dividends: Is it a good idea? Read More »

SMI and growing dividends (by Jean-Louis – guest member)

Discover an in-depth analysis of Swiss SMI companies that offer attractive and regular dividends for investors. The article examines in detail the performance of large companies such as Nestlé, Roche, Swisscom and Syngenta, while assessing their reliability and potential for an investment strategy based on growing dividends.

SMI and growing dividends (by Jean-Louis – guest member) Read More »