Monthly Asset Allocation
Updated asset allocation for 2018 with a notable change in long bonds from cash to invested. The portfolio remains diversified with a split between bonds, gold, real estate and Swiss and international equities.
Updated asset allocation for 2018 with a notable change in long bonds from cash to invested. The portfolio remains diversified with a split between bonds, gold, real estate and Swiss and international equities.
Trends remain stable this month, with no notable changes to report. Discover our detailed analysis of the situation which remains unchanged compared to last month.
Discover the monthly report that shows complete stability of the indicators compared to the previous month. A detailed analysis that allows you to understand current trends and their implications.
TOMOKU, a Japanese corrugated packaging supplier and residential construction player, stands out with a particularly attractive valuation with solid financial ratios. The company, which displays robust financial health and positive cash flows, has significant growth potential in resilient business sectors.
Check out the latest updates to our asset allocation with few notable changes this month. The main change is the bond allocation which is now converted to cash.
Monthly asset analysis: notable changes in bond allocation Read More »
Discover my monthly in-depth analysis on portfolio diversification, covering bonds, gold, real estate and equities from developed and emerging markets. I share my target tactical allocations and investment strategies between cash and invested positions, with a particular focus on ETFs and direct equities.
Discover an investment strategy inspired by Marc Faber that distributes the portfolio between gold, bonds, real estate and stocks with a technical approach based on moving averages. This method, which shows interesting results particularly for stocks and bonds, allows to reduce volatility while maintaining superior performances to the classic buy & hold.
How to diversify your portfolio to protect yourself from market risks? (15/20) Read More »
Discover a balanced asset allocation strategy with 70% in stocks, 20% in real assets and 10% in bonds, suitable for long-term investment. This allocation, based on the historical performance of the different assets, can be adjusted according to your risk tolerance and market conditions.
How to diversify your portfolio to protect yourself from market risks? (14/20) Read More »