The Wallet War: Intro
Discover an in-depth analysis of asset allocations and ETFs, exploring their effectiveness in terms of performance and risk. Focus on investment strategies and optimal diversification.
Discover an in-depth analysis of asset allocations and ETFs, exploring their effectiveness in terms of performance and risk. Focus on investment strategies and optimal diversification.
Learn how to optimize your investment portfolio by combining dividend strategies and other approaches to maximize returns in the French and Swiss markets.
What works in Zurich & Paris: Dividend yield (conclusion) Read More »
The analysis of dividend yield on the Swiss market reveals interesting trends, particularly for companies with moderate dividends that have performed the best on the stock market. However, this in-depth study shows the limits of a strategy based solely on dividends in Switzerland, suggesting the need to extend the analysis to other markets such as France.
The article critically analyses the social insurance system in Switzerland, highlighting its impacts on the middle class and its problematic functioning. It highlights in particular how the obligation to insure creates a massive influx of money that benefits insurance companies without necessarily encouraging innovation or improvement of services.
Discover the latest optimizations of our portfolio allocation strategy, now focused on absolute momentum with a fixed asset weighting for better performance. The analysis shows that this new approach not only maintains a better Sharpe ratio than the market, but also significantly reduces portfolio volatility.
Determinant portfolio: situation as of 01.12.2023 Read More »
There was a time when Swiss Made products were synonymous with quality, but today some large Swiss companies are more associated with mediocrity and financial scandals. This analysis examines the performance of different investment strategies, including Auto Signal Trading and portfolio management, in the current Swiss market context.
Learn how the January Effect influences investment decisions, prompting investors to take a more optimistic approach at the start of the year. As the market fluctuates, it’s essential to test theoretical strategies against reality to minimize risk and maximize returns.
Determinant portfolio: situation as of 01.02.2023 Read More »
The LPP, the Swiss occupational pension system, aims to maintain the standard of living of retirees but faces significant challenges regarding conversion rates and pensions. Discover the current issues of the Swiss pension system and how to optimize your pension, in particular via the OEPL for real estate investment.
Decline of the second pillar: LPP in danger and consequences for your retirement Read More »