Grainger (NYSE:GWW) Purchase
As part of my “Global Dividend Growers” strategy, buy Grainger (NYSE:GWW).
As part of my “Global Dividend Growers” strategy, buy Grainger (NYSE:GWW).
Discover an in-depth analysis of the valuation of the stocks in the Global Dividend Growers and Smoking & Drinking Dividends portfolios using FAST Graphs software. This Benjamin Graham-inspired tool visualizes the relationship between stock price, company revenue, and historical average PE, providing valuable insights for dividend investors.
Many dividend stocks are overvalued…but six appear undervalued Read More »
Meet WW Grainger, a global leader in the distribution of industrial supplies, which is expanding its international presence through strategic acquisitions in the United States, Canada, India and Japan. Despite its high valuation, the company stands out for its remarkable dividend growth and excellent stock performance, making it an interesting stock to watch for investors.