Purchase of Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR)
As part of my “Global Dividend Growers” strategy, purchased Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR).
As part of my “Global Dividend Growers” strategy, purchased Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR).
Discover an in-depth analysis of the valuation of the stocks in the Global Dividend Growers and Smoking & Drinking Dividends portfolios using FAST Graphs software. This Benjamin Graham-inspired tool visualizes the relationship between stock price, company revenue, and historical average PE, providing valuable insights for dividend investors.
Many dividend stocks are overvalued…but six appear undervalued Read More »
Meet Emerson Electric Company, an American multinational corporation that stands out as a quiet force in the field of industrial and commercial engineering. Despite modest dividend growth, the company demonstrates remarkable financial stability and an ability to generate regular income, regardless of economic fluctuations.
Discover five industrial giants that have managed to increase their dividends for decades in a row, demonstrating exceptional resilience in the face of economic crises. This in-depth analysis compares different dividend strategies and reveals why steady distribution growth is preferable to a high but stagnant yield.
Emerson Electric, an American multinational corporation based in Missouri, stands out for its remarkable ability to generate stable revenues and consistently increase its dividends despite economic fluctuations. This quiet force in the industrial sector, present in the Fortune ranking, offers a wide range of engineering services and maintains a steady growth that makes it a quality investment to watch.
As promised, we are adding five new stocks to our portfolio this week: COP, UTX, PX, IBM and EMR. They join the latest newcomers, GD and AZN. All are listed on the NYSE and are considered by our algorithm as stocks to watch or hold if you already own them. We would have