The Wallet War: Intro
Discover an in-depth analysis of asset allocations and ETFs, exploring their effectiveness in terms of performance and risk. Focus on investment strategies and optimal diversification.
Discover an in-depth analysis of asset allocations and ETFs, exploring their effectiveness in terms of performance and risk. Focus on investment strategies and optimal diversification.
Learn how to optimize your investment portfolio by combining dividend strategies and other approaches to maximize returns in the French and Swiss markets.
What works in Zurich & Paris: Dividend yield (conclusion) Read More »
Discover a comparative analysis of dividend yields between the French and Swiss markets, with a particular focus on the performances of the different quintiles. The study reveals interesting similarities between the two markets and highlights in particular the advantage of small companies paying good dividends over their peers of comparable size.
The analysis of dividend yield on the Swiss market reveals interesting trends, particularly for companies with moderate dividends that have performed the best on the stock market. However, this in-depth study shows the limits of a strategy based solely on dividends in Switzerland, suggesting the need to extend the analysis to other markets such as France.
The Determinant Portfolio recorded a positive performance in October, outperforming its MSCI Switzerland benchmark which remained in the red. Following extensive testing and analysis, several strategic changes were made, including the removal of positions in cryptocurrencies and US Treasuries, with the aim of simplifying and optimizing the portfolio.
Determinant portfolio: situation as of 01.11.2024 Read More »
The stock market is often compared to casino gambling, but is this analogy really justified? Find out why long-term stock market investing is a more reliable strategy for getting rich than gambling, despite the lure of quick casino wins.
The Swiss franc continues its ascent against other currencies, particularly the dollar and the yen, forcing exceptional performances in foreign currencies. The various strategies in the portfolio are showing encouraging results, with in particular good results from the Trading Auto Signal and a structural reorganization of the portfolio into four distinct strategies.
Determinant portfolio: situation as of 01.07.2023 Read More »
Analysis of the mixed performance of the investment portfolio in May, with a significant impact from the strength of the Swiss franc, particularly against the Japanese yen. Despite recent challenges in the QVM and Blue Chip strategies, a catch-up outlook is envisaged, supported by historical data and strategic adjustments to the portfolio.
Determinant portfolio: situation as of 01.06.2023 Read More »