Spring Cleaning: SKT, ABT, CLX and PAXN Sale
Sale of SKT, ABT, CLX (all on NYSE) due to poor future dividend prospects, as well as PAXN (Zurich Stock Exchange) due to a takeover bid by Bâloise Insurance.
Sale of SKT, ABT, CLX (all on NYSE) due to poor future dividend prospects, as well as PAXN (Zurich Stock Exchange) due to a takeover bid by Bâloise Insurance.
Discover an in-depth analysis of the valuation of the stocks in the Global Dividend Growers and Smoking & Drinking Dividends portfolios using FAST Graphs software. This Benjamin Graham-inspired tool visualizes the relationship between stock price, company revenue, and historical average PE, providing valuable insights for dividend investors.
Many dividend stocks are overvalued…but six appear undervalued Read More »
Abbott Laboratories, an American pharmaceutical company founded in Chicago, split in 2013 into two separate entities: Abbott (ABT) specializing in nutrition and medical devices, and AbbVie (ABBV) focused on drugs. This historic company, characterized by its stability and regular dividend growth, continues to demonstrate its strength in the market with controlled volatility and an effective concentration strategy.
bioMérieux, a world leader in microbiology and in vitro diagnostics, offers innovative solutions for the detection of infectious diseases and food safety. The French company, with a century of family expertise, is expanding internationally while maintaining a growth-oriented strategy in emerging fields such as molecular biology, offering a stable stock profile despite a moderate return.
Abbott Laboratories, an American pharmaceutical company founded in Chicago, stands out for its solid development in healthcare with a promising pipeline of medical and pharmaceutical products. With a strong international presence, stable dividend growth and controlled volatility, Abbott positions itself as an attractive defensive investment for investors seeking long-term stability.
Active investors can create a steady monthly income stream by diversifying their portfolio with stocks that pay dividends at different times of the year. By strategically staggering investments in companies like Coca-Cola, Kimberly-Clark and Sysco, which pay their dividends at different times, it is possible to maintain a consistent income stream while protecting against inflation.
The transition from Boomer to Generation X to Generation Y is shaping our society and influencing today’s financial markets. Learn how a diversified investment portfolio can capitalize on the unique needs of each generation, including in the retail, consumer goods, and technology sectors.
Generations & investment (7/7): consequences & conclusion Read More »
Dividend Aristocrats are elite U.S. companies that have raised their dividends for consecutive years, providing investors with a stable and growing yield. These blue-chip companies often outperform the S&P 500 and are an excellent hedge against inflation, as demonstrated by the S&P Dividend Aristocrats Index.