The Wallet War: Intro
Discover an in-depth analysis of asset allocations and ETFs, exploring their effectiveness in terms of performance and risk. Focus on investment strategies and optimal diversification.
Discover an in-depth analysis of asset allocations and ETFs, exploring their effectiveness in terms of performance and risk. Focus on investment strategies and optimal diversification.
ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) are financial instruments that allow diversified and economical investment in the markets. Discover their history, advantages and limitations for any type of investor.
Discover the benefits and risks of a 100 % stock portfolio. Learn how to maximize profitability while managing the volatility of this type of investment.
Real estate ETFs provide diversified and transparent investment opportunities in the real estate sector. These exchange-traded funds track the performance of real estate indices, providing investors with market exposure without the constraints of direct asset management.
The 60/40 investment strategy, long considered the gold standard for portfolio management, is facing new challenges in today’s financial environment. This traditional approach, which involves allocating 60/13T of assets to stocks and 40/13T to bonds, is evolving to meet the realities of the modern marketplace.
The evolution of the 60/40 investment strategy in the face of new economic realities Read More »
The Permanent Portfolio, conceived by Harry Browne in the 1970s, is an investment strategy designed to maintain long-term stability. This approach is based on a balanced asset allocation between four main categories: 25% in equities, 25% in long-term bonds, 25% in gold and 25% in cash. This allocation is designed to perform over different economic cycles.
The permanent portfolio: Harry Browne's strategy Read More »
Discover how to optimize Harry Browne's permanent portfolio to improve returns while controlling volatility with innovative investment strategies.
Find out how occupational pension provision (BVG) in Switzerland shapes your retirement. Explore the composition, management and performance of BVG portfolios.