Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ)

Johnson & Johnson, an American healthcare giant founded in 1886, is one of the world's largest manufacturers of pharmaceutical, medical and cosmetic products with iconic brands such as Tylenol, Band-Aid and Neutrogena. The company stands out for its impressive history of growing dividends for decades, offering attractive stability for investors despite a slightly high payout ratio.

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Dividends: to be or not to be? (episode 3)

An in-depth analysis of different investment strategies, comparing the price action approach advocated by the Very Particular Investor with the dividend-based approach. The article explores in particular the case of Apple (AAPL) and demonstrates how these two approaches can actually be complementary rather than opposed to optimize its stock market returns.

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Dividends: to be or not to be? (episode 1)

The article presents a fascinating debate between two approaches to stock market investment: capital gains trading and dividend growth investing. Through a series of detailed analyses, the authors explore the advantages of each strategy, with a particular focus on the dividend growth method which allows for attractive returns over the long term.

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Abbott (NYSE:ABT)

Abbott Laboratories, an American pharmaceutical company founded in Chicago, stands out for its solid development in healthcare with a promising pipeline of medical and pharmaceutical products. With a strong international presence, stable dividend growth and controlled volatility, Abbott positions itself as an attractive defensive investment for investors seeking long-term stability.

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WW Grainger, Inc. (NYSE:GWW)

Meet WW Grainger, a global leader in the distribution of industrial supplies, which is expanding its international presence through strategic acquisitions in the United States, Canada, India and Japan. Despite its high valuation, the company stands out for its remarkable dividend growth and excellent stock performance, making it an interesting stock to watch for investors.

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