New titles followed and new strategy

Deux nouveaux titres sont désormais suivis dans ma stratégie Ex-US International ETFs and Dividend Stocks : Bayer (XETRA:BAYN) et Richelieu Hardware (Toronto:RCH). Le premier est en position « watch/hold », le second en position « hold ». D’autre part, après de nombreuses heures d’analyses et de programmation, j’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement d’une nouvelle stratégie peu orthodoxe : Smoking & Drinking […]

New titles followed and new strategy Read More »

Why Billionaires' Wealth Shouldn't Concern You: Invest Smart!

Magazines regularly publish lists of the world's richest people, with Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett at the top, but their personal wealth fluctuates constantly. Rather than worry about these fluctuations, the important thing is to focus on quality investments that generate stable income, even in bear markets.

Why Billionaires' Wealth Shouldn't Concern You: Invest Smart! Read More »