Diary of a future rentier (16)

This post is part 15 of 86 in the series Diary of a future rentier

Experience the tranquility of a stress-free moment, where you can enjoy a hot coffee while leaving aside the daily worries. In this passage, the author shares his experience of financial and personal balance, emphasizing the importance of remaining calm in the face of fluctuations in the stock market.

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L'Oreal (Paris:OR)

L'Oréal, the world leader in cosmetics, stands out for its presence in all market segments, from hair care to luxury perfumes and anti-aging care. The French group is benefiting particularly from the aging of the world's population and is maintaining stable growth, despite a currently high valuation.

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Emergency Fund

The art of investing in the stock market starts with building a solid emergency fund and a patient approach, as opposed to the typical beginner's rush. Learn why it's crucial to have sufficient cash reserves before diving into stock investing, and how to avoid the common pitfalls of excessive brokerage fees.

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Diary of a future rentier (15)

This post is part 14 of 86 in the series Diary of a future rentier

Discover how patience and perseverance in the stock market can lead to financial independence, even during intense periods of work. Between surprising stock market performances and accumulation of savings, I share my experience of ants who prepare for the future while staying on course towards financial freedom.

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BiC (Paris:BB)

BIC, famous for its pens, razors and lighters, stands out for its cost management strategy and its majority in-house production. The French company, which has also launched into mobile phones with the BIC Phone, has a good return-to-risk ratio and could represent an interesting investment opportunity despite some volatility.

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Diary of a future rentier (14)

This post is part 13 of 86 in the series Diary of a future rentier

Discover how the quest for work has become the priority of the proletariat, to the detriment of their rights and well-being. Faced with a system that exploits workers, economic and social issues are intertwined, promising an uncertain future where the redistribution of wealth is crucial for a sustainable balance.

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